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I woke with a start, a short time ago
The air of my room was cold and dark
I felt rather scared, and a wee bit confused
When all of a sudden---Hark!

There was a gentle tapping at my door
Like the sound of a thousand pins
Or a hummingbird humming a sweet little song
Or a jingling bell made of tin

I could no longer handle the mystery
My curiosity had piqued
I crept out of bed and neared the door
And I jumped when the floorboards creaked

I lay a quivering hand on the handle
My heart was pounding with fear
I had no idea what lied on the other side
But I knew I could persevere

I opened the door without another thought
And gasped, taking in the sight
Before me stood a horse
And atop the horse was a knight

The knight wore a heavy suit of armor
He held a sword that was made with gold
He was looking at me through his helmet
And his yellow eyes were cold

"What are you doing here, brave knight?"
I asked, no longer afraid
The knight dismounted from his horse and cried,
"Boy, you're missing the parade!"

I became quite excited and began to jump up and down
The knight seemed equally pleased
"Let's go check it out," he told me
And I followed him out of the house, appeased

The night was cool and windy
Full of freshness and shade
And while that was nice, I was puzzled
"Sir, where is the parade?"

The knight removed his helmet
And revealed his true face
It was one of horror and evil
His skin as pale as lace

His teeth were yellow and crooked
And from his hands grew claws
The suit of armor peeled from his skin
To make space for his enormous jaws

"I will swallow you whole!" roared the beast
"And pick my teeth with your bones!
I'll drink your blood with breakfast!
And grate your teeth with stones!"

I ran away as fast as I could
In my slippers made of cheap suede
I came to a screeching halt when I saw what was ahead
And whispered, "Here comes the parade."

Marching forward, in perfect rhythm
Came a massive crowd of beasts
Though each were different in their own way
They all bayed out "We shall have many feasts!"

I scrambled to climb a nearby tree
Watching the monsters come near
My heart turned to stone when I saw the once-knight
And his stone face twisted into a jeer

"We will eat you for supper, little Max Dack!
And wear your skin as a coat."
I was close to the top of tree, and my freedom
When a hand grabbed my throat

I was thrown to the ground with anger
And my body fell into a heap
The monsters crowded around me
And I began to weep

The monsters stopped suddenly
And then began to laugh
I peeked from behind my hands
Expecting to be ripped in half

"What a cowardly young lad!"
I heard a werewolf croak
"He's crying like a baby!"
Howled a man made up of smoke

I lied on the ground and waited
Hoping they would leave me alone
After a moment, the beasts shuffled away
Just as I had known

I felt a hand grab my shoulder
And I turned with a jolt
But luckily, it was only my teacher
The elderly Mrs. Colt

"What are you doing out on the grounds?"
She asked me, concerned
"You're going to get yourself hurt, Max!
Have you not yet learned?"

She helped me to my feet
And brushed the dirt from my hair
I saw the knight across the field
And I saw his cold yellow stare

I gasped and began to panic
But Mrs. Colt did not seem impressed
"Get back to class, Vincent!"
She hollered, deep from within her breast

The knight cast me a glare
And so did the other gremlins that stood nearby
But they shuffled into the school house
And spit in my direction, goodbye

"You should steer clear of those boys,
They're nothing but trouble.
They'll hurt you and kick you
And turn you to rubble."

I gave a nod of understanding
And began to walk sadly into class
"Come on, Max, it's nap time.
No more rolling in the grass."

I laid across my mat that afternoon
My heart filled with cold fright
Because those monsters would be after me tomorrow
Or maybe even tonight

I held my blanket close to my chest
And tried my hardest to sleep
But I knew of the demons a few rooms away
And I knew of the grudges they keep
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Regards; Team

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