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Sarah hates being disturbed. Moreover when she's busy reading her favorite History of Hogwarts. And today she's been escaping everyone for the nth times in order to stop being asked about her partner for tomorrow's Christmas' ball. It is not that she cares /that/ much about it anyway. She has been telling herself that it is much better to lock herself up in the Ravenclaw's common room, hoping that none of her friends would notice. She's about to stick her nose on the book again when she hears someone/thing clearing his/her/it (she doesn't care anymore, really) throat behind her.

"Ehm. Excuse me?"
"...what again- oh."

Her jaw almost drops as she turns around to witness the sight in front of her. It is the oh-too-famous Slytherin's Quidditch team's captain, Adrian Lestrade. Dang. Meeting him by the side of the lake while ridiculously being wrapped up in her oversized coat and Ravenclaw's scarf, with a frown on her face, will be the last thing Sarah wants today. But of course God doesn't work that way, and she tries to be as polite as she can to try and excuse herself. She really has no mood to socialize with anyone now, not even her favorite Ancient Rune's professor, no.

"I think, I-"
"Just go ahead and do what you're going to do. I am not here to meet you anyway."

What even. This is what she hates from dealing with a Slytherin. They have this quality of being obnoxious or else they always try so hard to annoy other peopleㅡthere is no in between. Having siblings who were once a Slytherin doesn't really help either, frankly saying.

"I would love to, but the sound of you, breathing, is too loud. It ruins the peaceful atmosphere around."
"Whoa, hold on. Why would you think that you can hear the sound of my breath? Do I breathe next to your ear?"

And she hates the fact that Slytherins always take everything in a literal meaning. Sarah sighs, Adrian raises a brow. "What?"

"Never mind. You can sit here, I will leave."
"Why should you leave?"
"Why should I stay? I am reading a book, see? Thought Slytherins were all allergic to bookworms."
"Well, I am not?"
"Oh, wow. Flash news! But really, though, I am not in my mood of being a social butterfly. Good day, Lestrade."
"You know my name?"
"...your Quidditch team beat mine last week, of course I know your name!"
"Ah, of course. I am sorry that my Seeker is too fast for yours. As an apology, would you mind staying then? I swear to Merlin I'll act like I am not around."

Her hair turns red, indicating just how mad she is right now (not to mention the fact that her team's Seeker is indeed an idiot). But then again, she is too tired to argue (the debate was stupid anyway), and has been running out of ideas about where should she go after this. Thus, she stays in her place, continuing her activity as if nothing happened, as if Adrian weren't there.

But after half an hour of a complete silence, little does he know Sarah finds the whole situation weirdly more comfortable that way.
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