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xFearIes: wb
xFearles: ty
xFearIes: yw
xFearIes: ooo
xFearles: :P
xFearIes: you finna kiill me tnight huh?
xFearIes: tf
xFearles: 120
xFearles: z
xFearIes: oh
xFearles: loool
xFearles: they diff
xFearles: ii
xFearles: let me fix it
xFearIes: we in the air lool
xFearles: @ you have to float
xFearles: oool
xFearIes: lool
xFearles: on the bookshelf
xFearles: zz
xFearIes: the couch
xFearIes: couch!
xFearles: right here interesting though
xFearles: pf
xFearIes: loll yeesss
xFearles: ii
xFearles: we good here
xFearIes: ik
xFearIes: yw
xFearles: pf
xFearIes: /me fks u real har :}
xFearIes: /me stops...
xFearIes: lets start over
xFearles: ok
xFearles: lool
xFearIes: lool
xFearles: z.
xFearIes: @z
xFearIes: -.-
xFearIes: s
xFearles: ooo
xFearles: :P
xFearles: /me opens my legs wide
xFearIes: lool
xFearIes: /me kissis on ur neck and leaves my dick hanging at the entrance of your pvssy
xFearles: /me bites my lip and grind against your dick
xFearIes: /me pulls it away
xFearIes: naw :}
xFearIes: tease yo ass
xFearles: /me whimpers
xFearles: no no
xFearIes: yesss
xFearIes: /me rubs dick on ur clit slowly
xFearIes: /me looks into your eyes
xFearIes: im finna make you wet
xFearles: /me bites my lip and squeeze my tits
xFearIes: ooo
xFearIes: /me nibbles on ur ear and slowly inserts dick
xFearles: /me takes a deep breath and watch you enter
xFearIes: /me pulls out
xFearIes: need you wetter
xFearIes: :)
xFearles: /me grrrrr
xFearIes: lool
xFearIes: arent you suppose to be in charge?
xFearles: :}
xFearles: nope
xFearIes: hmph
xFearles: /me rubs my clit
xFearIes: /me forces my dick inside
xFearIes: so im in charge?
xFearles: /me throws my head back
xFearles: mhmm
xFearIes: /me stroke you real hard
xFearIes: what? im in charge?
xFearles: /me mmmmmm
xFearIes: /me strokes you harder
xFearIes: i didnt hear you
xFearles: /me mmmm fuck!
xFearIes: /me nibbles on ur nipples
xFearIes: thats better
xFearles: /me pulls you into me
xFearIes: oop
xFearIes: :}
xFearIes: /me holds you tight and grinds up in yah pvssy
xFearles: /me nibbles on your neck
xFearles: /me mmmmmm
xFearles: /me whines on your dick
xFearIes: nice
xFearIes: feels soo gud
xFearIes: /me strokes you slowly... looking into yout eyes with every stroke
xFearles: /me claws your back
xFearIes: i like that..
xFearles: /me looks down at your dick going in and out
xFearles: /me plays with my nipples
xFearIes: hmmm...
xFearIes: /me legs wide and fills your pvssy up with my dick
xFearles: /me lets out a load moan and nibble on your ear
xFearles: /me leans back and grip the couch
xFearIes: /me strokes you with the full lenght of my dick
xFearIes: /me hammers at the walls of your pvssy
xFearles: /me mmmm fuckkk, just like that
xFearles: /me mmmm papii
xFearles: ><
xFearIes: /me strokes you rapidly... grabs you by the neck... and moans softly
xFearles: /me gasp for air, mmm shittt
xFearles: /me tries to match your strokes
xFearles: -.-
xFearIes: lool its not me
xFearIes: its the wifi
xFearles: wifi needs to wait
xFearles: pf
xFearIes: lool
xFearIes: didnt kill ur vybe?
xFearles: nope
xFearles: continue
xFearles: /me grinds against your dick
xFearIes: /me slows down
xFearIes: /me whispers im finna make love to you
xFearles: o.o
xFearles: oooooo
xFearles: /me licks and suck on your neck
xFearles: /me nibbles
xFearIes: mhmm..
xFearIes: /me grabs your ass and squeezes and and rythmically grinds inside you
xFearIes: finna hit that g spot
xFearIes: mhmm
xFearIes: :}
xFearles: /me throws my head back in ecstacy
xFearles: /me mmmmmm
xFearles: /me rubs your back
xFearIes: oooh
xFearIes: /me rubs my body againsts urs... feeling the warmth of your breasts against my chest
xFearles: /me softly moans in your ear
xFearles: /me mmmm papii
xFearles: /me softly bites your shoulder
xFearIes: hmm...
xFearIes: /me holds you by the waist and pulls you back on my dick... thrusting it further up inside you
xFearles: /me rubs your chest
xFearles: /me mmmm, pulls on your bottom lip
xFearIes: mhmm...
xFearIes: /me strokes you faster
xFearIes: ugh soo good
xFearIes: /me strokes faster and harder
xFearles: /me feels myself getting super wet
xFearles: /me mmm shitttt papii
xFearIes: /me continues to stroke you and moans ugh...
xFearles: /me matches your strokes
xFearles: you the best i swear
xFearles: ♥
xFearIes: lool i am?
xFearles: yess
xFearIes: mhmm cum all over my dick baby
xFearIes: :p
xFearIes: noo
xFearIes: hah
xFearles: /me cums all over your dick
xFearles: mhmm
xFearIes: ugh yess!
xFearIes: /me forces my dick up side you and cums.....
xFearIes: .cum
xFearIes: ugh
xFearIes: /me falls on top of you
xFearIes: mhmm
xFearles: /me bites my lip and nibble on your neck
xFearles: /me pushes you over
xFearles: /me takes your dick and my mouth and lick all the juices
xFearIes: omg..
xFearles: /me spits it back out and slurp it up
xFearIes: /me trmbles
xFearIes: ooooh
xFearles: /me swallows
xFearles: yumm
xFearIes: lool youre such a freak tho
xFearIes: :) welp
xFearles: :P
xFearles: loool
xFearIes: .cum3
xFearles: z
xFearIes: lool
xFearles: /me puts our bed in here for the night
xFearIes: oop
xFearIes: lool
xFearIes: welp guess who gon miss all this dick tho
xFearles: not me
xFearles: im staying one more week
xFearles: z
xFearles: other dot
xFearIes: where it at?
xFearles: on me
xFearles: see it?
xFearIes: im too big
xFearIes: lool when u said im the best
xFearIes: i was like
xFearles: cover
xFearIes: tf
xFearIes: you sound like my gf
xFearIes: z
xFearles: oops
xFearles: z
xFearIes: lmao
xFearles: /me makes mental note not to say it again
xFearIes: lmaooo
xFearIes: you can its cool
xFearles: @ your dick peeping through the covers
xFearles: llc
xFearIes: llc
xFearIes: it big mon
xFearles: its saying peek a boo
xFearIes: you knw that song?
xFearles: noo
xFearles: lool
xFearIes: lool
xFearIes: play with tha pvssy like peek a boo
xFearles: bruh
xFearles: llc
xFearles: df
xFearles: /me listens to birthday sex
xFearles: /me draws circles on your chest
xFearIes: lool
xFearIes: i mind fked u again
xFearIes: :}
xFearles: not uh
xFearles: when
xFearIes: be honest
xFearles: ok?
xFearIes: hm?
xFearIes: huh?
xFearIes: what?
xFearles: be honest about what?
xFearles: z
xFearIes: lost me there
xFearles: loool
xFearIes: i mind fked you
xFearIes: :}
xFearIes: you knw
xFearIes: literally
xFearles: no you didnt
xFearles: pf
xFearles: loool
xFearIes: i did
xFearIes: be honest
xFearles: /me sings to myself
xFearles: nahh
xFearles: im not too thinking about it
xFearIes: llc
xFearIes: there we go
xFearIes: ok
xFearles: looool
xFearIes: im starving
xFearles: you just.. ♥
xFearles: bruh
xFearles: its too late
xFearIes: just? what? lool
xFearIes: nooo
xFearIes: im dying tf
xFearIes: :/
xFearles: @ its about to be 5 here
xFearles: you not dying
xFearles: -.-
xFearIes: umm imma die!
xFearles: drink wata
xFearles: and i said you just ♥
xFearIes: what that mean?
xFearIes: @wata
xFearIes: gas that
xFearles: looool
xFearles: that your
xFearles: you're*
xFearles: everything in one
xFearIes: meee?
xFearIes: no sah
xFearIes: lool
xFearles: yess
xFearles: :)
xFearIes: lool well ok
xFearIes: ty
xFearIes: if u say so lool
xFearIes: but i am stress
xFearles: im serious
xFearles: but still
xFearIes: but still?
xFearles: even though you be confused
xFearIes: yeh
xFearIes: z
xFearles: other than that, you're a good person
xFearles: and i do appreciate you
xFearIes: awww
xFearIes: /me feels special
xFearIes: ^^
xFearles: lool
xFearles: :)
xFearles: you better not be eating
xFearIes: naw imma sleep in a few
xFearles: okay
xFearles: idk if i am though
xFearles: z.
xFearIes: why?
xFearles: my sleeping pattern is all messed up now
xFearles: plus i have a lot on my mind
xFearIes: like what?
xFearles: all of this
xFearles: and tell whoever you in a room with rn goodnight
xFearIes: llc
xFearIes: @you stalking
xFearIes: stop it
xFearIes: damn
xFearles: im stalking or ik you was in there already
xFearles: plus you still didnt leave
xFearles: now like i said
xFearles: tell em gn
xFearIes: -.-
xFearIes: im going to sleep anyways
xFearles: mhmm
xFearIes: miserable
xFearIes: happy?
xFearles: ty ♥
xFearIes: blah
xFearIes: im starving
xFearles: i told you to drink water
xFearles: put ice cubes if you want a little more
xFearles: lool
xFearIes: funny
xFearIes: finna touch myself and sleep
xFearles: looooool
xFearles: @ that
xFearles: stop it
xFearIes: noooo
xFearIes: me wants to cum
xFearles: lool
xFearles: so you watching flicks
xFearIes: yup lool
xFearles: lord
xFearles: good luck
xFearIes: @luck
xFearles: looool
xFearles: idk much bout all of that
xFearIes: lool i bet
xFearIes: lool
xFearIes: dont try it
xFearles: ofc not loool
xFearles: and hurt what pumz
xFearles: not mines
xFearles: z.
xFearIes: yuh naw guh hurt yuh self lool
xFearles: its super tight
xFearles: z
xFearIes: llc
xFearIes: blc
xFearIes: raaay!!
xFearles: loool
xFearles: you must've forgot i dont be doing nun
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