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Ignore the number, and just type WeaponWoodenSpear or BackpackLarge
Or whatever thing you want to spawn.

3 WeaponWoodenSpear
8 BackpackLarge
9 BackpackMule
10 BackpackScrollTube
11 BackpackSmall
15 CapeBlack
16 CapeBlue
19 CapeOrange
20 CapePraetoria
21 CapePurple
22 CapeRed
23 CapeThunder
24 CapeWhite
27 ClothingBarbarianChainmail
28 ClothingBarbarianCollarChainmail
29 ClothingBlackLuxuryTunic
30 ClothingBlueTunic
31 ClothingBrownToga
32 ClothingBrownWhiteToga
33 ClothingCheckeredTunicGreen
34 ClothingCheckeredTunicRed
35 ClothingCheckeredTunicTanned
36 ClothingCyprusChestplate
37 ClothingDarkBlueToga
38 ClothingDarkGreenToga
39 ClothingDarkGreenTunic
40 ClothingEgyptianTunicGreen
41 ClothingEgyptianTunicRed
42 ClothingEgyptianTunicTanned
44 ClothingGermanicHamata
45 ClothingGermanicMusculata
46 ClothingGermanicSegmentata
47 ClothingGladiatorBasic
48 ClothingGoldenSegmentata
49 ClothingGreenWhiteToga
50 ClothingGreyTunic
51 ClothingItaliaNavyLeather
52 ClothingLoricaHamata
53 ClothingLoricaSegmentata
54 ClothingMaximus'Musculata
55 ClothingMisenensisMusculata
56 ClothingPhilaraeGermanicHamata
57 ClothingPhilaraeHamata
58 ClothingPhilaraePraetorianHamata
59 ClothingPirateGreenShorts
60 ClothingPirateHandyman
61 ClothingPirateSailerBlue
62 ClothingPirateSailerRed
63 ClothingPlebianCouncilToga
64 ClothingPraetorianHamata
65 ClothingPraetorianMusculata
66 ClothingPraetorianSegmentata
68 ClothingRapaxLoricaSegmentata
69 ClothingRapaxMusculata
71 ClothingRedSenatorToga
72 ClothingRedTunic
73 ClothingRomanArmour
74 ClothingRomanMusculata
75 ClothingSamniteBattle
76 ClothingStolaAelyia
77 ClothingStolaBlackGold
78 ClothingStolaBrightOrange
79 ClothingStolaBrightYellow
80 ClothingStolaCyan
81 ClothingStolaDressPink
82 ClothingStolaPink
83 ClothingStolaPurple
84 ClothingTannedTunic
85 ClothingThunderLoricaSegmentata
86 ClothingThunderMusculata
87 ClothingTogaBlackRed
88 ClothingTogaGreenPurple
89 ClothingTogaJudaic
90 ClothingTogaPurpleOlive
91 ClothingTogaPurpleTanned
92 ClothingTogaRedGreen
93 ClothingTogaWhiteGold
94 ClothingTunicWeavedChestPlated
95 ClothingTunicWeavedGreen
96 ClothingTunicWeavedOrange
97 ClothingTunicWeavedRed
98 ClothingUrbanCohortMusculata
99 ClothingUrbanaeLoricaSegmentata
100 ClothingWhiteLuxuryTunic
101 ClothingWhiteTunic
102 ClothingWhiteTunicHamata
103 ClothingWhiteTunicLeather
104 ConsumableAppleGreen
105 ConsumableAppleRed
106 ConsumableBanana
107 ConsumableBucketMetal
108 ConsumableBucketWooden
109 ConsumableCarrot
110 ConsumableFishMackerel
111 ConsumableFishSalmon
112 ConsumableGrapesGreen
113 ConsumableGrapesPurple
114 ConsumableLeatherDrinkFlask
115 ConsumableTomato
116 DeployableItem_Anvil
117 DeployableItem_BarbarianAnvil
118 DeployableItem_BarbarianCraftingTable
119 DeployableItem_BarbarianSpinningWheel
120 DeployableItem_CeremonialAnvil
121 DeployableItem_CraftingTable
122 DeployableItem_DirtTrenchLow
123 DeployableItem_FortifiedRomanCornerInner
124 DeployableItem_FortifiedRomanCornerOuter
125 DeployableItem_FortifiedRomanWall
126 DeployableItem_FortifiedRomanWallStairwell
127 DeployableItem_FortressBridgeSmall
128 DeployableItem_FortressCorner
129 DeployableItem_FortressFencedSupport
130 DeployableItem_FortressSingleStairwaySmall
131 DeployableItem_FortressSupportHeavy
132 DeployableItem_FortressTripleTower
133 DeployableItem_GateBlock
134 DeployableItem_HeadOnPikeBlackFemale
135 DeployableItem_HeadOnPikeBlackMale
136 DeployableItem_HeadOnPikeWhiteFemale
137 DeployableItem_HeadOnPikeWhiteMale
138 DeployableItem_LargeFencedWatchTower
139 DeployableItem_LegionareAnvil
140 DeployableItem_LegionareCraftingTable
141 DeployableItem_LegionareSpinningWheel
142 DeployableItem_MarbleConstructionBlock
143 DeployableItem_MarchingCampFence
144 DeployableItem_MixedConstructionBlock
145 DeployableItem_NavalCraftingTable
146 DeployableItem_NavalSpinningWheel
147 DeployableItem_PoliticalCraftingTable
148 DeployableItem_PoliticalSpinningWheel
149 DeployableItem_PraetorianAnvil
150 DeployableItem_PraetorianCraftingTable
151 DeployableItem_PraetorianSpinningWheel
152 DeployableItem_RAPAXAnvil
153 DeployableItem_RAPAXCraftingTable
154 DeployableItem_SiegeOnagerMediumStandardWooden
155 DeployableItem_SiegeScorpioStandardWooden
156 DeployableItem_SiegeStation
157 DeployableItem_SpikedWoodenBarricade
158 DeployableItem_SpinningWheel
159 DeployableItem_StoneConstructionBlock
160 DeployableItem_WoodenArcherTower
161 DeployableItem_WoodenShelter
162 DeployableItem_WoodenShelterClosedSides
163 Farming_Cloth
164 Farming_Copper
165 Farming_Gold
166 Farming_Iron
167 Farming_Leather
168 Farming_PineTree
169 Farming_Silver
170 Farming_TomatoSeeds
171 HelmetBasicLegionary
172 HelmetBlackSkull
173 HelmetBlackSkullFlaming
174 HelmetBlueBandedStrawHat
175 HelmetCopperEmbossedGladiator
176 HelmetCurvedHornBrute
177 HelmetCyprusWarrior
178 HelmetDarkHornedCommander
180 HelmetFiveHornedBand
181 HelmetFlamingBlackSkull
182 HelmetGermanicCenturion
183 HelmetGermanicConsul
184 HelmetGermanicDecanus
185 HelmetGermanicHelment
186 HelmetGermanicOfficer
187 HelmetGloryHornedGeneral
188 HelmetGoldenEmerald
189 HelmetGoldenOfficer
190 HelmetGoldenPlumeCenturion
191 HelmetGovernor
192 HelmetGreenHood
193 HelmetGreenLaurel
194 HelmetGreenOracle
195 HelmetJupiter
196 HelmetLictorCenturion
197 HelmetLictorHelmet
198 HelmetLictorOfficer
199 HelmetLuxuryGladiator
200 HelmetNobleGoldenLaurel
201 HelmetPraetoriaCenturion
202 HelmetPraetoriaLegate
203 HelmetPraetoriaOfficer
204 HelmetPraetorianCenturion
205 HelmetPraetorianDecanus
206 HelmetPraetorianHelmet
207 HelmetPraetorianOfficer
208 HelmetPurpleOracle
209 HelmetRAPAXCenturion
210 HelmetRAPAXDecanus
211 HelmetRAPAXHelment
212 HelmetRAPAXOfficer
213 HelmetRedDecanus
214 HelmetRedPlumeCenturion
215 HelmetRedPlumeOfficer
216 HelmetRedPlumeWhiteOfficer
217 HelmetRomanGeneralBlack
218 HelmetRomanGeneralBronze
219 HelmetRomanGladiator
220 HelmetServerhelm
221 HelmetShadowPriest
222 HelmetSigniferCheetah
223 HelmetSigniferWolf
224 HelmetSpartanWarrior
225 HelmetSpikedGladiator
226 HelmetTest
227 HelmetTiberiusNero
228 HelmetWhiteHorned
229 HelmetWhiteSigniferWolf
230 Legate Helmet
231 LegioPraetoriaHamata
232 LegioPraetoriaMusculata
233 LegioPraetoriaSegementata
234 LegioPraetoriaTunic
235 PraetorianLegateHelmet
236 RapaxLegateHelmet
237 Scutum Romanus Praetorianum
238 ShieldBlackGoldenEmbossed
239 ShieldBlackWhiteCurved
240 ShieldClassisItalia
241 ShieldEleventhLegion
242 ShieldFaceBlack
243 ShieldFifteethLegion
244 ShieldFirstLegion
245 ShieldFourthLegion
246 ShieldGermanicCenturion
247 ShieldGermanicGuardsman
248 ShieldGoldenEmbossed
249 ShieldGreenRedBarbarian
250 ShieldPlainWooden
251 ShieldPlainWoodenEmbossed
252 ShieldPraetoria
253 ShieldPraetorianCenturion
254 ShieldPraetorianGuardsman
255 ShieldPredatorCenturion
256 ShieldPredatorLegion
257 ShieldPureWhite
258 ShieldRedCirclesBlack
259 ShieldSecondLegion
260 ShieldSilverEmbossed
261 ShieldSixthLegion
262 ShieldThirdLegion
263 ShieldThirteenthLegion
264 ShieldThunderCenturion
265 ShieldThunderLegion
266 ShieldTwelfthLegion
267 ShieldTwentiethLegion
268 ShieldUrbanCohort
269 ShieldVigiles
270 ShieldWhiteAndBlackLegion
271 ShieldYellowGreenBarbarian
272 Thunder Legate Helmet
273 ThunderLegionary
274 ThunderPraefectus
275 Too/ lFasces
276 ToolFascesGolden
277 ToolGoldenAxe
278 ToolGoldenPickaxe
279 ToolIronAks
280 ToolIronHoe
281 ToolIronPickaxe
282 ToolStandardAquila
283 ToolStandardHonoraryPhilarae
284 ToolStandardPhilarae
285 ToolStandardRoman
286 ToolUmbrellaOrange
287 ToolUmbrellaOrangeTrimmed
288 ToolUmbrellaSoftBlue
289 WeaponBowStandardGolden
290 WeaponBowStandardWooden
291 WeaponCelticAxe
292 WeaponDoubleCelticAxe
293 WeaponGladiusIronHilt
294 WeaponGladiusPraetorian
295 WeaponPilum
296 WeaponPraetorianSpear
297 WeaponSpear
298 WeaponSwordBeheader
299 WeaponSwordJagged
300 WeaponSwordParthian
301 WeaponSwordSpartan
302 WeaponThrowingAxeGolden
303 WeaponThrowingAxeIron
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Regards; Team

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