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Kate- main character
Mr. Jacks- teacher
Dr. Jan - doctor from the WHO (World Health Organization)
Setting: outside force field in city
Conflict: Kate and Mr. Jacks get out of the force field, and want to help the rest of the people trapped inside the airplane hangar. Kate's mirror breaks and there is no way to break the force field now. Their only choice is to get help.
Rising action: Kate and Mr. Jacks venture into the city as night falls, and they are starving. The city looks to be abandoned. Then Kate begins to feel very sick and falls unconscious. Mr. Jacks is very worried as he tries to take care of Kate, but is also feeling sick. Mr. Jacks pulls a blanket over Kate, then Kate suddenly regains consciousness. (filtered air) She then tells Mr. Jacks that the air they are breathing is unsafe, and that is why they are sick. Then they see an aircraft coming down as both Kate and Mr. Jacks fall unconscious.
Climax: Kate and Mr. Jacks wake up in a hospital-like facility. They learn from Dr. Jan that the force fields are actually meant for their protection. A chemical has been released into the air that is very fatal to humans, and the force field technology has a type of high-tech filter that keeps the people safe until it is cleared up.
Resolution: Kate and Mr. Jacks are told that the air is now safe from the chemical, and they can liberate the people from the airplane facility.
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