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Humanity's Demolition
Bader Al Abdullah - 14

Started: 8th of May, 2017
Ended: --

(^*IMPORTANT*^) School has destroyed my life, without my religion holding me together, I would've killed myself years ago, the sad part is I'm just another underaged "kid" who just hates school and no one will bother listening since they are so brainwashed and can't think for themselves to the point where they think the education system is perfect.

We as humans have elevated to have become the most brainless species known to any kind in any universe. We have created a feudal system called a school and is the only unique thing that creates the future and is a place for young perky children and grown spruce teenagers to learn and get educated to know the place around them. A school gives them "education" materials that they study and gain "knowledge" from, and the point is to set an exam to test their "knowledge" at the end of an "academic" year. In this short fulminate of mine, I will give my honest unpopular opinion on everything wrong about school and to whoever may read this, share this with your fellow friends and members to see how much of zombies we earthlings truly are.

First of all, I would like to say that exams do not in any way shape or form test the knowledge of an individual pupil but instead test their memory capacity. You will never achieve a truly accurate representation of your pupils by treating them like simple, emotionless statistics. For example, I myself am very capable and above average intelligent person. I understand topics and information more quickly while others take a longer time, but during exam sessions, they always seem to have a very high mark compared to me, a very high one, due to one simple reason... NO MOTIVATION TO STUDY. Think about this, you work your butt off every day and every night (getting stressed out) trying to store facts and unnecessary information that will most likely not help you in life in your small head to answer an A4 paper that judges your entire future. Isn't this just sad? We as humans have evolved to answer questions on a piece of paper, and that paper judges our intelligence, our future, our career. After I thought of this, it made me extremely suicidal and hopeless that humans will ever evolve to the good. There is a spectacular quote I found online by the actual person who invented/made the light bulb, Thomas Edison and I quote, "Tomorrow is my exam, but I don't care because a single sheet of paper can't decide my future". This quote is one of the finest most relate-able quotes, in my opinion, I have ever heard in my 14 years of existence. Exams also produce stress in ourselves and sometimes leads to depression since students are having the fear of failure, and to all of those I would like to add another quote to a random person on the internet, "Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keeps you very busy doing nothing."

I would also like to mention the worldwide school rules like "no colorful socks" or "no make-up" which are very unintelligent and useless rules if you think about it. A school is an instiution for educating students but apparently, looks and appearance play a huge role in your "education" and affects it in many ways. The honest truth about it is that it doesn't whatsoever in any way affect a pupil's "learning" so these ignorant rules should be removed and kept to the child's choice if they want to wear colourful clothes or not, let them at least have freedom in what they wear and not make them robots and aliens. In addition, British schools not only don't allow them to wear colorful clothes, but they even have specific specialized uniforms that have the student's school logo on the top which just goes to show how insane we are as human beings.

PARA 4: Take away time and creativity from them while not teaching any kind of useful information about life itself

PARA 2: Teachers

PARA 3: Homework



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Most young people said they really enjoyed learning but for many, there had been a struggle between their desire to learn and challenges presented by depression or social difficulties at school

There is too much focus on academic outcomes and a very narrow view of success with a one-size-fits-all approach that negates individuality.

There is too much testing and too much competition, and too much comparison between kids.

The whole system is geared towards achieving better outcomes rather than getting kids to love learning, and consequently there is a hierarchy of pressure, with kids right at the bottom.

It's better to watch than to read a boring text I think.
Visual elements have better effect on our memory than the ones we read thoroughly without understanding.

anoither school problem is waking up at 6 am and staying 8 hours wht only a 1 hour break. Not only that but we even have homework to do after those 8 hrs ranging from 30 mins to hours on end.
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