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Hey Harry,

Hopefully this message gets to you soon and in a more sober state!

Look man, we all got shit in our life, but one thing I learned a long time ago is that you can't ignore it. The longer you wait, the worse it becomes and the harder it is to deal with it.

Now, am I saying it will be easy to face it head on? No, I am not but that is life. It's really important to understand your situation. If I'm correct from what Steph told me, your girlfriend is pregnant. Now, whether the plan is to abort it or keep it you need to understand that this will likely be one of the toughest decisions of your life. THE BOTH OF YOU need to communicate, no more of this bullshitting around and not talking to eachother. You both made decisions that lead you to this point. Whether the decision was made intentionally or stupidly it doesn't matter, the fact is she is pregnant and with that comes a lot of responsibility.

Now, if she is seeking to abort the child, you need to support her and make sure she is doing the proper and legal way. If she intends to harm herself, thus harming the child, then you need to take steps for her to prevent that. Talk to her. Try to understand what she wants. Let her know that you are there for her. The both of you cannot continue to ignore this. It's not fair for the both of you and it's especially not fair for the child.

Harry, my friend, you need to be careful of your choices because it sounds like you are close to the edge. I had a college roommate who drank a lot all alone because he thought his girl was cheating on him while she was abroad. I spent a month working it out with him and getting him the help he needed to stop drinking alone. All I can say is that I care about you man and I don't want to see anything bad happen to you. But if you continue down the road your headed then things will only get worse, not just for you but your friends and family.

I'm asking you to stop drinking so heavily by yourself. Drinking does not solve any problems, it's a temporary numbing agent. Now, I can't make you do anything, nor can anyone else. Only you and you alone can make that decision. But what I can do is be there for you man and I will. You are one of the few people that I care about from Avalon. I hope you know that you have people that care about you.

Much love,

~Azekial07 (Jessie Gunther)
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Regards; Team

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