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IITrapCookieII: Wb >.<
SMuKKe: tempuachang
SMuKKe: where is philly?
IITrapCookieII: She said she woulf be bacl
SMuKKe: oh ok
IITrapCookieII: Back*
IITrapCookieII: Im happy ^^
SMuKKe: ok
SMuKKe: z
IITrapCookieII: I want some more icecream tbh
IITrapCookieII: But I dont cause like you know when you eat too much of something it gets nasty?
SMuKKe: u need to stop eating ice cream on a whole
IITrapCookieII: I do
IITrapCookieII: But its my birthday weekend soooo
IITrapCookieII: I wanted to feel happy
SMuKKe: zz
SMuKKe: ok...then
IITrapCookieII: I mean I shouldnt be eating the icecream cause my brthday is tomorrow
IITrapCookieII: But like
IITrapCookieII: Theyll be fince
IITrapCookieII: Fine*
SMuKKe: ok
SMuKKe: come take me shopping
SMuKKe: :D
SMuKKe: z
IITrapCookieII: I dont have credz
IITrapCookieII: I might buy some tonight
SMuKKe: lol
SMuKKe: ok
IITrapCookieII: Actually
IITrapCookieII: Lemme try and do it right now
SMuKKe: tyt
IITrapCookieII: Imvu be on that fuck shit with cards
IITrapCookieII: "Your order is pending"
SMuKKe: lol
Suckinq: lol.
Suckinq: wth
SMuKKe: are u related to freakii<.
SMuKKe: ?
IITrapCookieII: Hes not XD
IITrapCookieII: Everyone reated to her hhas an z
IITrapCookieII: a*
SMuKKe: lol
IITrapCookieII: relatated*
SMuKKe: not necessarily
IITrapCookieII: Really
Suckinq: I'm not
Suckinq: wb nikki
PhillysFinest: ty nat
SMuKKe: her son dont have z
IITrapCookieII: That Z is on everyones names damn near
IITrapCookieII: Trueee
SMuKKe: xx
IITrapCookieII: Aiiight brb frfr
SMuKKe: tyt
PhillysFinest: my son doesnt have a avi yet
PhillysFinest: :(
SMuKKe: /me shrugs
SMuKKe: z
PhillysFinest: i hate my son father
PhillysFinest: deadass
SMuKKe: zz
SMuKKe: ok....then
SMuKKe: lol
IITrapCookieII: Awwh
IITrapCookieII: Wanna trade I can whip him into shape
SMuKKe: z
PhillysFinest: lol naw
PhillysFinest: he pulled me and waas like where uou been
PhillysFinest: nigga where u been
IITrapCookieII: Oh
IITrapCookieII: No
IITrapCookieII: Beat
IITrapCookieII: his
IITrapCookieII: ass
PhillysFinest: you left us
PhillysFinest: tf
Suckinq: wth
SMuKKe: i wanna date
SMuKKe: but no good niggas out there
IITrapCookieII: Oooo Natan
IITrapCookieII: I think
IITrapCookieII: I spelled that wrong
PhillysFinest: nope
PhillysFinest: its right
PhillysFinest: lol
Suckinq: lol.
Suckinq: yup
Suckinq: you got it right lol.
PhillysFinest: better remeber my friend name
Suckinq: lol.
Suckinq: right
PhillysFinest: snap
IITrapCookieII: Nahhh
PhillysFinest: yeaaaaaaa
IITrapCookieII: He'll be okay
PhillysFinest: Nat
PhillysFinest: she playin crazy
IITrapCookieII: XD
PhillysFinest: snp1
PhillysFinest: but yea
PhillysFinest: he got me messed up
IITrapCookieII: <.<
Suckinq: lol.
PhillysFinest: talm bout leave my son with me
PhillysFinest: boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
PhillysFinest: boo
Suckinq: smh
IITrapCookieII: How old is he?
PhillysFinest: wwwho
PhillysFinest: my son
PhillysFinest: 1
IITrapCookieII: yee
IITrapCookieII: Awwh
IITrapCookieII: Miiine tooo
PhillysFinest: yesss hunny
IITrapCookieII: Has he learned about his teeth
PhillysFinest: play date
IITrapCookieII: Mine did -.-
PhillysFinest: girl
PhillysFinest: z
PhillysFinest: bite me all the time
IITrapCookieII: My legs have so many hickies
IITrapCookieII: z
PhillysFinest: wait
PhillysFinest: u talking rl or vu
IITrapCookieII: Like my calf
IITrapCookieII: Rl
PhillysFinest: z
IITrapCookieII: z
SMuKKe: everyday we lit
PhillysFinest: oh
PhillysFinest: i dont have kids
PhillysFinest: i ment vu
IITrapCookieII: looool
PhillysFinest: but
IITrapCookieII: XD
PhillysFinest: i do want a son
PhillysFinest: is it as bad as they say
IITrapCookieII: Nahhh
IITrapCookieII: Youll love them
SMuKKe: omg no
SMuKKe: that shit suppose to come off my wl
SMuKKe: lmao
SMuKKe: ty tho hunty
PhillysFinest: z
PhillysFinest: ok good
SMuKKe: lol
Suckinq: the gift party lol.
PhillysFinest: aww ty
PhillysFinest: ty so much
PhillysFinest: kiss
Suckinq: Well I'm going to get off
Suckinq: I'll be back on later
SMuKKe: ok hun
SMuKKe: tc
PhillysFinest: okk
PhillysFinest: bye nat
Suckinq: Take care ladies
IITrapCookieII: He has no wl
Suckinq: yup
Suckinq: lol.
Suckinq: I'm good ty tho
SMuKKe: lol
Suckinq: No need to get me gifts
Suckinq: :)
IITrapCookieII: xD
Suckinq: iight then ladies
Suckinq: take care
PhillysFinest: you too
Suckinq: poof
SMuKKe: poof
PhillysFinest: ty cookie
SMuKKe: u like him philly?
PhillysFinest: NAt
PhillysFinest: naw
PhillysFinest: lol
IITrapCookieII: Loool
PhillysFinest: did i make it seem like it
PhillysFinest: /
SMuKKe: no
PhillysFinest: oh ok
IITrapCookieII: Philly you wanna join the shop?
PhillysFinest: sure
PhillysFinest: it say i cant join
IITrapCookieII: I dunnno why
IITrapCookieII: Im Vip soooo
PhillysFinest: try again
IITrapCookieII: Oh wait Lemme start the shop
IITrapCookieII: z
SMuKKe: lol
PhillysFinest: ok
CreamStalkerz: 1
CreamStalkerz: 2
CreamStalkerz: 3
CreamStalkerz: 4
CreamStalkerz: t
CreamStalkerz: 1
CreamStalkerz: 2
CreamStalkerz: 3
CreamStalkerz: 4
SMuKKe: ok then
CreamStalkerz: t
PhillysFinest: wow
CreamStalkerz: r
SMuKKe: do we know u?
CreamStalkerz: e
CreamStalkerz: s
CreamStalkerz: x
CreamStalkerz: s
CreamStalkerz: x
CreamStalkerz: sx
SMuKKe: oh CreamStalkerz
SMuKKe: z
CreamStalkerz: sx
CreamStalkerz: sx
CreamStalkerz: s
CreamStalkerz: sx
IITrapCookieII: Thats Ninja
CreamStalkerz: sx
CreamStalkerz: s
IITrapCookieII: Z
SMuKKe: lmao
CreamStalkerz: x
CreamStalkerz: sx
CreamStalkerz: 1
CreamStalkerz: 2
CreamStalkerz: 3
CreamStalkerz: 4
CreamStalkerz: 1
CreamStalkerz: 2
CreamStalkerz: 3
CreamStalkerz: 4
CreamStalkerz: t
CreamStalkerz: r
CreamStalkerz: e
CreamStalkerz: s
IITrapCookieII: Shes trying to spam
CreamStalkerz: zx
CreamStalkerz: z
CreamStalkerz: lolz
SMuKKe: oh ok
SMuKKe: i was confsed asf
CreamStalkerz: lolxz
SMuKKe: welcome CreamStalkerz
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: aha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: why u start yor new name with your name?
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: when i type your name your avi name comes
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahah
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: welcome tyt lloading
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: cream its time to work
SMuKKe: we have a client
SMuKKe: stop
IITrapCookieII: Lemme know when to stop
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: the top 3 now cookie
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
KookiixR0yal: Wassup with everyone
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: ntn much hun
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: we chillin
SMuKKe: ok stop
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
KookiixR0yal: Anyone know where my right hand at
SMuKKe: who is that hun?
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahah
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
KookiixR0yal: Freakii
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: oh no hun
SMuKKe: not sure
SMuKKe: :(
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: aha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahah
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
KookiixR0yal: Dang
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: t
CreamStalkerz: r
CreamStalkerz: e
CreamStalkerz: s
CreamStalkerz: x
KookiixR0yal: Imm leave and try to find her if u see her please tell her to hit me up
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: haha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: ok
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
SMuKKe: i will
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
PhillysFinest: kookii
CreamStalkerz: ahaaha
KookiixR0yal: Yes des
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha'
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: aha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
KookiixR0yal: Wassup deslove
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
PhillysFinest: nun much
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: ahaha
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
KookiixR0yal: How u been sweetie
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: GET UP BITCH
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AAHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAAHA
IITrapCookieII: Is she stomping me
IITrapCookieII: Lol,
PhillysFinest: yea
IITrapCookieII: I made a promise to respect this room
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
IITrapCookieII: @merolling
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
KookiixR0yal: What going on
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
PhillysFinest: idk
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
KookiixR0yal: How u been des
CreamStalkerz: HAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
SMuKKe: who is des?
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: WAAAAAAAAAAARRRRR !!!!1
PhillysFinest: me
PhillysFinest: lol
SMuKKe: oh ok
SMuKKe: lol
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
PhillysFinest: my real name is destiny
PhillysFinest: i just go by nikki
KookiixR0yal: Ik
SMuKKe: ooo
SMuKKe: ok
KookiixR0yal: O ok nikkii
CreamStalkerz: HAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAH
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
KookiixR0yal: So how do i get my destiny back
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
KookiixR0yal: Lol
CreamStalkerz: AHAHA
KookiixR0yal: Is cream ok
PhillysFinest: no shes not
KookiixR0yal: What wrong
PhillysFinest: whose ur right hane
PhillysFinest: hand
SMuKKe: finally she done
PhillysFinest: freakii
SMuKKe: freakii
KookiixR0yal: Freakii
PhillysFinest: oh we needa talk
IITrapCookieII: Lol
IITrapCookieII: She mad at me
IITrapCookieII: Why
KookiixR0yal: Who me and u des
PhillysFinest: yes
IITrapCookieII: am I still rolling
SMuKKe: ino know
SMuKKe: z
SMuKKe: no u not
SMuKKe: she left
SMuKKe: i cpoied the chat to send to freakii
SMuKKe: lol
KookiixR0yal: Lord she anit finna be happy
SMuKKe: nope
KookiixR0yal: So what happen
IITrapCookieII: I flagged it
KookiixR0yal: With cream
IITrapCookieII: Flagged her*
KookiixR0yal: Why she upset
IITrapCookieII: She lied on me and this other girl
KookiixR0yal: O lawd
PhillysFinest: <.<
PhillysFinest: pull me
IITrapCookieII: So i Spameed her room with no remourse.
KookiixR0yal: Dam
KookiixR0yal: Is that why she was spamming
IITrapCookieII: Yee
IITrapCookieII: Shes getting revenge
IITrapCookieII: Sorry yall
IITrapCookieII: >.<
KookiixR0yal: It ok
SMuKKe: lol
IITrapCookieII: I I dont regret it
IITrapCookieII: I just wish I handled it better
IITrapCookieII: /me Eats some more icecream
KookiixR0yal: I want some ice cream
IITrapCookieII: <.<
PhillysFinest: i got some
SMuKKe: lol
IITrapCookieII: >.
PhillysFinest: <.<
SMuKKe: cookie
SMuKKe: no fucking
IITrapCookieII: /me Runs to the corner with her icecream
SMuKKe: icecrean
IITrapCookieII: OKAY
IITrapCookieII: XD
SMuKKe: ii
SMuKKe: lol
PhillysFinest: COOKIE!
IITrapCookieII: YES
IITrapCookieII: /me Hmmphs and throws the icecream away after four more spoonfuls
IITrapCookieII: <.<
IITrapCookieII: >.>
SMuKKe: /me kicks cookie in her stomach
PhillysFinest: damn
SMuKKe: vomit it out bitch
SMuKKe: now
SMuKKe: !
SMuKKe: xhd crashed
SMuKKe: i think
PhillysFinest: wb ma
SMuKKe: wb
IITrapCookieII: Ty
SMuKKe: yw
IITrapCookieII: Best Crash
PhillysFinest: welcome babes
SMuKKe: welcome
SMuKKe: time to get this bitch fired
IITrapCookieII: That purse was 1500
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Regards; Team

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