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Critics, however, are concerned that tagging people could lead to a variety of problems. They believe the practice could become Orwellian in that it could allow authorities to uncover information about—and keep track of—Americans without their knowledge. These opponents add that if officials start tagging patients, they might argue for tagging other groups, until the majority of Americans are forced to be tagged. Eventually, all privacy would vanish.

Already, privacy is not guaranteed in public places. Electronic observation currently exists in gas station video cameras, in teenagers' cell phones, and in radio tags attached to supermarket shopping carts.

Barry Steinhardt is a program director at the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington, D.C. He says that America is on the threshold of becoming a society that is constantly monitored. It's Steinhardt's opinion that microchips could play a critical role in that society. For this reason, privacy supporters warn, RFIDs should be approached with caution.

Microchip supporters argue that the advantages of the chips make up for the possible loss of privacy. One of those advantages is increased safety. Yet, experts say that microchips do not ensure safety. To prove this, one group of experts invented a handheld scanning device that can steal data from a microchip.

"You pass [the device] within a foot of a chipped person, copy the chip's code, then with a push of the button, replay the same ID number to any reader. You essentially assume the person's identity," said one expert.

VeriChip Corp., which makes the microchips, argues that it is more difficult to steal data from a chip than it is to steal a key or a key card.

The chipping debate rages on, even among some people who have been chipped. John Halamka says he is aware that there are some undesirable results of having an ID chip in his arm. "My friends have commented to me that I'm 'marked' for life, that I've lost my [privacy]," he said. "And to be honest, I think they're right."

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

access (noun) Play Stop
an opportunity to reach or use something

embed (verb) Play Stop
to place solidly into something

identity (noun) Play Stop
that which marks a certain person or thing

implant (verb) Play Stop
to fix something into somebody's body or mind

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