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Now that we are making progress on things in Elliot, once we import product information we can begin connecting into marketplaces. As we connect into marketplaces, it is key that we have a way of handling how Orders are shipped out. For this, we have partnered with ShipStation. This is a big partnership and integration because they will be marketing us to all of their merchants, which is over 60,000.

With that said, they have provided us full API access to their platform. They recommend and I agree that we should take the Custom Store integration route. This allows us to connect endpoints and update over XML.

Links to ShipStation's REST API and Custom Store integration documentation are below:


For ShipStation, here is our Developer Account:

User: [email protected]
Pass: SanDiego6!

How does this integrate with Elliot?

Integrations - Add "ShipStation" to this menu. Embed their app, you can use iframe for example, and use this to connect Elliot to ShipStation via custom Store.
Warehouses, View All -
Warehouses, Add New -

Elliot will act as a Custom Store for ShipStation, meaning that Orders that get imported into Elliot will go into ShipStation for merchants to fulfill. If the merchant does not have ShipStation, then they must update Orders themselves for shipping; however, the Orders from Marketplaces should still filter into Elliot in either circumstance.

When an Order comes into Elliot, it will go into ShipStation. Note, to start, this will only be for marketplaces, not their eCommerce stores. This means an Order will have the following states:

Awaiting Fulfillment
Potential others can be:
Partially Refunded

Awaiting Fulfillment will update to Shipped once the Merchant has fulfilled through ShipStation and a tracking code is updated. Or they manually add a tracking code in the Order via Elliot.

Refunded and Partially Refunded states that can be entered if a Merchant experiences a Customer return or partial return. In that case, the Order must be updated in Elliot.

ShipStation does allow for an "Other" shipping method to be used in the event that the carrier is not within their providers. In any case, the Tracking Code must be passed back into Elliot to be seen on the Order page.

ShipStation does have automated email notifications for tracking, we should use as much of their system as possible so we do not have to build things. In this case, tracking updates.

Let me know if this is clear or if we should hop on a call to discuss.

Please advise. Thank you!
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Regards; Team

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