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"Ms. Heartfilia, please wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes and watched as I focused on a pink haired figure, which I quickly made out to be Virgo. I let out a sigh and stretched.

"Good morning Virgo." I said with a tired smile.

"Good morning Ms. Heatrfilia. Your parents want you to be dressed and to meet them downstairs in the dining hall." Virgo said politely.

"Already? It's only seven thirty in the morning." I said turning over and placing my feet on the cold white marble floor.

"Yes, but you mustn't make haste, it's urgent."

"Alright, I'll be right down." I said with a small laugh.

I don't know why Virgo talked like that. It was twenty-seventeen, yet Virgo chose to talk like a women from the fifteenth century. I watched as she disappeared around the corner and shut my room door.

I sighed and stood up, lingering there for a few moments to catch my balance. Then I began my everyday morning routine. I hopped in and out of the shower, blow dried my hair and got dressed. I checked my mirror one last time to check for any flaws, before continuing out of my room and down the stairs. I made my way to the breakfast table, and there I saw my mother and father, sitting in their usual spots.

"Good morning mother. Good morning father." I greeted and sat down in my chair.

"Yes it is a good morning, Lucy." My father said with a smile.

"Okay, what's happening? Virgo told me you had to tell me something." I blurted out impatiently.

Morning were usually uneventful and very quiet. However, my dad seemed more happy, which is a rare sight,  on this particular morning, and I wanted to know why.

"Now now, slow down Lucy." My mother started.

"No no, Layla. The girl deserves to know." My father said with a rather large grin.

"Know what?" I asked a little less proper than I meant for it to be.

"We've found a suitor!" My dad said with excitement.

I stopped and stared down at the table. The words went back and forth in my head, of coarse I knew what they meant; but why? The topic of marriage was a little taboo in my family, why would they suddenly confront me about a man that could be my potential future husband?

"W-What?" I asked, my words getting caught in my throat.

"That's right my girl! We've found you a suitor!"

I noticed how uneasily quiet my mom was being. I could tell this was all my father's decision. I just need to figure out how and why.

"Okay father, but may I ask, why? Why the topic of marriage all of a sudden?"

"Oh my dear. You're eighteen. Yes, you're a little young, but I believe your mother and I are capable of choosing a proper young man for you."

"I'm obliged father, but you haven't answered my question. Why?" I asked once more, a little more tensely.


"Jude, may I speak?" My mother said quickly, interrupting my father.

My father seemed confused at first, but he nodded and watched as my mom's expression hardened.

"Lucy, your father and I have decided that we're ready to pass on the family name. We're ready to make you and your groom to be, the new faces of the Heartfilia name. We've come across a very wealthy and proper family, willing to offer their son for you." My mother filled me in.

I had no idea why, but this angered me. How dare they set me up with god knows who, without my consent. Before I could organize my thoughts, I snapped.

"Who gave you the authority to do so?! How could you two just set me up with a complete stranger? More importantly why? Why now? I'm only eighteen, my life has barely started!" I shouted, getting up from the table.

The looks on my parents' faces was something I wasn't usually used to seeing. Surprise. They were surprised with my sudden outburst, most probably because I never went against their word, but not this time. I had no intent on marrying a man I had never met.

"Lucy, this is not what we expect from a Heartfilia. Foolish child, do you realize what an opportunity this is? You will take heed to our word and do as we say." My father said sternly.

"And if I don't?" I dared to ask.

"You will, and it is not up for discussion. We'll lock you up and carry out your wedding with a weight tied around your ankle if we have to. You are not letting this slip." My father said, his tone rising.

"NO FATHER! I always obey you! For all my life, that's all I've done. But I will not take this! I want love. I want to love someone, and marry them for them. Not their riches or their family." I said boldly.

"Then you're living in a dream Lucy, wake up." My father said coldly before leaving.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I didn't expect my morning to go like this. I've done something I've never done, argue with my parents. I watched as my mom shook her head and left as well, following my father.

I clenched my fists with anger, every part of my just wanted to pick up this plate and throw it across the room and watch it shatter against our bright white walls; however it was out of the question. An act like that would without a doubt, send me to a disciplinary school.

I stared down into the table, as if I was going to burn two holes through the glass with laser vision. I watched as Virgo appeared in the corner of my eye. For a moment, there was a silence.

"Ms. Heartfilia, are you done with that?"

I looked down at my untouched plate, however eating was not one of my priorities at the moment. I nodded and left to my room. I went and plummeted onto my bed, closing the door behind me. My mind was flooded with so many thought. What if my fiancé turns out to be a rapist? What if he's abusive? What if he's sexist? My mind began to reel just thinking of all this. The fact that I had to marry someone I did not know at all, it was appalling.

Suddenly, my door lightly opened and my mother walked in. I looked up at her with a cold expression and looked back down into my bed. My mother sighed and shut the door.

"Lucy, I am sure you're questioning this, but I promise, your suitor is a nice young man."

"Have you met him?" I asked bitterly.

"N-no, but I have heard-"

"Heard?!" I scoffed.

"Now now, you will be meeting him later today, in fact we are due to meet them in two hours. Get ready, and it is not up for discussion."

And with that, she was out of my room, leaving no space for me to argue. I sighed frustratedly and began to dress a little more sophisticated than I already was. Who knew that within two hours, I would have my fiancé, who I've never met, standing in front of me?


Well, here's my first chapter of this Nalu fix!
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