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Once upon a time a young lady that used to be along, She does not find any sense to her life she even though that maybe will be better to just end with her life but then she said:
-I do not have to overtake me with love and with my future, God knows what is the best occasion and the perfect person for me
so she threw herself on her bed and she felt she was going to be better in her favorite place so she took a blanket, a pillow and some food with her then she put all her things in her bag and of course can not left the music so she took her headphones and her music player and then she took her road to her favorite place.
She arrived in that place it was like the most beautiful landscape could ever imagine, there was lonely quietly and colorful garden
there was a lot of fruit plants, an amazing view of all the city and a pretty lake with blue water so clear that you had the opportunity to see a lot types of fish.
She lay down in the grass and there was a lot of different flowers and roses from a lot of colors. She laid her blanket on the grass and she lay down on it. She was watching the sky the clouds making a lot of figures, then she closed her eyes, when she woke up the sky was already dark she got scared when she turned around there was a little puppy licking her hand she did not resist to the puppy's cuteness so she took it in her arms and with some curiosity she asked herself, where will this small creature came from
When she took the little puppy up she saw a little cut in his paw so she covered the wound with a bandage she gave him some of her food the she took the puppy with her, back to her house.
One day she took the puppy to a walk she was listening music, suddenly she happen on I guy was walking in the same way that her, She got blush and she said:
-OMG I am so sorry I did not saw you with a smile a little nervous he looked up at the girl and he respond..
-I am so sorry I was a little distracted, I hope I have not hurt such a beautiful lady..(He got shocked of her beauty), can I recompense you with a delicious ice cream
She response him
"well that will be fair , she smiled him " But then she knew the dog ran away. She got scared and she told the guy:
My puppy where is my puppy! with tears in her eyes
GUY: what witch dog? Wait I can see him!!! I can not believe it (with a surprised face)

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Regards; Team

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