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hedy: a girl who's 11 years old. she's very mature and quiet at first sight, but honestly she's just a girl who really cares about her school work and shy. during her free time, around her friends she can be seen laughing and cracking the most jokes. sadly, it wasn't always like that. a year ago, she was hit somehow with incredible injuries and burns, causing her to get many surgeries for cybernetics and memory that is forever lost. nobody knows what truly happened, neither does she. all she knew was that was out of her entire family, she was the only one who survived. and after that day, all she could eat was strawberries. she soon ate other things, but she craved strawberries, every single day, and she would steal them if she couldn't have them, and she wish she didn't have this craving. other than that, she's still seen as a normal girl if you don't go into much depth. a girl who loves singing, school, etc.

alize: a girl who's 18 years old. she seems very nice, always doing things for others, thinking about others before herself. extremely fun and could be loud in a group, but times out of her group she seems shy. but her image isn't what it seems. she doesn't understand people's feelings. she destroys peoples lives forever, causing them to be homeless, traumatized, or full blown insane. but does she think its her fault? after all the times she was the one being told she isnt normal, did she think she wasnt? no, she thought it was them. all them. but people let her be this way, because they don't know. people think she's nice from her appearance, but once you find out more about her, you will feel as if she's just a girl who craves the misery of others.

evelyn: a girl who's 14 years old. she's not a normal school girl, she's really popular and doesn't have many true friends. she's a singer and an actress, and has won many awards as her talent is amazing. she started at the very young age of 5. she has a straight-forward and funny personality, and an angel to her fans, but she's very cocky, which causes a lot of fan wars, as some fans think her cockiness is just a good form of confidence. but she truly thinks she's above everyone. she thinks she's the best, better than anyone, and that she has the power to rule everything.

xing: a guy who's 17 years old. not much is known of him in school except for the fact he's incredibly smart, and people think he's a really annoying nerd that annoy people so so much. like, really annoying to the point they'd move. xing skips classes a lot, but participates for important tests and group projects, and almost always hangs out with one person from that project all the time he can. but one thing people don't know he's overly obsessive, he desires any person he finds that he thinks is great for himself. and he's a really good hacker. he won't let the person he desires leave them, and they often end up run away or die after they step into his sight.

luca: a guy who's 16 years old. he goes to a self study school, works, and has a good relationship with his parents. a pretty average life. he sometimes models for clothing manufactures and makes the $$$. the thing is, his personality feels slightly different to people sometimes, and mostly his parents notice. they will ask if he's alright, he'll says he's fine, and his parents will just think it's puberty. that people always change. but that's not luca's purpose. as a self study student, he spends a lot of time on the internet. on the internet, you can see as many people you want a day on social media, even if they don't know. and luca has seen so many people die. and everytime, he studies them as that's one of his skills. he studies them and makes their personality attributes, their talents, their interests, his. he feels as if their soul, their spirit, has consumed him for a good reason.

wulan: a girl who's 21, and a brat. a complete and utter brat. she guilt trips people, and lives off family. she lives in luxury, and does nothing but sleep 75% of the time. nobody can name a wonderful moment with her. she acts as if its best if she lives this way for everyone, but the only person it's good for is herself. she ditched school at the age of 15, even though she was top of her class due to the fact she realized she could get through with her family.

setsuna: a girl who's 14 years old. she cooks and bunch, has wonderful friends, and takes care of animals all the time. some may think she has a special connection with animals. and their right. she understands them perfectly well, as she's a very kind human being who took her time to understand them, instead of using them as experiments. she lives with scientists who use them as experiments her entire life, but she knew it could've been better for these wonderful creatures. scientists don't care about the fact that she can understand them for some reason, and ignore her, thinking she's making everything up, and this is a bad idea. she steals everything. she will go into people's houses and rob everything in different neighborhoods, states, even countries somehow. she's been doing it for the past 4 years, but nobody knows why or how. the only people who know she robs are her friends, but they are loyal and accept her as they know she has her reasons.
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