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Kenkade's cool ass game rules:

Intro: This game is a RNG about fighting that includes roll bonuses and that shit

How to play:

Host: Get a noting app of sorts up for each player, note the hp like this:
(Copy and paste this info below)
Head 100/100
Chest 500/500
Gut 250/250
Leg L 200/200
Leg R 200/200
Arm L 200/200
Arm R 200/200
You simply narrate and note down any items they may have, preferably with the app.
Note: The players are HIGHLY recommended to have this same info unless you want to have a shit time as host

Player: This is the main part, all you do is simply play.
And I will teach you now how.

Combat: At the start of combat, both players must roll for reflexes. The winner of the roll goes first.
When you fight you have roll defects and roll bonuses, this is simply a negative of numbers off of your roll
I shall list the roll defects, for the roll bonuses are made up on the go...because it isn't just combat, you can craft shit. Crafting and foraging rolls go for twenty times prior to combat.

If the attacker wins the roll, he hits. If he looses, he doesn't, his roll against the enemy

Head hits are always -30
limb hits are always -15
Center mass is neutral
If head is below 5 hp, you get a -20 on rolls
If legs are broken you may not do kick attacks (Lower than 150 hp)
If arms are broken, you cannot do punch attacks, and rollings that require usage of arms are a -20 (Lower than 100 hp)
The narrator may make up more if he wishes to do so. (Events and shit on the go by the way)

Light hit does no damage to torso w/o weapon, and only does 100 to torso with weapon and has no debuff (50 to limbs w/o weapon, 75 with a weapon)
Heavy hit does 100 damage to torso with weapon and 200 without one, cannot hit in legs

Light leg attack (-20, does not have ability to hit head, can hit gut and also legs, does 100 to gut, 90 to legs)
Heavy leg attack (-50, insta-kill headshot, always breaks body parts on one hit, lowering it to the health it breaks at)

No aim shots of weapons do have no directness, and the player must choose whether it hits a center mass or small body
Another thing to add on no aim shots, no aim shots have no roll defect. The higher the roll, the more damage if center mass, small mass is dependant on roll size and narrator's common sense

Aim shots (loose one turn for aiming, just hits directly and a -10 roll bonus)

Narrator may add in more attacks to these vanilla ones as he/she sees fit.

The winner, assuming you go through this again, will be able to have a random weapon of narrator choice (Narrator, choose by roll is highly recommended)
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Regards; Team

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