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Situation 3: Guide introducing a certain important figure to the visitors.

Guide: So, here's one of the curators of this museum. Guys, meet Mr. A. I believe our age gap is not that big, isn't it right, Mr. A?
Mr. A: That's right. Anyway, it's a shame that I can't accompany you all directly, but I hope you like how the museum's arranged.
Inna: Mr. A, my name is Inna, may I ask you a question?
Mr. A: Sure, go ahead.
Inna: How did you fall into this line of work? How did you get this job?
Mr. A: Well- I had the opportunity, when I was 16, to take an art history class in high school. I fell in love with medieval art. I just knew that’s what I wanted to do. I was finishing my Ph.D. when I got my job as an art professional. So, I’ve been here for 15 years.
Inna: Wow- That's cool!
Ace: What is the educational path to becoming a curator? Is it primarily through the study of the history of art?
Mr. A: Yes, I have a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in art history. My major field of study was medieval manuscripts, so it’s very specific. You probably need at least a master’s degree. Medieval art is such a specific field: in order to study medieval manuscripts, you have to know Latin, medieval history, and paleography. Paleography is the study of handwriting.
Sooah: On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your job? And why?
Mr. A: I’d rate my job at 8. My job is exactly the one I wanted to do when I started my studies—and moreover, in a museum with an amazing collection and working environment. I just can’t say 10 because it can become even better.
Gaeun: Sir, what are your favorite works in your collection?
Mr. A: Hm... This is a rather difficult question to answer, but I've selected two, they're portrait of a Bearded Man, an expressive over-lifesize portrait of a Hellenistic ruler; and Group of a Seated Poet and Sirens, large-scale painted terracotta sculptures with unusual.
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