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Bed sequence is nice, has good camera angles, and is very well lit... but it took way too long. This is just background info to set the pacing of the short and didn't the pacing of the rest of the segment (daily morning routine). You can shorten it by 50% - while keeping that critical look that says "I'm bored with this life" or "Another day..."

WHERE ARE FAMILY OR RELATIONSHIP PICTURES ON THE NIGHTSTAND??? Would have been nice to learn about J's previous struggles or how his void came to be? Not sure what I want to see... tease the audience and use it as a hint. Maybe a crumpled up picture of he and some white chick on a picture frame without glass? That's a nice touch insinuating a lot of things.

Getting out of bed sequence was fine, but no need to pause and think once he puts his feet on the floor, he should have an objective and continue with his actions. Sets a slow tone for the short, so you might want to get rid of those frames (like trim 1 second off that sequence?).

After the shower, you should transition to J putting on the robe on the second arm (skipping him reaching and putting it on the first arm - again, sets a slow pace).

He shouldn't be that thoughtful opening up the fridge... he knows what he wants. He does something similar every morning. Make the audience feel like he has done it a million times. Convince us he's accustomed to it - just open the fridge and use both hands to get everything in one swoop. Cut it all together and replace with a scene with the camera inside the fridge and he opening it up with a face that looks like :/ and then goes in and pulls out those ingredients. Possibly a bit cliché but it's a good scene to have, would love to see a look of "acceptance" when he opens the fridge to a "sigh" post opening.

THE WHOLE COOKING SCENE WAS GREAT!!! It was short, concise and pretty glorious actually. Lighting the stove, cracking the egg, mixing... although he didn't use salt? Loved that sequence. I could almost smell the eggs... they needed salt. Probably should of popped some toast though instead of setting that bagel.

Ribbon transition... we saw it once and then poof - no more in the rest of the short. What ribbon? Any significance? Tied to a balloon? Maybe use another symbol if it even IS a symbol?

And Jezuz... Jay's teeth are SO WHITE and perfectly aligned! Jelous... random note.

I want to say that I kind of wanted to hear some narration or something that covers ever introvert's struggle of wanting to be alone but dealing with loneliness... but that would offset the latter parts of the short.

No comment on the meet up, not sure how to handle it?

On the party scene... I wanted to see some eye contact. J sees girl, girl is an extrovert enjoying her time. She's the definition of hope in J's eyes, show her ambivalence. Pan to J looking wistful while holding his drink and sitting forward. Continue scene like you had it. At the end... continue with him showing the expression of "Fuck it..." and goes to talk to the girl like he did.

If he did do some narration, go for a "Vlog" like ending where he's talking to the camera as if he were giving advice to his former self - or maybe just reflecting on this while he stares back in the mirror as if maybe he was trying to cheer himself up? I'm sure I'm at some far off tangent here - Hell, you could make it a twist and show it as some sort of memory the entire time xD The ending is yours, I just need an ending to come to terms :P
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