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- : GmingGrl
nothing: Kaceytron

You must get shit tons of skin from guys
And rp
- i dont xd
- i rly dont xd
How do u have lux skin
- thats the only expensive one i got xd
Someone gave it to you
- the rest i either got myself or got from a real life friend
Well uh maybe if we were close and you less slutty and less begging i woulda gifted u 50k easily
Last month i had 100k rp i got a screenshot of it. As well. Was 500 eu
Incass u think im bluffing
S l u t t y
Stupid censor
- ''slutty'' ex-fucking-cuse me? What the fuck makes you think that? I don't even share my personal information, instead of you, constantly bragging about how much money you have on here.
- A
- R
- R
- O
- G
- A
- N
- T
- :*
Cause you beg
And i tried to tell you many times
If u wanr something
- I joke, I don't actually get RP, nor skins.
I can give ez
But u gotta stop begging
Yea right.
- Yes, but I won't ask for it. That's just fucking wrong, man
Met lots of girls like u on league
Look at ur statues
- Like I told you before, it will make me feel guilty.
Pls give me vagne
- Wanna see my gifting history?
Pls give me rp
Thats asking for it
U dont even feel guilty lmao cuz u have it in ur status
Ur asking everyone for skins and rp instead of asking one person
Cus if u feel guilty asking one person
If this makes ''lots of skins and rp'', sure thing. It isn't.
How do u not feel guilty asking everyone in ur friendlist
Oh im in ur ultimate baes
- So. Invalid argument. Anyways, why the hell would you care? Nobody gives me that shit anyways, not even the real life friend anymore
- Yea, well, you were.
And holyshit srsly i can imagine givin you so much shit i wonder how ud react
I were ?
Feel free to remove me them
- Dude, I'm always full of joy
- whenever someone gifts me
Lmao i can gift you
- it's not like: ''yes! another one!'' No, I'm not like that
10 skins a day
I did that to my ex
10 skins is the limit
A day
I got her 200 skins in 3 weeks
But i dont just gift beggers you know why?
- Okay, yea I get the point. Gift me if you want to, I'm not forcing you to do anything. I even wrote that real life friend a message to not gift me, only if
- it came out of his heart
Because they are used to ppl gifting them :)
- so, why are you constantly bragging about the money you have?
When you gift a rich guy he wont be happy as much as u gifting the poor guy on street
- I get it, you have money and gift people. Good for you, keep doing it. But why smash my face in it?
Cus you talk about skins and rp a lot
- It's hard not to, since it always goes back to how much money you apparantly have.
Eventually you gna be a slut within time. You will do stuff for money
Mark my words ;-)
- And you know, you'll probably never understand, but I'm not a 'normal' E-girl. Smash your keyboard in laughter, but I am not. If you don't wanna believe me: fine. But a gift, is just a sign of appreci
- ation and friendship
I dont mea irl
On internet
- See it how you wanna see it, I see it like that
If u say so
- Nice joke. Got another one?
Trust me
You will eventually do stuff for money on internet
If u think thats a joke
I guess time will prove
Anyways i gotta afk. Do whatever u want with me
- I don't, really. I don't trust people who make fun of someone just because they have money. People with money (and apparantly you're one of them) feel better than others.
- Maybe change the world, start with yourself.
- CY@!
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