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Resistance App

Character name: Justin Chamber
Steam Profile Link:
My steam id (update the app format) STEAM_0:1:46391948

How long have you been playing this gamemode? 2-3 years
How many communities have you been resistance on? This shall be my first one

Character Backstory(Three paragraphs, five sentences each
- 15 sentences.) Justin Chamber, born in Ohio, was in a very terrible neighborhood. All of his life many loved ones of his died and it was mainly due to shootings of his friends and family. You see, Mr. Chamber here lived in Compton. I know, he's not black and that's about why his fellow friends and family died. After the combine invasion, however, everyone he knew was dead. He was one of the few people who had not died due to the combine.

Chamber worked previously as a police officer, thus explaining his deaths. He simply somehow wasn't caught by the combine for his pre-war job. Chamber, not wanting to die after being warned by an APEX unit with a heart for the resistance that he would die due to his profession, decided to resist. Chamber thought, at first, to go on the rebellion and not the resistance. But after meeting someone who told him about the resistance, he decided to. He was very interested about the lives they lived. Although food and benefits supported him wanting to join in, His want to protect civilians heightened his want for this...

Chamber was very well wanting to become a rebel and decided to start saving rations. Many rations later and he lost them all to a suspicious unit and was set back to 160 tokens. Chamber punched the unit into his neck and slit the unit's throat, leaving with nothing. The units were now after him...and bam, he's into a new fourteen. It is safer here was right...but kiss his ass for he will NOT put up with this...He has NARROWLY escaped, and wants to join the NEW resistance.

Provide an RP example for a UCA unit fighting a rebel in the sewers alone. Combine unit says <:: Get on the ground, dammit, fucking...SUBMIT!::> Justin Chamber would attempt to, in a quick motion, pull a knife, slicing at the unit's shoulder. (Rolls 73) (Combine unit rolls 100) *** Combine unit would step back, yelling as he takes out a stunstick, flicking it on as he charges towards the rebel to tackle him to the ground (Rolls 6) LOOC: Combine unit: What the fuck.... (Justin Chamber rolls 100) ***Justin chamber dodges, attempting to stab the unit into his chest (rolls 87) (Combine unit rolls 4) ***Combine unit would be stabbed into the heard, yelping in agony as he instantly dies. ***Justin Chamber takes his shit, reporting the deed...

Provide an RP example for a rebel interrogating a unit for information. ***Justin Chamber, successfully tying JURY to the chair, would grin, pulling the unit's pants down... ***Jury would cry in his facemask ***Justin Chambers grins, taking the JURY'S stunstick that he used to kill his girlfriend, sticking it up his ass on high voltage, yelling "NOW, THAT THE FUCK ARE THE COMBINE RADIO CODES?" *******JURY screams in AGONY, thrashing in agony on the chair as he is probed. It smells like chicken burnt to a crisp "I-I will tell you, XX.XXX.XX!" ***Justin Chambers notes this down, unloading a shotgun into the unit's facemask, killing "it" "

Provide an RP example for a 5-man group of rebels planning and executing an ambush on UCA in the residential district. Jack Timberlake says "I need to let you know, the best way to do this is to have all of us with AR2'S." Justin Chamber says "No, too much to risk, we don't have that shit, and it will fail! We need to balance with USPS, MP7'S AND OICWS or AR2S...and a good thrower...we need a bomb" Leader says "Justin is right, going in willy-nilly with AR2'S is death, my only addition is that we do it covertly, hiding before we attack. It isn't like we're juggernauts..." (After they're ready to attack, also not rping as five other people so I will just act like /event, anyways though) /event The unit alone in the plaza has a sudden volley of gunfire, thee more falling to the same fate all at once, many guns and bio-signals go off, and bombs are thrown at the nexus /dispatch (Judgement wavier and that shit but I can't cite the exact quote) /event The rebels get shot down by OTA units due to the sudden approach, a sniper shot doesn't hit Justin Chamber though, as he charges towards FOUR OTA UNITS, the legend himself exploding with a grenade beside the four, the city goes into a massive riot of citizens and rebels shooting units for scripts...

Do you understand that your roleplay needs to be top-notch,
and that bad roleplay will result in your immediate termination without so much as an RP for it? Yeah, as usual, I always agree...
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Regards; Team

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