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Provide several examples (no less than five) to demonstrate how you might be using specific marketing concepts/strategies (no less than ten) in this position?
As stated before I will be a research officer, and the main purpose of my position is to properly assist the Black and Latino communities
I understand that the most important aspects of research in this dpt. is to create a target market for the marketing manager and team to promote and advertise towards. Here, this is the main activites that marketing in a nonprofit works towards
~Looking to use the research we develop of our “customers” to better shift the marketing approach of the org from “org-centered” to “customer-centered”, which will account in better outcomes in (paraphrase ALAPA mission)
~My research will help the org to better learn our “customer” and the issues they may face or have with the org, and how we can use this information to tailor the org to them
~If we focus on the customer, more than the org, we can have a competitive advantage and earn more funding, increase donations and properly execute our goals/follow our mission
~Discover what the Black and Latino communities in my area(s) truly need and want
~A market orientated company is one that organises its activities, products and services around the wants and needs of its customers. (emphasize the importance of marketing mix)
___given demographic by deciding who exactly my target audience and target market is first. In this case, since the purpose of ALAPA is two-fold, there is a duality to determining my target audience and target market. Like many nonprofit organizations, customer satisfaction is a major goal.
~Issues we may come across is branding ourselves to two target audiences with similar yet separate values and cultures (yet affected by the same social construct); all in all messages to both must still fit under org’s core values---> assisting, advocating, impacting B/L communities
~The key learning is to have the stories, services, testimonials and content to make the second target market feel comfortable with what we have done in the first target market (so it is transferable).
~How the org can help people that are being affected by many current social injustices. Since I already know that the demographic that I am advocating for are those that are within Black and Latino neighborhoods, the goal is to make sure they are assisted in any way possible..
~Offering my service to advocate towards the placement of public policy that will better promote the overall well-being of these individuals.
~Social researchers plan, design, conduct, manage and report on social research projects. A number of variety of methods to collect, analyse and organise information and data, which you then present to others. Our form of communication is in social media, and we want to present it to our target audience.
~Market researchers assess the viability of a new good or service through research conducted directly with the consumer, which allows the org. to discover the target market and record opinions and other input from consumers regarding interest in the product/services.
___I am a researcher, so I obtain my information and data by traveling around the US and observing the different communities within the Black and Latino population. I observe by staying within communities, journaling what I see, what I experience, conducting surveys for those we help, interviewing, etc. Later, I plan to use my research officer position to launch ALAPA into a more global market. Here our organization will be able to reach customers in other countries with similar needs and wants, such as someone to advocate for afro latinos outside of the contiguous US. Through this method, so we would be able to reach the CAribbean, Central America, South America and other parts of the world.
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