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Fingers tapping on the coffee table, the female looked around. They were supposed to meet at twelve, were they not? Did she have the time wrong?
The sounds of the café would’ve had a warm, fulfilling feel if she wasn’t so worried to meet the stranger her boss had sent, telling her that he was at least somewhat nice before sending her off, claiming he was busy.
She hadn’t wanted a new partner, but considering her old one had broke within minutes of his first actual mission, it looked like it was required.
She gave out a simple sigh as a hurried waitress approached, holding a notepad while carefully smiling.
“A drink for you?” The waitress asked, a heavy accent plaguing her words.
The girl stiffened as felt around her pocket for her wallet. Empty, again.
“No thank you, I’m waiting for someone.” She murmured, slowly sliding her hand out of her pocket as she laid her arms on the table.
The waitress nodded, a slight frown appearing as she turned around and hurried to another table, almost on the other side of the room.
She needed money, she realized as she studied the wall. She’d be kicked out before too long if she didn’t buy anything.
Just as she was about to stand up to head to her car and wait outside, a tall brunette slid into the booth across from her, a charming grin resting on his features.
“Anna, I’d assume? Am I late?” He asked, placing his arms on the table in front of him while leaning forward slightly.
“Oh! Yes, yes, that’s me.” She said, glancing around nervously.
She had a petite body, one that would usually go unnoticed in crowds and other busy public places, which was an advantage to her job. But the new male that had appeared in front of her was almost the opposite. He was tall, easily bringing attention to himself as he raked his hand through his hair, green eyes shining. How was he supposed to stay hidden like he was supposed to?
The matter would be discussed later with her boss, she decided as she took in a deep breath.
“And you’re Bradley, I’d assume?”
His face which had set off to a neutral smile lit up with a grin again.
“That’s my name. Brad, if you’d like.” He set off a wink and Anna rolled her eyes, looking away.
What a pain.
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