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Lecture: The New Republic
Understand significance of Hamilton's economic policies and rise of political parties
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Washington is voted unanimously in to the office of president in 1788. His first acts the Judiciary act of 1789 and a call for economic policy in response to the depression. Hamilton responds to Washington's request with the ideas like the national bank which is met with great opposition the Demo-Feds. George Washington is voted into second term. Feds want a stronger central gov. The opposition wants to not to give so much power to the central government. Foreign conflict sets back America with the French and British fighting causing the UK’s orders in council, impressment, and troops in the west. From foreign conflict the Jay treaty (1795, Eng) and the Pinckney treaty (1795, Spain) emerge. Washington retires and asks for no parties but his requests aren’t met.The subsequent election Adams wins with Jefferson as his vice president. In this term he faces war hysteria with france resulting in the XYZ conspiracy and alien and sedition acts. The alien and sedition acts as well as congressional election of 1798 pitted the political parties against one another in this term. The election of 1800 puts an end to the federalists.
Key Terms:
Bill of Rights, Judiciary Act of 1789, Funding, Assumption, National Bank, Whiskey Rebellion, Political Parties, Federalists, Democratic republicans, Jay's Treaty, Pinckney's Treaty, Election 1796, John Adams, XYZ, Alien and Sedition acts, Kentucky and Virginia resolves, congress 1798, Election of 1800
Potential Questions:
Which does not happen while adams is president?
Whiskeys rebellion
Alien and sedition acts
Congressional election of 1798
Kentucky and Virginia resolves
The national bank and supreme court were parts of the original constitution? (T/F)
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