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A warm good afternoon to everyone,my name is Rishii and joining me today are my teammates(everyone intro).Today we are here to discuss about the problems that our first community and second community,which are singapore's elderly population and students who are taking PSLE,and to access the different strategies that both Singapore and our team has come up with.i would be presenting the first community,while my teammate jermaine would be presenting the intro of the second community.This is followed up by anna and cheyenne who will be discussing the solutions that we have come up with for the second community's problems.Jiahan will be discussing the remainder of the solutions and wrapping up our presentation.
So to start of our presentation, i would like to ask 'How many of you here know about the problems that the elderly in Singapore face?'.To address that question, we need to dig deep and scour through the different problems faced by the elderly and find the root causes that are causing the elderly discomfort.Social stigma,isolation,health problems, financial burdens and reduction in percieved employability are just some of the main causes that lead to the fallout of elderly problems.Social stigma is caused due to the fact that majority of the elderl population is unable to provide any revenue to society,thus people deem them as useless.Thus families also push them aside due to their inability to provide to the family and are decreed as 'burdensome'.This results in increase in financial problems as there is noone to support them and their old age causes them to have increased health problems.
These problems have,ofcourse, come under the radar of the government and the government has come up with different policies and plans to aid the elderly population in Singapore.One such method would be the Action plan for successful ageing.What this plan with a very original and unique plan does is that it aims to integrate the elderly back into society and keep their bodies and minds active.In order to do this, the plan is incoprated into the workforce where jobs are redesigned to cater to the elderly population.There is also the Pioneer generation package, which is used to reduce the costs that the elderly have and to allow them to worry less about their fincancial problems.Similarly, the silver support scheme also aids elderly who have low retirement income.
However,despite providing the elderly in singapore with financial and medical support, the plans made by the government failed to address a key aspect of happy living,which is emotional support.All the plans stated above only subsidise and reduce medical costs while giving eldelry more oppurtunities to contribute to society but it does not give them any emotional support they might need from the isolationm social stigma or health problems they might face.
Using these findings and analysis we have made,we can use what we have concluded from our first commuity into our second community.To introduce the second community, i would like to give my time to my teammate jermaine.
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Regards; Team

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