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Germany (7 Points)
3 Points For Development
4 Points For Influence
Votes For Italy
Starts Claiming Denmark
Production - Infantry (Tier 1)
Invites Italy to Axis
Option B In Event
RP: ~~~~~~

1. Government
As it was more RP factor in the first two game it will also represent this function in this game.

a) You can pick any government you like. Of course doing so my close you way to enter some factions for example Comintern will not accept monarchists and Allies shouldn't be allowed to add countries that follow National Socialism.

b) Government may affect some events in your country.

2. Points
The main thing that players didn't like bout previous version of my game was the fact how many calculations were needed to do a single turn. I tried to deal with it on various methods. At first I tried to reduce it scale but that also didn't turn out to be a good idea so in the end I decided to follow the teen spirit and do points based game like the new ones ya kids make today.

It also replaces messy technology system from old game.

So there are 6 types of points: Development, Military, Naval, Influence, Aircraft, and Nuclear

Right from the start every player has an ammount of points to spend on whatever they like.

Development: Is for the industrial sector of the state. It's basically for the income, but also allows you to produce more advanced types of weapons.

Military: Production of new units is faster. They are better on a battlefield, also provinces are able to defend themselves better.

Influence: In used for claiming, gaining votes and keeping country stable, also makes colonies giving more benefits + leess rebelious.

Naval: Production Of new ships is faster. They are better and more efficient. Also slightly rises income.

Aircraft: Production of new planes is faster. They are also better and more efficient.

Nuclear: CAN BE INVESTED ONLY IF YOU ARE THE MAJOR POWER! Allows you to develop new types of powerful bombs that are used to destroy cities.

3. Diplomacy

Why isn't diplomacy sent in the points? I prefer to give players free hand about it. You can do any diplomatic action you like with any state at least as it's logical. RP here is also welcome but optional. You can provide diplomatic actions with Not-played states too! :)

The only predefined diplomatic action is faction system.


a) There is a faction system in the game like the old one. There are 3 basic factions that cannot be changed or dissolved (unless all members are gone).
ALLIES - Ruled By United Kingdom. Exist from the very begining.
AXIS - May appear if Germany regains it's power.
COMINTERN - Appears only if Soviet Russia will win civil war.

b) You can also make your own faction. Do do so you have to get major power status and has at least comparable influence level to other great powers.

5.Army & Navy

Unlike my other games army recruitment is pretty automatized. You don't have to say that you recruit 365165123561251251 soldiers. I planned 5 Tiers but I guess game will end before anybody reaches Tier 4 :P You just have to tell what type of army you invest in:

EVERY SINGLE UNIT COSTS UPKEEP. But since production is automatized anyway you shouldn't care much about it.

Infantry (Requires investing in Military)
Tier 1 (Interwar)- Available from beginning.
Tier 2 (World War II)- Requires 50 Military Points.
Tier 3 (Cold War) - Requires 200 Military Points
Tier 4 ("Present Day") - Requires 1000 Military Points.
Tier 5 (Future) - Requires 7500 Military Points

Light Tank (Requires Investing in Military and Development)
Tier 1 (Interwar)- Available from beginning.
Tier 2 (World War II)- Requires 50 Military Points and 25 Development Points.
Tier 3 (Cold War) - Requires 200 Military Points and 150 Development Points.
Tier 4 ("Present Day") - Requires 1000 Military Points and 750 Development Points.
Tier 5 (Future) - Requires 7500 Military Point and 2500 Development Points.

Heavy Tank (Requires Investing in Military and Development)
Tier 1 (Early Tanks)- Requires 50 Military Points and 25 Development Points.
Tier 2 (World War II)- Requires 125 Military Points and 200 Development Points.
Tier 3 (Cold War) - Requires 400 Military Points and 1000 Development Points.
Tier 4 ("Present Day") - Requires 1000 Military Points and 4500 Development Points.
Tier 5 (Future) - Requires 7500 Military Point and 7500 Development Points.

Fighter Plane (Requires Investing in Aircraft and Military)
Tier 1 (Early Planes)- Requires 50 Military Points and 25 Aircraft Points.
Tier 2 (World War II)- Requires 125 Military Points and 200 Aircraft Points.
Tier 3 (Cold War) - Requires 400 Military Points and 1000 Aircraft Points.
Tier 4 ("Present Day") - Requires 1000 Military Points and 4500 Aircraft Points
Tier 5 (Future) - Requires 7500 Military Point and 7500 Aircraft Points

Bomber Plane (Requires Investing in Aircraft and Military)
Tier 1 (Early Planes)- Requires 100 Military Points and 400 Aircraft Points.
Tier 2 (World War II)- Requires 650 Military Points and 1000 Aircraft Points.
Tier 3 (Cold War) - Requires 800 Military Points and 1200 Aircraft Points.
Tier 4 ("Present Day") - Requires 1000 Military Points and 2500 Aircraft Points
Tier 5 (Future) - Requires 5000 Military Point, 4500 Aircraft Points, 500 Nuclear Points

Battleship (Requires Investing in Naval and Military)
Tier 1 (Interwar)- Available from beginning
Tier 2 (World War II)- Requires 250 Military Points and 400 Naval Points.
Tier 3 (Cold War) - Requires 500 Military Points and 800 Naval Points.
Tier 4 ("Present Day") - Requires 1000 Military Points and 2500 Naval Points
Tier 5 (Future) - Requires 5000 Military Point and 4500 Naval Points

Aircraft Carrier (Requires Investing in Naval and Aircraft)
Tier 1 (Early Carriers)- Requires 200 Naval Points and 100 Aircraft Points
Tier 2 (World War II)- Requires 400 Naval Points and 400 Aircraft Points.
Tier 3 (Cold War) - Requires 750 Naval Points and 800 Aircraft Points.
Tier 4 ("Present Day") - Requires 1000 Naval Points and 2500 Aircraft Points
Tier 5 (Future) - Requires 5000 Naval Point and 4500 Aircraft Points

Corvette (Requires Investing in Naval)
Tier 1 (Interwar)- Available from beginning
Tier 2 (World War II)- Requires 250 Naval Points.
Tier 3 (Cold War) - Requires 600 Naval Points.
Tier 4 ("Present Day") - Requires 1200 Naval Points
Tier 5 (Future) - Requires 4000 Naval Points

Of course you don't need to check them every time. You will be informed when new tier is available.

6. Treaty Of Versailles (And other related

In first 10 (maybe more) turn in game there will be Versailles in game. Nations must use it to gain as much influence. You can claim any land and try to gain it without war via ToV. Every nation that presses claim in first 10 turns is automatically added to Versailles and has to vote once per turn on somebody's (or own claim).

Supporting your own claim - gives you one vote.
Supported my minor state - gives you 2 votes.
Supported by regional power - gives you 4 votes.
Supported by major power - gives you 8 votes.

Warning: Don't think you can just use someone to gain influence and then fuck them up. Every nation which supported you gets 20 years of NAP with you, and vice versa. Same with nations that you lost land to.

Notice the fact that historical claims are pressed only by european nations. Asia and America must do on their own in that case. Sorry. Don't wanna make Americas more op than they already are.

7. Warring
You can war any country you like. There's really nothing to it.

8. Roleplay

All the rest is basically up to RP. You don't need to perform any sort of actions beside that. RP is not obligatory but recommended because it gives me possibility to create events for your nation.
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