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9. Aim of ergonomy is setting up of technolagical environment for purpose of human
10. What kind of products are not accounted for health preservation of category 1? Sunglasses
11. What kinds of producs must be certified in Poland according to certification? Everything profuced in Poland
12. Typical injuries of physical work? Pain and muscle over-stress
13. What elements of PC are helping you to maintain correct position?-Keyboard -Table -Chair
14. Comfortable sitting position is connected with: -Probability of an easy change of a position
15. What negative factors may appear behind PC station place? -Lightening -Static effort
16. Health wellness according to the WHO? -harmony of free states, physical, social, psychological
17. What is cell metabolism and connection muscle work? - metabolism gives energy to muscles
18. For statical effort you can observe evrthg but: -high energy consumption
19. To measure organism's physical abilities ? Mark of an oxygen input
20. At what time of the day humans have the lowest ability to work? -Before 1 and 3 am
21. Sound is -an acoustic power going to some area
22. First aid in case of burn? -Apply cold for 20 mins
23. Noise is -every undesired and harmful sounds
24. Measure of vibrations what are said to be harmulf is: -acceleration of vibrations
25. Acoustic screen is: -an obstacle between the sound and you
26. White finger sickness may be caused by: -mechanical vibration
27. For what parts of your body UW radiation is the most dangerous? -skin-eyes
28. What devices are sources of high electro-magnetic field? -electricity line 400kv
29. Illumination of surface is a -phisical measure of brightness of this surface
30. What are the basic ways to protect yourself from optical radiation at work? -Good work organization and -personal devices -proper design of a work place
31. What technical appliance prevent from the he dust? -Untidust masks and glasses
32. What's the reason of cancerogenous properties of asbestos? -Shape of fibers
33. What is the proper value of light intansity next to PC? -500lx
34. Toxic substance are -chemicals causing damages in live organisms
35. ?
36. In case of job danger mark as unacceptable one's supposed to -perform smthng to decrease amount of danger immediately
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