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JaiEMPIRE: what yall wanna talk to me about
xFearles: did you get rid of some
xFearles: what you do jai
JaiEMPIRE: dad wey jamy
Omoge: @456 years later jai
JaiEMPIRE: jusso
JaiEMPIRE: @456
JaiEMPIRE: i diid nun
xFearles: mhmm
xFearles: /me sips baileys
Omoge: bbgggggggg AUJ!!!
Omoge: my little princess
xFearles: @ bbg
xFearles: /me faints
Omoge: @@bbg
Omoge: z
JaiEMPIRE: smh
Omoge: llc
Omoge: haven't u met your sister Auj -.-
xFearles: nope
Omoge: why she leave now? i swear yall just crazy
xFearles: cause
xFearles: too much
xFearles: pf
Omoge: whats too much
Omoge: we got 11 kids
MutantBanana: 0.o
MutantBanana: Hey Mama
Omoge: is that news to you?
Omoge: z
Omoge: hey love hry?
xFearles: nope but ik only 4
Omoge: lol so why u surprised now
Omoge: z
Omoge: let me tell u their names
MutantBanana: I'm doing goodie Mama, Ty
MutantBanana: And you?
SunnyMFD: lord
xFearles: loool
Omoge: Auj, Sunny, Tj, Jai, Jess, mimi, chris, Jamal, Justin, Lacey and of course you Jah
SunnyMFD: where all my brothers at
Omoge: so those are your siblings names, go memorise it
Omoge: z
SunnyMFD: <
SunnyMFD: >
xFearles: Lacey?
Omoge: im good ty bbg
xFearles: z
SunnyMFD: all i see is sisters
Omoge: @sisters ikr, hence why this family full of drama
Omoge: z
Omoge: everyone stay mad
Omoge: z
SunnyMFD: emotional ass women
SunnyMFD: lol
Omoge: < right
xFearles: /me rolls my eyes
Omoge: AUJJJJ how was your finals
xFearles: wlc sis
Omoge: and Jai why u poo
Omoge: pof*
Omoge: z
Omoge: poof*
MutantBanana: I did pretty good Mama xD
Omoge: /me throws skittles at GodJuels
Omoge: and aww thats good hun
JaiEMPIRE: cuz
JaiEMPIRE: yall wanna talk to me and not talkig and im lagging
Omoge: Auj meet your sister Jah @xFearles, i think u met jai @JaiEMPIRE and im sure u met sunny @SunnyMFD
JaiEMPIRE: and eribodii just taking
SunnyMFD: everybody loves me
SunnyMFD: lol
Omoge: well daddy not here
Omoge: so we'll talk later
Omoge: however
MutantBanana: Ntmu and yes I did hello brotha and sista
Omoge: this is your family so why poof?
JaiEMPIRE: lawd
JaiEMPIRE: i am lagging like crazy
xFearles: /me stirs baileys and take a sip
xFearles: ntmu2
JaiEMPIRE: and the convo aint makng sense
GodJuels: lmao what type of skittles?
JaiEMPIRE: and i hate when i lagg
JaiEMPIRE: i get pissed
xFearles: ok excuses
JaiEMPIRE: @excuses
JaiEMPIRE: who u talking to
JaiEMPIRE: btw wey jamaal
Omoge: @this convo aint making sense, so we all talking rubbish now isit
JaiEMPIRE: nooo
xFearles: who else
JaiEMPIRE: i said the convo be4
Omoge: GodJuels sour skittles
Omoge: lol
JaiEMPIRE: u was getting clearly mad at some1
JaiEMPIRE: buh anywayz
xFearles: if i was mad you would know
GodJuels: bet ill take that
GodJuels: ifwy
GodJuels: z
JaiEMPIRE: ummm put ur mouth wey ur business due
JaiEMPIRE: moving on
xFearles: looool
GodJuels: O_O
Omoge: /me looks at jai
xFearles: /me flips hair
GodJuels: thats a kid talking like thaT?
GodJuels: sheesh
JaiEMPIRE: she telling me excuses
JaiEMPIRE: -.-
xFearles: cause thats all you spitting
xFearles: ma said be here with your fam
xFearles: so why you talking about lag this and that
JaiEMPIRE: well luckily she was speaking to me n not u
JaiEMPIRE: so hold up
GodJuels: oh ..this a fam room ? yikes
JaiEMPIRE: i must crash fuh who U
xFearles: i could care less
JaiEMPIRE: well mind ur bizz
JaiEMPIRE: u very outta timing
xFearles: make me
xFearles: df
Omoge: Jah its okay
JaiEMPIRE: i was seaking with my mother
xFearles: you big and bad
JaiEMPIRE: sigh
JaiEMPIRE: uk wa
xFearles: ok and thats my mom to
xFearles: sooo
JaiEMPIRE: -sits and lagg the rest the day-
Omoge: /me puts her head down
Omoge: bbg Jai @IF4DED is from Trini too
Omoge: welcome Designers
IF4DED: yea
IF4DED: nice to meet u
Designers: ty, Ma
JaiEMPIRE: cool same
Omoge: yw
Omoge: hry
JaiEMPIRE: -slaps->
SunnyMFD: <_<
SunnyMFD: df you slappin me fo
JaiEMPIRE: -kisses ur cheek-
SunnyMFD: lol
JaiEMPIRE: cuz lu niqqa
JaiEMPIRE: got a prob
JaiEMPIRE: ilu*
SunnyMFD: nope
SunnyMFD: awe
Omoge: Jai i got a question for you
SunnyMFD: she loves me
SunnyMFD: how cute
JaiEMPIRE: l0l..
JaiEMPIRE: shhh
Omoge: so you clearly been asking about Jamal
JaiEMPIRE: we gone have some haters
JaiEMPIRE: hehe
JaiEMPIRE: yh ma
Omoge: and u seem to only recognise Jamal and sunny as your siblings and you are super cool with them
Omoge: so why not the girls?
Omoge: and also TJ
JaiEMPIRE: i love banana !
Guest_Missymay6: hey
Omoge: :/
JaiEMPIRE: who the girl that was talking to me in dad room the last time
JaiEMPIRE: and got long leg n short top
MutantBanana: Jess
JaiEMPIRE: who is tj
JaiEMPIRE: rii
Omoge: Mimi not Jess
JaiEMPIRE: she cool @jess
MutantBanana: ohh
Omoge: oh its Jess
Omoge: z
MutantBanana: Pf
MutantBanana: Lord Mama
Omoge: i just remmebered her avi like that
JaiEMPIRE: banana is cool
Omoge: remembered*
MutantBanana: ;)
MutantBanana: So are you
Omoge: lol Auj
JaiEMPIRE: thx
JaiEMPIRE: who tj?
Omoge: idk what banana is cool means
MutantBanana: z
Omoge: we talking about people
MutantBanana: /.
Omoge: and TJ on your bio Jai, u should know him
JaiEMPIRE: idk her name
Omoge: ....
JaiEMPIRE: ohh rii
JaiEMPIRE: he cool
JaiEMPIRE: he dont be around much
JaiEMPIRE: buh yh
JaiEMPIRE: i just met this chick over here
Omoge: huh?
JaiEMPIRE: and ion got nun with her
Omoge: Jah was your second sis
Omoge: z
JaiEMPIRE: but she jumpy
JaiEMPIRE: cool
xFearles: @ this chick
Omoge: u been known her
JaiEMPIRE: me and u having aa convo
Omoge: -.-
xFearles: you got one more mf time
MutantBanana: She's family
JaiEMPIRE: she jump up WHAT U DO JAI
JaiEMPIRE: i say nun
JaiEMPIRE: she say MHMMM
JaiEMPIRE: she judging and jumpy
xFearles: i can mf ask
xFearles: its my mf mouth
JaiEMPIRE: i come bk speaking to u she jumpy
Omoge: Auj save me
MutantBanana: /.
JaiEMPIRE: well i ant yo kid
JaiEMPIRE: dont let me jump out ths avi girl
Omoge: /me goes to find daddy
GodJuels: zz
MutantBanana: Why can't we start over?
JaiEMPIRE: take your time
MutantBanana: We all related ;/
JaiEMPIRE: imagine sunny come bk
xFearles: f you feeling froggy
JaiEMPIRE: u jump on him
xFearles: jump
xFearles: if*
SunnyMFD: o.o
JaiEMPIRE: df mind yo mfing business
SunnyMFD: imagine
MutantBanana: oml. No jumping
Omoge: /me goesto church to ask for help
Omoge: z
MutantBanana: Lets all take a breather
JaiEMPIRE: girl dont mix me eh
Omoge: /me dials 911
MutantBanana: /.
SunnyMFD: >_>
xFearles: listen lil girl
JaiEMPIRE: ill put pepper in yo season cuz u need some flavoring
JaiEMPIRE: not tonight
JaiEMPIRE: right
xFearles: i could give 2 fucks about you
JaiEMPIRE: listen my ass
xFearles: you aint never gonna be my sis
JaiEMPIRE: u too pushy
xFearles: non fucking factor
JaiEMPIRE: did u make me love?
SunnyMFD: lord
Omoge: /me jumps from a cliff
MutantBanana: ;/
GodJuels: sheesh
SunnyMFD: >
JaiEMPIRE: i caan care less
SunnyMFD: you not leaving me with this ish
MutantBanana: Where Papa?
xFearles: stfu talking to me
MutantBanana: z
JaiEMPIRE: it looks like my sis can act so
Omoge: lmaooooooooo <
SunnyMFD: /me throws a life raft
Omoge: llc
JaiEMPIRE: watch banan and jess
JaiEMPIRE: they cool
JaiEMPIRE: u warm
Omoge: papa somewhere mhmmmm
JaiEMPIRE: and ill burn u up
JaiEMPIRE: so no ur place
xFearles: /me sips my baileys and finish what im doing
SunnyMFD: im sunny bright n warm n mellow
xFearles: /me ignores
JaiEMPIRE: u drink too much
JaiEMPIRE: y u so jumpy
Omoge: @Banana and jess .....OMFG u been talking about AUJ the whole time @banana
JaiEMPIRE: psssh
Omoge: llc
xFearles: stfuuuu
MutantBanana: Mama oml
MutantBanana: /.
JaiEMPIRE: fuuuuu nqqa
xFearles: i do wtf i want
Omoge: z
MutantBanana: oml
JaiEMPIRE: lick my crack u dumbo
Omoge: i was sooo confused
SunnyMFD: who df is jess?
JaiEMPIRE: stuepzzz
MutantBanana: I'm Banana mama
xFearles: lick my pussy on a bloody day
xFearles: dusty ass bitch
MutantBanana: Jess is um I forgot her user
GodJuels: ouch
SunnyMFD: /me pukes a lil
GodJuels: on a bloody day
GodJuels: knee slapper
MutantBanana: oml
JaiEMPIRE: u fucking rretarded and nasty
Omoge: how u forget Jess, sunny .-
JaiEMPIRE: only a worthlless bitch talk like tht
xFearles: the only worthless person here is you
xFearles: waste of sperm
Omoge: omg @worthless bitch .....JAIIIIIIII
GodJuels: wasteof sperm
GodJuels: ouch
JaiEMPIRE: hush your cunt girl
Omoge: oh God
Omoge: /me cries
GodJuels: thats a heart hitter
JaiEMPIRE: bish
xFearles: lmfaoo
MutantBanana: /me minds my bidness
Omoge: /me calls papa
JaiEMPIRE: everybodii ray yo fucking ass neve exitedd
JaiEMPIRE: i bet God said u was an error
Omoge: auj, help your sister make peace -.-
JaiEMPIRE: not a mistake a fucking ERROR
xFearles: your mom love me though
xFearles: and your father wanna fuck me too
JaiEMPIRE: dumb bitch
xFearles: so whats up
JaiEMPIRE: dont fla when u cant fly bitch
JaiEMPIRE: u irrelevant mfer
JaiEMPIRE: stuepzzz
JaiEMPIRE: typically stupid asf
xFearles: /me yawns
xFearles: boringgg
JaiEMPIRE: rest my case
Omoge: O.o
JaiEMPIRE: cuz u dust ma
MutantBanana: z
MutantBanana: 0.o
xFearles: rl
xFearles: ma
xFearles: shh
Omoge: @shhhh
Omoge: uhm wtf does that mean?
JaiEMPIRE: hmmm
JaiEMPIRE: worthless
JaiEMPIRE: she wanna fuck dad
xFearles: it means that it has nothing to do with these parents
JaiEMPIRE: ait tht a bsh
JaiEMPIRE: rofl
JaiEMPIRE: mhmm right
xFearles: bitch your dumb
xFearles: i wouldnt disrespect her
JaiEMPIRE: we dont no tht
JaiEMPIRE: u lk froggy
JaiEMPIRE: u jump on anything
JaiEMPIRE: rofl
xFearles: well she knows
JaiEMPIRE: l0l
xFearles: you dont need to
JaiEMPIRE: mhm right
MutantBanana: /.
JaiEMPIRE: then y speak on it
JaiEMPIRE: i didnt sk
JaiEMPIRE: ask*
SunnyMFD: yall still arguing
SunnyMFD: zz
JaiEMPIRE: anywayzzz
JaiEMPIRE: -slapps->
SunnyMFD: <
SunnyMFD: /me flicks
JaiEMPIRE: ouch
ere ...
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