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Kizaru decides to have a little fun with Rayleigh.

Rayleigh was exhausted at this point. For years he had gone around and the most work he had done was coating. But now? Now, he was trying to hold off a Navy admiral, and, as much as he hated to admit it, it seemed he had chewed off more than he could swallow this time.
Kizaru smiled at Rayleigh, his face sweaty from exertion. He swung his sword of light once more, and it banged satisfyingly against Rayleigh's sword.
And then, suddenly, Rayleigh was on the ground, his body suddenly cold from the absence of clothes.
Kizaru simply smiled at the sweaty, naked body below him and admired the glistening muscles. He turned Rayleigh onto his back and twisted a nipple, forcing a choked moan out of the older man.
"Wh-what are you doing, Kizaru?" His face quickly glowed red from embarrassment, and he tried to cover his private parts with his hands, only to be stopped by a firm hand from Kizaru.
"No, no, that's no good, Rayleigh." Kizaru shook his head slightly. "Don't hide yourself from me. I just want to have a little fun, that's all." Kizaru's hand suddenly went to grasp Rayleigh's hardening cock, and the older man let out another moan as pre-come began to come out.
"You're so sensitive." Kizaru cooed. "When was the last time you got off, hmm?" He didn't wait for an answer, however, because right after he bent his head forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth, enjoying the moans he got from Rayleigh.
"Ki-Kizaru, ple-please."
"Hmmm?" Kizaru replied, his other hand not jerking Rayleigh off going to his other nipple and twisting it harshly.
"NNNGHH!" Rayleigh cried out, thrusting his muscular chest forward into Kizaru's hot mouth. A bead of sweat trickled down between his pectorals, and Kizaru grinned before moving his head slightly to lick it up.
"Mmm." Kizaru groaned at the taste of the sweat-slicked skin. "I didn't know, Rayleigh, you were this good. If I had, I would've captured you AGES ago." And with that, he licked up the sweat on his right pectoral as Rayleigh writhed underneath him.
"Are you enjoying this, Rayleigh?" Kizaru asked as he continued to lick at Rayleigh's glistening skin, obviously amused by Rayleigh's response to some simple teasing. "Well, I guess there's no reason I should ask that." He twisted his hand around Rayleigh's cock suddenly and pre-come spurted out onto his palm. "I already know."
"N-No-" Rayleigh gasped out. Kizaru frowned and harshly rubbed at the head of his cock, spreading the pre-come all around his dick until he was panting and harder than nails.
The Navy Admiral leaned even further toward Rayleigh, and the old mechanic groaned slightly as his hands left his dripping cock in favor of tormenting his nipples even further. His mouth went to Rayleigh's ear, and he whispered, "this body-" he grabbed at Rayleigh's pectorals and squeezed them until Rayleigh's eyes rolled back, "is mine." He leaned down and lapped at the delicious pre-come forming around the head of his cock.
"AH!" Rayleigh cried out, his head shooting back while his body involuntarily thrust foward into Kizaru's waiting mouth.
"Mine to keep, and mine to play with." Kizaru said, his hands moving away from the poor mechanic's nipples to fondle his balls. "Mine to fuck whenever I want, and mine to make come." He accentuated that last part with a particularly skillful flick of his tongue, and Rayleigh practically screamed as he came.
"Good, good," Kizaru said after Rayleigh went back down, his body limp and exhuasted from the admiral's ruthless teasing. "Just a few more times now."
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