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Which of the following constitutes the largest portion of the x-ray beam emerging from the target?
A) characteristic radiation
B) brems radiation
C) compton scatter
D) photoelectric radiation
The device used to ensure reproducible radiographs, regardless of tissue density variations, is the:
B) penetrometer
C) grid
D) rare earth screens
The purpose of inherent and added filtration in the x-ray tube is to:
A) reduce patient dose
B) shorten the scale of contrast
C) reduce scattered radiation
D) soften the x-ray beam
The filtering effect of the x-ray tube's glass envelope and its oil coolant, are referred to as:
A) inherent filtration
B) added filtration
C) compensating filtration
D) port filtration
The x-ray tube's positive electrode is the:
A) anode
B) cathode
C) diode
D) triode
One hundred thousand volts is equal to:
A) 10,000 kVp
B) 1000 kVp
C) 100 kVp
D) 10 kVp
7. The source of electrons within the x-ray tube is a result of which of the following processes?
A) electrolysis
B) thermionic emission
C) rectification
D) photosynthesis

8. Which of the following electrical devices will prevent equipment damage in the event of circuit overload?
A) resistor
B) rheostat
C) rectifier
D) circuit breaker

9. During a fluoroscopic examination the milliamperage is:
A) less than 5 mA
B) 10 to 20 mA
C) 50 to 75 mA
D) variable, between 100 & 500 mA

10. If the primary coil of the high voltage transformer is supplied by 220 Volts and has 200 turns, and the secondary coil has 50,000 turns, what is the voltage induced in the secondary coil?
A) 55 kV
B) 45 kV
C) 55 volts
D) 45 volts

11. The basic function of the phototimer is to:
C) terminate the x-ray exposure once the film is correctly exposed

12. Which of the following voltage ripples is/are produced by 3-phase equipment?
1) 100%
2) 13%
3) 3.5%
A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 2 & 3
D) 1, 2 & 3

13. Which of the following is/are characteristics of the x-ray tube?
A) target material should have a high atomic number and melting point
B) the useful beam emerges from the port window
C) the filament receives both low and high voltages
D) all of the above
E) a and b

14. How are the voltage and current in the primary side of the step up transformer related to the voltage and current in the secondary side?
A) the secondary voltage is higher and the amperage is lower than the primary side
B) the secondary voltage is higher and the amperage the same as the primary side
C) the secondary voltage is lower and the amperage higher than the primary side
D) the secondary voltage is lower and the amperage the same as the primary side

15. With 3-phase equipment, the voltage across the x-ray tube:
1) drops to 0 every 180°
2) is 87-96% of the maximum value
3) is nearly constant potential
A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1 & 2
D) 2 & 3

16. Which of the following is NOT a property of x-rays?
A) have a spectrum of wavelengths
B) behave as particles and waves
C) unaffected by magnetic fields
D) are focused with a lens

17. Which of the following imaging techniques is associated with the term "object plane"?
D) tomography

18. Given the following data, what is the HVL of the unfiltered x-ray beam whose initial value is 82 R/min?
A) 73 R/min at .5 mm Al
B) 54 R/min at 1 mm Al
C) 41 R/min at 1.5 Al
D) 32 R/min at 2 mm Al

19. Which of the following occurs during Brems radiation production?
B) an electron approaching a positive nuclear charge changes direction and loses energy

20. The image intensifier's input phosphor differs from the output phosphor in that the input phosphor:
A) is much larger than the output phosphor
B) emits electrons and the output emits light photons
C) absorbs electrons and the output phosphor absorbs light photons
D) is a fixed size, and the output phosphor size can vary

21. Which of the following is a device whose function it is to protect the patient from overexposure?
B) circuit breaker
C) minimum response timer
D) back-up timer

22. Off-focus radiation is a result of:
A) electrons striking surfaces other than the focal track
B) excessive collimation
C) excessive scattered radiation
D) increased tissue density

23. The total brightness gain of an image intensifier is a result of:
1) flux gain
2) minification gain
3) focusing gain
A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1 & 2
D) 2 & 3

24. The brightness level of the fluoroscopic image can vary with:
1) mA
2) kV
3) patient thickness
A) 1 only
B) 1 & 2
C) 1 & 3
D) 1, 2 & 3

25. If a high voltage transformer has 180 primary turns, 65,000 secondary turns, and is supplied by 220 volts and 2 amps, what is the secondary voltage and current?
A) 5 amps and 80 volts
B) 5 mA and 80 volts
C) 5 amps and 80 kVp
D) 5 mA and 80 kVp

26. As electrons strike the target surface, approximately 99% of their kinetic energy is changed to:
B) heat

27. How is the thickness of tomographic sections related to the tomographic angle?
B) the greater the tomographic angle, the thinner the section

28. The atomic number:
A) Has the symbol “A”
B) Has the symbol “N”
C) Is the number of neutrons
D) Is the number of protons

29. Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) refers to:
C) x-ray absorption
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