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Prayer is an amazing exchange. you hand over your worries to Allah and Allah hands over his blessings to you

namaz quote

Imagine sleeping without praying isha and waking up in your grave.

namaz quotes in english

Fajr, Dhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha + Tahajud = Recipe for success.

importance of namaz 4

Take time to make time for the one who made time.

importance of namaz

Dua After Salah = O Allah you are the source of peace and peace comes form you alone. you are blessed, O lord of majesty & honor.

dua after salah

Fajr = For a face that shines and illuminates,
Zuhr = For blessed wealth
Asr = For A Healthy, Strong Body
Maghrib = For Successful Chlidern
Ishq = For Restful Sleep.

five pray

How to develop Khushoo Deveotion In Salah.

“and seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive (to Allah)”

how to develop khushoo devotion in namaz

Delay anything but Prayer

importance of namaz 2

Allah has time to listen: Do you have time to Pray?

importance of namaz 3

The dua made at Tahajjud is like an Arrow which does not miss its target – Imam Shafie

islamic saying

A muslim in sujood is stronger than a kind on his throne.

islamic short quotes

Sometimes, All it takes is just one prayer to change everything.

namaz quotes

Sujood a love story no one will understand except Those you pray.

sujood quotes of islam

The beauty of Fajr, is knowing that Allah (S.W.T) chose you to be amongst those who worship him While the rest of the world sleeps.

namaz quote

We move our bodies, We Move our lips. But do we move our Hearts In Salah ?

praying quotes

For Centuries muslim woke up for Fajr without an Alarm clock. They Had Emaan. We’ve got Gadgets.

praying quote

We have no Right to walk on his land. If we dont have time to put our head in Sujood.

prayers quotes

Fajr -4 Mins. Zuhr – 12 Mins. ASR – 8 Mins. Maghrib – 7 Mins. ISHA – 17 Mins. 48 minutes a DAy! how can you argue you had no time to pray.

prayers quote

You Missed a Prayer…

You missed a prayer. It’s been hours. you kept delaying it while busying yourself with something worthless. Guilt Finally pushes you to get up and make wudhu. You feel like a failure still. Just know that Allah is being so merciful to you right now. After you disobeyed him, He put that guilt in your heart so you can get up and do good. All is not lost Repent, Pray.

missed prayer quotes

Turn each anxiety, fear and concern into dua. Seee it as another reason to be in Sujood the position in which you are closest to Allah.

namaz quotes

imagine Sleeping without praying isha and waking up in your grave.

quote about namaz

One of the sign that you Love Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Is when you perform Salah.

islamic prayers quote

Strange! how sensitive our ears are to the beep of our phones, Yet deaf to the Call of Salah.

salah quotes

Sajda gives comfort to heart and solve the problems.

sajda quote

The prophet (peace be upon him) said. between disbelief and faith is abandoning the Salat. – Tirmidhi.

quotes about prayers

Pray the pain away.

quote about prayers

Salah is pillar of islam not just a part of Ramadan.

wise islamic quotes

Be Muslim for all day.vNot just Five times a day.

motivational muslim quotes

Prayers aren’t for Allah. its for yourself. Allah doesn’t need prayers but we need him.

worried about hard times ? “Hard times will always be there but so will ALLAH’s help”

Worries will End when Sallah Begins.

The shortest distance between your problem and its solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.

Fajr – A chance judge yourself on how close you are to ALLAH… how much do you want Jannah? enough to leave your bed and pray Fajr?
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