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Sarbanes-Oxley and its provisions
Groups that receive special protections --> know who they would include, the weaker individuals
know what dodd frank is, how it came about, what was it a result of
know what core practices are
know what the scale of social responsibility, the voluntary ones too, recognize things on that scale
Know what voluntary responsibilities are - why should we do them?
Know title 7 (VII)
Know about institutionalizing ethics
Six spheres of influence - know the six spheres
Know things like ethical issue intensity
know how the precedence of opportunity increases risk of ethical misconduct, and how to reduce that
Know blind direction following is
know corporate governance
know ethical issue awareness
ethical signals
individual factors in business ethics
moral philosophy - what are we talking about here? Define it
- Act and rule dantology
- Egoism
- Utilitariansm
- taeleology
- relativism
- know pluralists and their beliefs
Kolberg's? model and stages
Keyenes and Smith: capitalism and ethics
White collar crime
sources of power - understand those sources
Difference between a centralized and decentralized organization - advantages and disadvantages
Ethical cultures and characteristics of such
Four main types of org culture
Informal and formal culture
If we fail to provide an ethical program, what are employees going to base their decisions on?
We talked about the difference between compliance based and value based (-ethics?)
How to measure ethical programs
Codes of conduct
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