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How long have you been playing this gamemode?
2-3 years

How many other servers have you been staff before? Have
at least three references unless this is your first time being staff, in which case make it clear here.
Only one server with shit lore and minge and powergame and paranormal shit, counting it as zero...

What are you going to bring to our staff?
A step towards a 10X better community. A friendly, honest admin...

Do you understand that we do
tolerate lashing out, short-temperedness, snarkiness towards players, flaming, and bias towards certain players will result
in your immediate termination?
Yup, won't be a bitch...

Do you understand that you are a representative of our
server as a whole, and that you must always be on your best behavior and make a good impression to people?
Yeah man, can't be a dickhead. Treat this shit like a business.

Do you work well with people? Normally.

Do you work well under stress? Again, normally

Do you work well under pressure? No, god no.

You open the console to check something and see damage
logs of one person getting mingepunched by three people. What do you do? I make ABSOLUTE sure it is mingepunch, then I shall ban them for 1 hour... They do it again, I will consult you about it.

Someone is openly flaming you in chat. They’re telling
you that you are a terrible staff, you are trash, you should kill yourself, etc. They’re being belligerent, they won’t listen to reason. What do you do? Roast them formally, and then give zero shits. Kick them and if they continue ban them...And I will try to attempt to keep the man calm and cater to the four year old with terrets in any way possible that can transform them to society.

Someone has managed to get past our anti-cheat and is
spamming guns around the map and running around with a speedhack. What do you do?
Ban the fuck...

Someone connected and has “Bob Good” as their name. What
do you do? Not give a shit. If they minge I will do something. I mean...I know one of the millita minges on steam xD!

Three people connected, all have black playermodels and
racist descriptions, they’re obviously connected to eachother, and their profiles are all private. What do you do?

Again, I will keep a keen eye on them, and inform them to keep their description to physical features we can actively know of with our five damn senses and not "Hate combine"...

PS: I don't think it matters, but I have autism and ocd, aspergers, again though. It shouldn't matter, correct? just making sure :D.

And uh...teach me the commands and shit, first server I give a shit to apply for admin, so good job!
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Regards; Team

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