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Thirteen-year-old Lu-Ellen Zimmer is so surprised to find out that she has been made a d.b., a designated buddy, for a new student at Springfalls Junior High. She usually follows her routine, sitting on the corner of the cafeteria and eating her lucnh, all alone. Just as Lu's d.b. had done for her the year before, she is going to give him a school tour. Salmon Page is older than Lu expected, and his very shy and quiet. Unlike most of Springfalls students, he is a bir darker than most of the African Americans in Springfalls Junior High. Salmon is dressed in worn clothes, and seems intent on passing unnoticed. He laso looks really hungry and tall and thin. It is clear to Lu that, though he doesn’t say so, Salmon doesn’t want anything to do with a d.b. Then Blos Pease shows up, sits down at the table with them, and changes everything for Salman.
Blos is curious about Salmon, and asks some personal questions that makes Salman not felel good. However, Salmon quickly find out that Blos likes to be able to organize everything and everyone into their place. Watching the two boys interact gives Lu some ideas into Salmon’s character. She learns more about Salmon after school that afternoon, when the two meet up at the stairs to talk about his teachers. A crow lands next to him, and then hops onto his shoulder, and Salman and Lu start tlking about the crow, and become ver talkative, while becoming great frineds. Salmon’s home life is also filledd with problems. He is a orphan, and he spent the first six years of his life with a foster mother who loved him like her own child, but since she died in a car accident, he has moved from foster home to foster home. At fourteen, he has become very tired of foster families, new schools, and new friends. Salmon is now living with Tina and Ozzy Royal in their road at the edge of town. Though she keeps him busy with a never-ending list of things to do, it is known that Tina is fond of him. However it is equally clear that Ozzy is only interested in using the boy as free manual labor. Soon, Salman is used to it and starts in this writing newspaper thing, and surprisingly, Lu and Blos are also signed up for it. One day, Salman seems to have disappeared. Blos and Lu get really worried so they set off to look for him. THey look and look, finally finding Tina and Ozzy's house, and ask them for where Salaman was. Tina reluctantly told Blos and Lu that he was set offf to a different school, and home for a new foster parent. The next day, Blos and Lu decieded to write a note to Salman. They wrote about their fun times together. A couple days later, they both got a leter back. Salman said that he misses everybody, and to take care. He wishes them good luck on their school. Even though they never met in person again, the memorie will never fade in their minds again; never, ever, again. This book had been really eye capturing, and has made me look away and smile. I persuade everybody to read tyhis book whenevr they have time.
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