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Enunt: Quiz Maker - Scrieti o aplicatia care citeste random intrebari dintr-un fisier si construieste un quiz cu 10 intrebari pentru studenti. Cere studentului sa raspunda la quiz, iar apoi evalueaza si da o nota.

//Clasa QuizMaker

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class QuizMaker {

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Questions> listaDeIntrebSiRasp = new ArrayList<Questions>();
Scanner FileInput = null;
Scanner keyboardInput = new Scanner(;

int rezultat = 0;
try {
FileInput = new Scanner(new File("C:\Users\valentin.vizuroiu\workspace\Quiz Maker\src\questions"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {


while (FileInput.hasNext()) {
String numeIntrebare =;
String raspunsIntrebare =;

Questions newQuestion = new Questions(numeIntrebare, raspunsIntrebare, 0);

String raspuns = "";

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Random randomizer = new Random();

Questions random = listaDeIntrebSiRasp.get(randomizer.nextInt(listaDeIntrebSiRasp.size()));

// keyboardInput.useDelimiter("/r/n ");
raspuns =; // .next();

if (raspuns.equalsIgnoreCase(
random.getRaspunsIntrebare().substring(0, random.getRaspunsIntrebare().length() - 1))) {


else {
System.out.println("Raspunsul corect era :" + random.getRaspunsIntrebare());

System.out.println("Scor: " + rezultat);

// Clasa Questions

public class Questions {

private String numeIntrebare;
private String raspunsIntrebare;

public Questions(String numeIntrebare, String raspunsIntrebare, int numarIntrebare) {

this.numeIntrebare = numeIntrebare;
this.raspunsIntrebare = raspunsIntrebare;


public String getNumeIntrebare() {
return numeIntrebare;

public void setNumeIntrebare(String numeIntrebare) {
this.numeIntrebare = numeIntrebare;

public String getRaspunsIntrebare() {
return raspunsIntrebare;

public void setRaspunsIntrebare(String raspunsIntrebare) {
this.raspunsIntrebare = raspunsIntrebare;
//Lista de intrebari

0- How many different colors does GIF format support? ---256 max
1- Which of these formats supports animation? ---GIF
2- What’s the difference between lossy and lossless compression? ---Lossless writes the data in a more efficient way, while lossy is optimised for file size
3- Which of these formats is lossy-compressed? ---JPEG
4- What happens, technically speaking, when a file is deleted on a FAT file system? ---The system modifies the filename's first character to signal that it has been deleted and that the directory entry can be recycled
5- What can someone like you do to ensure (with high probability) that files you delete cannot be recovered? ---Write NUL bytes (or random characters) to every address on the disk
6- What’s stdint.h? ---A bunch of typedefs and macros for making integer variables of custom sizes
7- What’s the continent you are living in? ---Europe
8- How many primary colors? ---3
9- What is love? ---Baby don't hurt me
10- What’s the difference between green and blue? ---yellow
11- What does it mean if biHeight is negative? --- If biHeight is negative, the bitmap is a top-down DIB with the origin at the upper left corner
12- What field in BITMAPINFOHEADER specifies the BMP’s color depth (i.e., bits per pixel)? ---biBitCount
13- Why might fopen return NULL in copy.c:37? ---If it can't find the file, it will
14- Why is the third argument to fread always 1 in our code? ---Because it specifies how many elements you want to read
15- What value does copy.c:70 assign padding if bi.biWidth is 3? ---The padding would be 3, because 3 pixels * 3 bytes per pixel * 3 padding = 12, which is a multiple of 4
16- What does black do? ---Obscures the light
17- What is Tm? ---Timis
18- What is the meaning of life? ---39
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Regards; Team

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