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Cynicism: distrusting or disparaging the motives of others; showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty and morality
Beguiled: to influence by trickery; to take away from by cheating or deceiving
Rancor: bitter resentment or ill will; hatred
Suppress: put an end to, especially forcibly; prevent from being done, seen, heard or known
Philanthropy: concern for fellow humans, especially through gifts that encourage and promote social welfare
Cower: to crouch down in fear
Rebuke: to express sharp disapproval
Explicit: stated clearly and in detail
Hone: sharpen; to refine or perfect over a period of time
Mutiny: an open rebellion against the proper authorities
Pernicious: causing insidious harm or ruin, hurtful or fatal
Nuptial: of or relating to marriage or weddings
Prodigious: remarkably or impressively great in extent

Konnor was a boy who loved to wander the city. He lived in New York and his parents weren't around much so he always had places to go. People would taunt him for being abnormal and quiet. One time, when he was wandering the city, he found this amazing shadow. It was implapable but he thought it was incredible. It was shaped like a perfect girl that was indescribalbe. Howvere there was no one there to make the shadow. So he ran make into town and went to his neighbors house; he was the closest thing Konnor had as a friend. Emilio, the neighbor, had great inpalpability when Konnor described the perfect shape. "Thats not true, youactually need a girl to make the shadow" He also had a great skepticism with the shape and how it was there on its own that Emilio wanted to go see it himself. By the time EMilio and Konnor got to the spot, the shadow had left. Emilio gave Konnor a derision feeling that Konnor ran home. Weeks have passed and the shadow only appeared in Konnor's dreams. One time ithad spoken to him. Though he thought it sounded familiar, he ignored it. Konnor began to marginilize all of the important things in his life to find out who the shadow was and what it was doing there. He began to propritate himself from the world more than he already was.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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