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Our town history
It is very important that we should preserve our town history and I'm going to tell you why.One of the reasons is so future generations can learn about it.From a museum visit, I was able to see and touch actual evidence of Pottsboros history that made it real and alive to me.
Pottsboro has a history to be proud of.In one instance Sophia Porter nicknamed "The Confederate Paul Revere" during the Civil War when she is said to have ridden her horse across the Red River to warn Col. James G. Bourland and his men that Union Soliders were at her house/farm and planning to attack.If it wasn't for her many people would've been harmed.
There are several ways we can save our local history.One thing we can do is visit our local libraries for records and historical information.We can also start organizations.Another way is we can tell stories and pass them down from generation to generation.We are lucky because our town and county celebrates its long history.We have frontier day festival which is Pottsboro way of remembering the cattle drives in the 1850's and others traveling the Shawnee Trail which ran from the Red River to Dallas.Settlers who chose to stay rather than go along the trail is what started the town.And we celebrate it every year with our Frontier day.

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