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                  Cerebral Cortex:   The outermost layer of the cerebral hemisphere which is composed of gray matter. Cortices are asymmetrical. Both hemispheres are able to analyze sensory data, perform memory functions, learn new information, form thoughts and make decisions.    

                Dopamine: Neurotransmitter that controls the brains reward and pleasure center. Regulates movement and emotional response.

                Dendrites: bring information to the cell body and axon take information away. This information flows from neuron to neuron through a synapse.
                Amygdala The part of the limbic system that controls emotion, aggression, and the formation of emotional memory.
                        >>Limbic system: A complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It controls basic emotions and drive.

                Amacrine cells Cells that integrate information across the retina rather than sending ignals towards the brain, amacrine cells link bipolar cells to other bipolar cells and ganglion cells to other ganglion cells.


                A-B-A design Experimental design in which participants first experience the baseline condition (A), then experience the experimental treatment (B), and then return to the baseline (A).

                Abnormal psychology The area of psychological investigation concerned with understanding the nature of individual pathologies of mind, mood, and behavior.

                Absolute threshold The minimum amount of physical energy needed to produce a reliable sensory experience; operationally defined as the stimulus level at which a sensory signal is detected half the time.

                Accommodation The process by which the ciliary muscles change the thickness of the lens of the eye to permit variable focusing on near and distant objects.

                Accommodation According to Piaget, the process of restructuring or modifying cognitive structures so that new information can fit into them more easily; this process works in tandem with assimilation.

                Acquisition The stage in a classical conditioning experiment during which the conditioned response is first elicited by the conditioned stimulus.

                Action potential The nerve impulse activated in a neuron that travels down the axon and causes neurotransmitters to be released into a synapse.

                Acute stress A transient state of arousal with typically clear onset and offset patterns.

                Addiction A condition in which the body requires a drug in order to function without physical and psychological reactions to its absence; often the outcome of tolerance and dependence.

               Aggression Behaviors that cause psychological or physical harm to another individual.

               Agoraphobia An extreme fear of being in public places or open spaces from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing.

               Algorithm A step-by-step procedure that always provides the right answer for a particular type of problem.

               Altruism Prosocial behaviors a person carries out without considering his or her own safety or interests.

               Alzheimer's disease A chronic organic brain syndrome characterized by gradual loss of memory, decline in intellectual ability, and deterioration of personality.

1) Walking corpse syndrome

The case in which one believes they are dead, non existent,

or do not have any organs at all.

2) Apotemnophilia

 Neurological disorder characterized by the intense and long-standing desire

for amputation of a specific limb, or a need to become paralyzed, blind or deaf

3) The most common syndromes are Capgras and Fregoli. 

Capgras is the delusional belief that a friend, family member, etc., has been replaced by a twin impostor.

Fregoli syndrome is the delusional belief that different people are in fact a single person who is in disguise.

4) Exploding Head syndrome

Exploding head syndrome (EHS) is a benign condition in which a person hears loud imagined noises (such as a bomb exploding, a gunshot, or a cymbal crash) or experiences an explosive feeling when falling asleep or waking up. ... Neither the cause nor the mechanism of exploding head syndrome is known.

5) Mary Hart syndrome

Syndrome in which Mary Hart's voice (Celeb) will throw

people into seizures with the brain waves. So many people have experienced this,

that the syndrome got it's own name. It also causes headaches, stomach aches, etc

6) Jumping Frenchman syndrome

The Jumping Frenchmen of Maine were a group of 19th-century lumberjacks who exhibited a rare disorder of unknown origin. The syndrome entails an exaggerated startle reflex which may be described as an uncontrollable "jump"; individuals with this condition can exhibit sudden movements in all parts of the body.

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1) Sertraline (Zoloft)

Sertraline is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs.)


Side effects:


-mild nausea

-dry mouth

-changes in appetite/weight


-suicidal thoughts

-anxiety attacks

-sky rocketing blood pressure.

>Do not take Zoloft if under the influence of pimozide.<

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Affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with depression, anxiety/PTSD, and OCD.


Side effects:

-High blood pressure


-Racing thoughts

-Blurred vision

>Not approved for treating depression in children<

>Not recommended w/ low blood sugar<

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Reduces activity in the central nervous system. It also acts as an antihistamine.


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Obsessive compulsive disorder - Abnormal activity has been implicated in OCD. Dozens of genes have been linked with various psychiatric disorders. Studies reveal that OCD has a strong genetic component - chromosome 9. The gene that may link to OCD is SLC1A1, which is found on chromosome 9.


Features a pattern of unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress.


GENETIC COMPONENT ON CHROMOSOME 9: SLC1A1. This gene encodes a member of the high-affinity glutamate transporters that play an essential role in transporting glutamate across plasma membranes
Schizophrenia - Characterized by abnormalities in expression or perception of reality. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that frequently consists of auditory hallucinations (hearing things that aren't there) bizarre delusions, paranoid delusions, disorganized speech (in some types) and disorganized thinking. There are different types of schizophrenia, resulting in different personality disorders.


{Always researching}
Symptoms and Treatments

Mood: Anxiety, apathy, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, inability to feel pleasure, loss of interest, mood swings, or sadness

Sleep: Early awakening, excess sleepiness, insomnia, or restless sleep

Whole Body: Excessive hunger, fatigue, loss of appetite, or restlessness

Behavioral: Agitation, excessive crying, irritability, or social isolation

Cognitive: Lack of concentration, slowness in activity and thought, or thoughts of suicide

Weight: Gain or loss

Also Common: Poor appetite or repeatedly going over thoughts


- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

- Behavior Therapy

- Psychotherapy

- Electroconvulsive Therapy


- Emergency Medicine Doctor

- Geriatrician (Elderly Care)

- Clinical Psychologist

- Psychiatrist

- Primary Care Provider (PCP)


Amitriptyline, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, Fluvoxamine, Abilify, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Remeron, Cymbalta, Buspirone, Tofranil-PM, Eldepryl, Pamelor, Prozac, Desvenlafaxine, and Paxil


- Anxiety

- Bi Polar Disorder

- Anorexia

- Body dysmorphic disorder

- Nymphomania

- Erotomania

- Psychosis


- Alcoholism


- Borderline (Emotionally Unstable) Personality Disorder

- Dysthimia
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Regards; Team

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