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"Hi, I'm Anne Francisco," a gorgeous girl came up to me while I was entering my new school. I froze and looked at her cautiously. I wasn;t expecting to meet someone this fast and I was actually hoping I didn't meet anyone at all today. Darn, bad luck just loves me. Anne had clear green eyes and dark long hair that reached up to her belly button. Her bangs were cut side swept and her smile was stunning. She was also tall and wore a black leather jacket. Her olive skin was glowing in the sun. For a moment, I thought she just came for a photo shoot, but I quickly shook the thoughts away and gave her a small smile.

"Welcome to Crawford High, Home of the Lions,'' she said enthusiastically and held her hand out to me.

"Hi, I'm Vanessa Bernardo," I said taking her hand in mine and shaking it. I smiled softly at her. "But just call me Nessa."

"Cool, sorry if the welcoming part was kind of creepy,'' she said shyly. "I'm part of the 'Welcoming Committee' here at school. Since this is a small town, not many people enroll here. Obviously, since the welcoming was horrible, this is my first time.''

"Oh, come on. It wasn't that bad." I laughed along with her. We walked into the school and just like the movies, everyone was in their small little cliques. The jocks and cheerleaders were near their lockers, the nerds sitting at the stairs getting bothered by the bullies, the scary students leaning against the wall trying to look innocent, the mean girls looking at the mirrors in their lockers, well, you get the idea.

This school was quite small and the hallways were crowded. It was also old. The lockers were rusting a little, the red paint was faded, and the sign at the entrance of the school was missing the f in Crawford so that it read, "Craw ord High.'' It was a public school. I begged my mom for about an hour yesterday to enroll me here because I didn't want to go to a rich and snobby school.

"I already got your schedule and school packet,'' Anne said. She handed me my things. I looked around, panic began to surge through me. I'm going to be alone and lost and who knows what will happen to me? I thought to myself. Anne must've seen the look of horror on my face because she said, "Oh, don't worry. You'll get used to it. Plus, I'm sticking with you today. It's part of the job.'' She winked.

I opened the packet up. "So what's your first period?'' Jade asked, looking over my shoulder at my schedule.

"AP Calculus," I answered.

"Oh, that's A232 with Mr. Parker. He's pretty cool, just gives tons of homework. What else do you have?" She asked.

"Second-period world geography, third-period gym, fourth-period, literature and, or drama class. and fifth-period AP chemistry," I replied. I scrunched up my nose. "Yuck, I have gym for third-period.''

"Wow, I have you for everything except for first and fifth. Looks like you're my part- oh no, I got to go,'' she said, looking panicked. "I totally forgot I had to do something! If I'm not back by the time the first bell rings, I'm sorry! But, you're a smart girl, you'll figure it out,'' she called out to me while speed walking down the hallway. Great, I thought, I'm all alone now. I ignored all the stares that I was receiving. I put on a fake smile. Minus well give them something to look at.

I found my locker and opened it up. It was actually pretty clean, I was lucky. I sighed when I was putting all the notebooks my mom told me to bring into my locker. I pleaded with her to leave it at home since it was my first day and I didn't really need to bring so many stuff. She simply scolded me and said, "It's better to be prepared than wait last minute."

Someone leaned against the locker next to mine. I looked up and found a guy with curly blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. He had a nice build. You could tell because the dark gray shirt he wore showed off.

"Hey, sweetheart, how are you?" He asked, adding a wink.

"Sorry, my parents told me to stay away from strangers," I simply said and almost smiled when he looked shocked for a moment. Obviously, he wasn't used to rejection. I mentally smiled at myself.

"But how are you going to make new friends if you don't talk to people you don't know?" He smirked again. I seriously wanted to smack this guy already. Did my forehead read, "I'm easy"? I don't think so.

"I'm Peter, Peter Anderson. You look familiar.'' He said. Oh man, here comes the pick-up lines, whoopee.

"Yeah, I look like the girl you've been waiting for or perhaps your next girlfriend? I heard that many times before." He looked shocked again, before smirking at me once more.

"Baby, you could fall off a building, or fall out of a tree, but-"

"But, the best way to fall is to fall in love with me," I interrupted him and looked up to see him shocked. I laughed and scrunched up my nose. "Just give it up Romeo, you're lame and boring."

"Romeo's a wuss and I am not boring,'' he faked hurt.

"Well, he's manlier than you'll ever be."

He scoffed. "Chick, you're good," He admitted and held out his hand so I could pound his rock.

"You know what? You're my new best friend. It's about time I found a chick who's not to be trifled with. All the girls here are too easy." He put his arm around my shoulder in a friendly way and we start walking down the hall. "I'm going to show you off to my friends! But, seriously, what's your name?"

"Jeez Peter, you're so bipolar. I mean, first you're hitting on me and the next, you're suddenly excited that I rejected you," I laughed. "I'm Vanessa, Vanessa Bernardo," I said it huskily resembling the way he introduced himself earlier and he chuckled.

"Do you have a band-aid?" He whispered in my ear.

"Why?" I asked, pausing dramatically. "Let me guess, you scraped your knee falling for me," We both laughed out loud and I shoved him playfully.

"Oh my gosh, you're good." Finally, we reached his group of friends. I stood there stunned. How many people in this school are good looking?! This school is filled with people who look like Gods or Goddesses.

"Guys, this is Vanessa Bernardo. Just call her Nessa. You know, Darryl's sister.'' They nodded, knowingly. I was surprised they knew my brother. "She's totally a rebel, she rejected me." Everyone laughed and pretended to cry.

"I'm Nathan," the guy with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"A rebel like your brother huh?" He asked. I nodded and smiled, feeling proud of my brother.

A girl with green eyes and blonde wavy hair that went past her shoulders spoke up. "I'm Kristen, that stupid guy's twin sister," she nodded at Peter. A look of disgust came upon her face when she looked at her twin. Peter stuck his tongue out at her.

"I'm Jaylian and this is my twin brother, Joseph." A guy said motioning for his brother to come up.

The bell rang and I immediately ran to my class. I didn't want to be late in my first day.

I was too busy running when I bumped into someone.

"Shoot, I'm sorry." I apologized as I look at the guy. He has jet black hair and blue eyes. He's really good looking. Our eyes locked and the world seemed to stop for a moment. It felt like we were the only two in the hallway. My heart skipped multiple beats and my breath hitched. I saw something in those blue eyes. It was as if I was looking at the scene all by myself. It was a huge gray wolf and he looked like a puppy that was given a treat. It was as if he found something he has been searching for his whole life. For some reason, it made my heart swell up.

The scene disappeared and I closed my eyes. I felt dizzy and stupid. I was hallucinating again. I opened my eyes again when I regained my strength.

"Mate," he whispered. Mate? What's that? His face softened a bit, but before I could blink an eye, his eyes hardened and scowled.

"Watch where you're going. Are you blind?" He said harshly and he continued walking in the other direction, but before he left, he bumped my shoulder hard that I fell on the ground. I grabbed my shoulder in pain. It was bad enough that it was hurting already. Everyone started laughing at me and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I watched the mysterious guy's back retreating and for some reason, I felt like my heart broke in two.

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