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Knee pain is a common symptom in people of all ages. It may start suddenly, often after an injury or exercise. Knee pain may also began as a mild discomfort, then slowly worsen.
Simple causes of knee pain often clear up on their own with self care. Being overweight can put you at greater risk for knee problems.
People who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk for knee problems. For every pound that you are overweight, your knee must absorb an extra 4 pounds of pressure when you walk, run, or climb stairs.
Knee pain can be caused by:
Anterior knee pain
Arthritis -- including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout
Baker's cyst -- a fluid-filled swelling behind the knee that may occur with swelling (inflammation) from other causes, like arthritis
Bursitis -- inflammation from repeated pressure on the knee, such as kneeling for long periods of time, overuse, or injury
Connective tissue disorders such as lupus
Dislocation of the kneecap
Iliotibial band syndrome -- a hip disorder from injury to the thick band that runs from your hip to the outside of your knee
Infection in the joint
Knee injuries -- an anterior cruciate ligament injury or medial collateral ligament injury may cause bleeding into your knee, which makes the pain worse
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Tendinitis -- a pain in the front of your knee that gets worse when going up and down stairs or inclines
Torn cartilage (a meniscus tear) -- pain felt on the inside or outside of the knee joint
Torn ligament (ACL tear) -- leads to pain and instability of the knee
Strain or sprain -- minor injuries to the ligaments caused by sudden or unnatural twisting
For knee pain that has just started:
Rest and avoid activities that aggravate your pain, especially weight bearing activities.
Apply ice. First, apply it every hour for up to 15 minutes. After the first day, apply it at least four times per day.
Keep your knee raised as much as possible to bring any swelling down.
Wear an ace bandage or elastic sleeve, which you can buy at most pharmacies. This may reduce swelling and provide support.
Take acetaminophen for pain or ibuprofen for pain and swelling.
Sleep with a pillow underneath or between your knees.
For knee pain related to overuse or physical activity:
Always warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings.
Avoid running straight down hills -- walk down instead.
Bicycle or swim instead of run.
Reduce the amount of exercise you do.
Run on a smooth, soft surface, such as a track, instead of on cement.
Lose weight if you are overweight. Every pound that you are overweight puts about 5 extra pounds of pressure on your knee cap when you go up and down stairs. Ask your health care provider for help losing weight.
If you have flat feet, try special shoe inserts and arch supports (orthotics).
Make sure your running shoes are made well, fit well, and have good cushioning.
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