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PART 1: Learn how to memorize
top 6 memorization techniques

Learning how to memorize is part of a bigger topic, called
Life with Practical Psychology.
In Life with practical psychology, there are three parts:
1. Learn how to memorize
2. learn how to persuade - the art and science of persuasion
3. how to improve group dynamics & group decision making

What is memory?
memory is brains way of

[sensory-motor info] ==> [symbolic representation]

[symbolic representation] that allows prediction of future occurrences

Above is the evolution basis for memory.

So, we have to memory in a natural way for brain.

The world is not 2D
Brain remembers these: living, active, colourful, vivid (real) and engaging

names and process are hard. Why?
Because there is no life to names, and no life to processes.

So to remember these stuffs, we need to use some simple, but effective techniques.
Arguably, the most effective and technique that's working today is called "The Roman Room". It becomes a memory Palace when many rooms combined.

The Roman Room is built on 5 techniques. You gotta master all these 5 techniques to use The Roman Room.

(1) Connect & Link
RMB: Cash, Inventories, Acc receivable, Prepaid expenses
I don have any _cash_ to buy _inventories_, i need collect my _acc receivable_ from my friends that owe me. It should be enough because i have _prepaid expenses_ from last year to count towards the purchase.

(2) Make a story
Smililar to (1) , only diff is that you combine everything into ONE big picture. In link method, you make a bunch of diff image between two items. More cluttered.

I currently dont have any cash to buy any inventory. Maybe I should collect my accounts receivable from my friends owe me. After I get my money back, it should be enough because I already have prepaid expenses from last year to count towards the purchase.

(3) Asoociate Objects with Familiar Locations (The Loci Method)
As absurd, comical, sensory, smell, sounds, taste, as posible.
The more vivid the better.
This is used by many world memory championships.

(4) Peg Objects to a Number (The Peg System)
This Peg object to a number method is best for memorizing list in order.
There are two steps in this Peg Objects to a Number system.

Step 1::
Memorize words that are easy to associate with numbers (1 to 5) Use rhymes/shapes. For eg:

This is a Peg list
1 Sun/Bun
2 Zoo
3 Free
4 More
5 Hive

Once you're done, you can associate words with list you need to memorize.
For example, five successive stages of History:
1. In the Primitive Times, only a little after the sun was created, people shared their buns in a communal setting.
2. Slaves were treated worse than animals in the zoo
3. It was not free to become a feudal lord. The price was to own some land.
4. Those capitalist pigs want more and more money!
5. Bees are social insects, so they live together in a hive.

A good is that, when you memorized the peg list, you can use the peglist repeatedly for other lists.

(5) Draw a Mind Map
Mindmaps is good for any structured concepts/information. It works by laying out the structure and we can see the flow of information.
It's good for Structured concepts. Like a tree

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