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Hello, I am planning on proceeding with a small time robbery at the Palomino Ammunition. I will be playing as Dragos Jhonson and I'll be joined by Andre Grosu and TJ Foreman.

Why are we doing this?
Andre Grosu and Dragos Jhonson has known each over from all the way back since childhood. They have been living on the same ghetto street inside Idlewood for about nineteen years. The two of them have been working together for a long time. Shoplifting, vandalizing, drug dealing, anything that they can do to make some extra cash. This was until Dragos has decided to go on with his life and move into his own home, just outside Jefferson. Andre has remained there, working for RS Haul and participating in small, late night races just to earn enough money for necessities. Life has been working well for Dragos, he found a special lady in his life and has been investing in expensive cars until a tragedy has devastated Dragos and have left him in shock until today. His home was broken into, killing his girlfriend and stealing all his valuables, including his car keys, jewelries, expensive electronics, wallets and more. The robbers have not been found until today. Dragos has soon fallen into depression and renting a small apartment thinking on how to get out of this situation and how to improve his life. This is when Andre has received a phone call from his old friend Dragos.

[PHONE] Andre: Umm.. Hello?
[PHONE] Dragos: Uh.. *Cough* Hey.
[PHONE] Andre: Uhh.. Who is this?
[PHONE] Dragos: *Would be speaking silently* It's umm.. Dragos.
[PHONE] Andre: Dragos? Heyy, long time no heard! How are you?
[PHONE] Dragos: *Would be speaking silently* Not well... Uhh.. Look meet me at Pizza Stack in Idlewood, need to discus something.
*Hangs Up*

Andre would sitting down at one of the tables, checking his phone when Dragos enters Pizza Stack.

Andre: Hey!
*Dragos remains silent, sitting at the table on the opposite seat. Seeming sad.*
Andre: Ey' What's.. What's wrong?
Dragos: Don't want to talk about it right now.
Andre: Uhh.. Ok.. Well haven't seen you in awhile, how have you been?
Dragos: (Shouts) I said I don't want to talk about it! ok?!!
*People casually eating their food would turn and stare at Dragos for a few seconds*
Andre: I think we should go somewhere else, let's go to my place.

Some Time Later.

*They both arrive at Andrei's house, they walk down the hall, revealing a big fancy living room. They both sit on the couch.*
Andrei: So what's up?

Dragos starts explaining how his life has hit rock bottom and he's in a really bad situation. He starts talking about a robbery he has been thinking about for two months now. Dragos explains the plan to Andre, but Andre would not look satisfied.

Dragos: So?
*Andre would be rubbing his chin, as he remains silent.*
Dragos: Well say something.
Andre: I don't know..
*Dragos would be confused, staring at Andre.*
Dragos: What don't you know?
Andre: Well what if we get caught? I mean, I don't really need the money that much, right now.
*Andre looks around his living room.*
*Dragos would stare at Andre for a few seconds, not saying anything.*
Dragos: Are you serious? Don't you see what my life has turned in to? You're the only one I know that can help me and you do this to me?!
Andre: I just think we need a better team.
Dragos: Oh I see. You think I can't do this.
Andre: No what I mean is... Huh... Look, I know a person that can help us. TJ, TJ Foreman, She can watch the cops from the bridge and use a radio or something to tell us if they're coming.
Dragos: Okay well... If you think we need her. It's coming out of your cut.
*Andre nods, bringing up his phone, searching TJ in his contact list.*

TJ would enter Andre's living room. She would look like she's in her twenty's. Wearing a blue tank top and jeans. Andre would introduce Dragos to TJ. Dragos would start explaining the whole plan and her task to TJ.

TJ: Ok.
Dragos: Good?
TJ: Yeah..
*Dragos would turn to Andre*
Dragos: Good.
*Andrei smiles back.*
TJ: Umm.. One question, how many guns will we have in the end?
*Dragos smiles*
Dragos: How many we can carry.

The Plan:

This would be performed at night at about 1 AM.

1. TJ would drive to the Palomino Bridge, parking somewhere close where she can easily see the vehicles passing the bridge.
2. Dragos would drive the get-away car to a fixed location. Andre would be following him on an off-road bike. Dragos would leave the car there and hop on the dirt bike riding to the AmmuNation.
3. When they arrive, they would both walk to the bag of the building, wearing masks.
4. Dragos would grab his blowtorch out of his duffel bag as he would start to melt the lock on the power box located behind the building. Andre would be watching for any pedestrians or other vehicles.
5. Dragos would flip a switch, shutting the power off.
6. They would both walk up to the main door, as Dragos would begin to melt the door's lock as Andre would remain looking for pedestrians and other vehicles.
7. When they're in. They will grab their night vision goggles from their duffel bag and put them on.
8. They will grab as many guns and ammo as possible from the shelves.
9. They will leave the store. This is when the alarm would go off, and the police would be notified. They will be leaving on the dirt bike parked up front and drive off-road until they reach their destination.
10. When they arrive at their destination, where they left their get away car. They will grab a gas can, located inside the get away car and will proceed on lighting the bike on fire to destroy any evidence.
11. They will drive off and will meet TJ in San Fierro. This is where the admin will spawn the guns.

The Total Payout
I was thinking for the total payout all combined we should be getting this but it could be negotiable.
2x M4A4
6x M4A4 Magazines
2x Desert Eagles
6x Desert Eagle Magazines


Get Away Car:

AmmuNation Outside:

AmmuNation Interior:

Leaving The Town Map:

From The Road Leading Off-Road (The CCTV will not be able to pickup the license plate numbers of the bike since the license plate will be removed)

From Off-Road to the Rail Way:

From The Rail Way to An Opening Leading To Behind A Building:

The Destination, Where The Getaway car will be waiting and where the dirt bike will be destroyed:

If there's anything wrong with the plan or with the RP behind it please contact me and tell me on what I can do to make this happen.

Thanks. :D

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