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From The Little Mermaid, name one of Triton's daughters, other than Ariel?
Arista Attina Adella Aquata Andrina Alana
Which glass slipper did Cinderella leave behind?
Left slipper
In the Lion King, what side of Scar's face is his scar on?
Left side
In Beauty and the Beast, how many eggs does Gaston say he needs to eat in order to maintain his appearance?
5 dozen
In Princess and the Frog, what country is Prince Naveen from?
In Peter Pan, which hand did Captain Hook lose to Tik Tok croc?
Left hand
In The Little Mermaid, what name does Ursula claim is hers' when she becomes human?
In Mulan, what does the matchmaker criticize Mulan for?
Being too skinny
In Frozen, what side of Anna's head does she get the platinum streak in her hair?
Right side
At the beginning of the movie Aladdin, what do they steal from the marketplace?
Loaf of bread
From Cinderella, what are the names of her step sisters?
Anastasia and Drizella
In Finding Nemo, to whom do the goggles belong to?
P. Sherman
In Sleeping Beauty, what name does Princess Aurora use as an alias?
Briar Rose
In The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which princess makes an appearance?
Who was the first Disney Princess?
Snow White
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