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why thresh in the 1st round?
contested pick or just pp get whatever in scrimms?

zac can be annoying as it is hard to ward vs him reliably. I guess his scirmishes are worse?

how skt reacts to enemy top having a priority and roaming mid?

botrk going to be nerfed again.
maybe pd+900ls instead of botrk?

check how often wolf backs for wards (low gold spent), or just in general

19 min. lol. wha i was talking about. enemies separated by river = must be pusnihed
and why roc did such a bad mistake? is it their level or just SoloQ attitude?

twitch mid roam after recall is useless if enemy mid backed too.
thats a good strategy vs twitch. time your recall with his if you are afraid of his gank

I know that we didnt have pushing lanes, but try to push a warding lane. not defensively when jungler is already about to gank you, but more into river to track his poistioning/

most of the idea and concept should be defined by some termins.
for example if players get the concept 'enemies are serparated by river', then once they say in game everyone will be on the same page.
we need more of those termins

game 2.

thresh, why you even try to get to that bush? just wait for wave
both wards wasted and now they cant ward river
horrible timing. chei thinks zac is still clearing?
jankos needs to teach his team of timings
dont clump wards too close. and no need for deep. just river
rumble could ward enemy krugs
varus flash. must be punished hard again

14.00 we had such a vision control bot and no flash varus.
jankos had to camp that

how skt pays with 2 winning splitpushers (maybe kt finals)
21.30. why gragas b?????

game 3.

better wards vs zac, but still dont like deep shit if its not zac
but they didnt think through their scirmish. thry had to understand its not worth blowing any skill onto zac

maybe they just say - come to their chickens.
but need to communicate - come to chicken TO STEAL THEM or WARD THAT AREA, etc.
7.30 rumble had to stay to push top

I wish I saw a game not vs zac though. acuse i said those deep wards are not as good and riskier than just river

12 or smth
unnecesary rumble tp. bot was wining. were they afraid of zac? check
ehhhh. lucian bot with no tp and they go for herald?

when did luci swap trinket for red?
i think its only good when you control the game. and definitely not good vs zac

hmmm...wwhat about top moving to bot for 4v2 bot?
if you know that enemy jungler is likely to be in the other side based on his jungle clear pathing.
with Thresh it would just do wonders

check korean challenger games for what are lucian counters in lane

Did you agree not to pick/ban Karma and Lulu?

I would like to know how you guys appraoch scrimms.
Try to improve everything little by little and fix issues as they come in scrimms?
Or define 1 area of a gameplay and try to mostly focus on that?

My concern is that 6 scrimms a day is quite a lot and thus, it is hard to actively remember things you've learned throughout the day (despite your reflexes and unconscious thinking being trained).
And if players dont remember things - they might not feel the progess by the end of the day, which may lead to frustration.
And if they focus on 1-2 things, they are much more likely feel a satisfying progress.
And in general, it is a good thing to a have some sort of a summary of your day with players after scrimms.
It is actually even better if they all have some kind of notes where they track all their progress and concerns about the game.
Obviously, if you dont feel strong about it, then you can't advice it to players

The downside of this approach is that you cant expect scrimm games to go 'right' for you to learn your chosen skill.

Seems like team don't proritise Herald as much, but I think in a tight game that is what wins games.
So in regard to Herald, did you consider the strategy to send bot lane to top at 9 min or so to get the 1st tower + Herald in exchange to your bot tower + maybe a dragon?
This could work really great in all games top match up-wise (no stuff like Galio or Rumble for enemy for clear)

Either way I think opponents can use that strategy too, so the team needs to be mindful at that period and maybe counter by sending your support mid after a bot recall to potentially defend top tower if needed.

Top champs
I am sure meta will change after this new big patch, but just judging from MSI games, top was the lane that successful teams were putting the least resouces.
So, I wonder why Galio wasn't a priority for any of teams?
He has a great waveclear, and cant get bullied easily.
Either way, I think carry tops are useful with things like Lee Sin/Graves/Kha when your jungler is looking to track enemy jungler/invade and contest camps. I dont think gragas+jayce/rumble can get an advantage for the team, unless he camps him, which jungler doesnt want to do in this meta.

If team extra threat from top, then with tank junglers like Gragas, It is better to go champs that can turn into a good splitpusher

you said easy to come up with an idea but need to account for this and that
that is true, almost all siautations are unique in some way, but players need a set of concept that they operate to have a framework in which they should play further

check lucian soloq data from korea
also find csq herald swap for reference

watch sharkz vod review for g2

how SKT deals with tp disadvantage if their being pushed bot? how prevent 5 men gank
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