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83007CF6 83007CF6
001 – Bulbasaur
116 – Grovyle
117 – Sceptile
118 – Torchic
119 – Combusken
11A – Blaziken
11B – Mudkip
11C – Marshtomp
11D – Swampert
11E – Poochyena
11F – Mightyena
120 – Zigzagoon
121 – Linoone
122 – Snivy
123 – Servine
124 – Serperior
125 – Leafeon
126 – Yanmega
127 – Turtwig
128 – Grotle
129 – Torterra
12A – Chimchar
12B – Monferno
12C – Infernape
12D – Nincada
12E – Ninjask
12F – Shedinja
130 – Taillow
131 – Swellow
132 – Shroomish
133 – Breloom
134 – Spinda
135 – Wingull
136 – Pelipper
137 – Cobalion
138 – Terrakion
139 – Virizion
13A – Keldo
13B – Riolu
13C – Lucario
13D – Kecleon
13E – Ambipom
13F – Togekiss
140 – Zorua
141 – Zoroark
142 – Sableye
143 – Lickilicky
144 – Rhyperior
145 – Buizel
146 – Floatzel
147 – Magnezone
148 – Feebas
149 – Milotic
14A – Gible
14B – Gabite
14C – Garchomp
14D – Cresselia
14E – Darkrai
14F – Shaymin
150 – Glaceon
151 – Electrike
152 – Manectric
153 – Electivire
154 – Magmortar
155 – Electrode
156 – Piplup
157 – Prinplup
158 – Empoleon
159 – Uxie
15A – Snorunt
15B – Glalie
15C – Vicinti
15D – Voltorb
15E – Mesprit
15F – Shinx
160 – Palkia
161 – Zekrom
162 – Reshirom
163 – Kyurem
164 – Gliscor
165 – Mamoswine
166 – Porygon Z
167 – Gallade
168 – Wynaut
169 – Regigigas
16A – Froslass
16B – Azelf
16C – Tepig
16D – Pignite
16E – Emboar
16F – Croagunk
170 – Toxicroak
171 – Tangrowth
172 – Dialga
173 – Luxio
174 – Luxray
175 – Clamperl
176 – Huntail
177 – Gorebyss
178 – Absol
179 – Shuppet
17A – Banette
17B – Seviper
17C – Zangoose
17D – Mismagius
17E – Aron
17F – Lairon
180 – Aggron
181 – Castform
182 – Honchkrow
183 – Weavile
184 – Lileep
185 – Cradily
186 – Anorith
187 – Armaldo
188 – Ralts
189 – Kirlia
18A – Gardevoir
18B – Bagon
18C – Shellgon
18D – Salamence
18E – Beldum
18F – Metang
190 – Metagross
191 – Regirock
192 – Regice
193 – Registeel
194 – Kyogre
195 – Groudon
196 – Rayquaza
197 – Latias
198 – Latios
199 – Jirachi
19A – Arceus
19B – Deoxys
19C – Wild Egg
002 – ivysaur
003 – Venusaur
004 – Charmander
005 – Charmeleon
006 – Charizard
007 – Squirtle
008 – Wartortle
009 – Blastoise
00A – Caterpie
00B – Metapod
00C – Butterfree
00D – Weedle
00E – Kakuna
00F – Beedrill
010 – Pidgey
011 – Pidgeotto
012 – Pidgeot
013 – Rattata
014 – Raticate
015 – Spearow
016 – Fearow
017 – Ekans
018 – Arbok
019 – Pikachu
01A – Raichu
01B – Sandshrew
01C – Sandslash
01D – Nidoran (Female)
01E – Nidorina
01F – Nidoqueen
020 – Nidoran (Male)
021 – Nidorino
022 – Nidoking
023 – Clefairy
024 – Clefable
025 – Vulpix
026 – Ninetales
027 – Jigglypuff
028 – Wigglytuff
029 – Zubat
02A – Golbat
02B – Oddish
02C – Gloom
02D – Vileplume
02E – Paras
02F – Parasect
030 – Joltic
031 – Galvantula
032 – Diglett
033 – Dugtrio
034 – Meowth
035 – Persian
036 – Psyduck x
037 – Golduck
038 – Mankey
039 – Primeape
03A – Growlithe
03B – Arcanine
03C – Poliwag
03D – Poliwhirl
03E – Poliwrath x
03F – Abra
040 – Kadabra
041 – Alakazam
042 – Machop
043 – Machoke
044 – Machamp
045 – Bellsprout
046 – Weepinbell
047 – Victreebel
048 – Tentacool
049 – Tentacruel
04A – Geodude
04B – Graveler
04C – Golem
04D – Ponyta
04E – Rapidash
04F – Slowpoke
050 – Slowbro
051 – Magnemite
052 – Magneton
053 – Oshawott
054 – Dewott
055 – Samurott
056 – Seel
057 – Dewgong
058 – Grimer
059 – Muk
05A – Shellder
05B – Cloyster
05C – Gastly
05D – Haunter
05E – Gengar
05F – Onix
060 – Meinfoo
061 – Meinshao
062 – Krabby
063 – Kingler
064 – Giratina
065 – Heatron
066 – Korupi
067 – Drapion
068 – Cubone
069 – Marowak
06A – Hitmonlee
06B – Hitmonchan
06C – Lickitung
06D – Koffing
06E – Weezing
06F – Rhyhorn
070 – Rhydon
071 – Chansey
072 – Tangela
073 – Kangaskhan
074 – Horsea
075 – Seadra
076 – Goldeen
077 – Seaking
078 – Staryu
079 – Starmie
07A – Manaphy
07B – Scyther
07C – Jynx
07D – Electabuzz
07E – Magmar
07F – Pinsir
080 – Tauros x
081 – Magikarp
082 – Gyarados
083 – Lapras
084 – Ditto
085 – Eevee
086 – Vaporeon
087 – Jolteon
088 – Flareon
089 – Porygon
08A – Omanyte
08B – Omastar
08C – Kabuto
08D – Kabutops
08E – Aerodactyl
08F – Snorlax
090 – Articuno
091 – Zapdos
092 – Moltres
093 – Dratini
094 – Dragonair
095 – Dragonite
096 – Mewtwo
097 – Mew
098 – Chikorita
099 – Bayleef
09A – Meganium
09B – Cyndaquil
09C – Quilava
09D – Typhlosion
09E – Totodile
09F – Croconaw
0A0 – Feraligatr
0A1 – Sentret
0A2 – Furret
0A3 – Hoothoot
0A4 – Noctowl
0A5 – Ledyba
0A6 – Ledian
0A7 – Spinarak
0A8 – Ariados
0A9 – Crobat
0AA – Chinchou
0AB – Lanturn
0AC – Pichu
0AD – Cleffa
0AE – Igglybuff
0AF – Togepi
0B0 – Togetic
0B1 – Fraxure
0B2 – Haxorus
0B3 – Mareep
0B4 – Flaaffy
0B5 – Ampharos
0B6 – Axew
0B7 – Marill
0B8 – Azumarill
0B9 – Sudowoodo
0BA – Politoed x
0BB – Hoppip
0BC – Skiploom
0BD – Jumpluff
0BE – Aipom
0BF – Scraggy
0C0 – Scrafty
0C1 – Yanma
0C2 – Wooper
0C3 – Quagsire
0C4 – Espeon
0C5 – Umbreon
0C6 – Murkrow
0C7 – Slowking
0C8 – Misdreavus
0C9 – Unown
0CA – Wobbuffet
0CB – Mawile
0CC – Pineco
0CD – Forretress
0CE – Dunsparce
0CF – Gligar
0D0 – Steelix
0D1 – Snubbull
0D2 – Granbull
0D3 – Qwilfish
0D4 – Scizor
0D5 – Shuckle
0D6 – Heracross
0D7 – Sneasel
0D8 – Teddiursa
0D9 – Ursaring
0DA – Slugma
0DB – Magcargo
0DC – Swinub
0DD – Piloswine
0DE – Trapinch
0DF – Vibrava
0E0 – Flygon
0E1 – Delibird
0E2 – Mantine
0E3 – Skarmory
0E4 – Houndour
0E5 – Houndoom
0E6 – Kingdra
0E7 – Phanpy
0E8 – Donphan
0E9 – Porygon
0EA – Roserade
0EB – Smeargle
0EC – Tyrogue
0ED – Hitmontop
0EE – Smoochum
0EF – Elekid
0F0 – Magby
0F1 – Miltank
0F2 – Blissey
0F3 – Raikou
0F4 – Entei
0F5 – Suicune
0F6 – Larvitar
0F7 – Pupitar
0F8 – Tyranitar
0F9 – Lugia
0FA – Ho-Oh
0FB – Celebi
0FC – Scarfed Pikachu –
0FD – Timburr –
0FE – Gurdurr –
0FF – Conkeldurr
100 – Druddigon
101 – Blk Kyurem –
102 – Wht Kyurem –
103 – Enraged Mew –
104 – Chespin –
105 – Quiladin –
106 – Chesnaught –
107 – Fennekin –
108 – Braixen –
109 – Delphox –
10A – Froakie – Although will join you in in forest on the way up to first elite battle tower.
10B – Frogadier –
10C – Greninja –
10D – BLVenusar – No Pic –
10E – BLCharizar – No Pic –
10F – BLBlastoise – No Pic –
110 – Mega Lucario
111 – BLGarchomp – No Pic
112 – BLAmpharos – No Pic –
113 – BLAbsol – No Pic –
114 – BLHoundoom – No Pic –
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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