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Jahmiah Macaco, born in Jamaica, raised by his father from Portugal, and his mother from america.
At the age of 2, Jahmiah moved to L.A. with his parents, and didn't get along well with the students at his school. His classmates bullied him and made fun of him for his race and skin tone, shortly after finishing his first year in school, his mother had died from cancer, and wasleft with his Dad to raise him. This made Jahmiah even more depressed, and the only thing that lighted his mood, was drawing sketches of Monkeys in his mother's notebook. He brought into school and showed his pictures to his only companion in school, Bruce Matthews, an American chap. He made up a Monkey Hero he liked to call, Super Monkey, and had dreams of this fake hero of him saving him from burning buildings and saving the day from the evil crook called, Seargent Ape. Jahmiah grew to age 14 and his father was in hospital after being shot on the street by a hairy man under a hood, in the dark alley way on McAllister's Road. His father died 2 weeks later, and poor Jahmiah was left to stay with his uncle. At age 22, Jahmiah moved out and lived in an apartment in Weazel Plaza, near his uncle's rent home.
Jahmiah was very depressed his whole life and to make it worse, his uncle suffered financial problems and was forced to move out and be homeless. Jahmiah didn't have enough money to help his uncle's fees and wasn't allowed to let him stay with him in Weazel Plaza, meaning he had to just let his uncle go homeless and poor. Bruce had a job in an illegal MC, he was the President of the Club called, 'The Angels of Death', and had many illegal drugs on his hands that he sold to the citizens of Blaine County. Weeks after Jahmiah's uncle went homeless, he died of starvation. He was left with no family members as they all still lived in his home town in Jamaica. Jahmiah still looked up to his imaginary hero, Super Monkey, and believed that one day he was to meet the mighty hero and bring back the lives of his past family members, and take down the evil villain Seargent Ape.

Roles :
Super Monkey - Aazerous
Bruce Matthews & Secret Agent - MaTTigerPlayz
Seargent Ape - gamingshadow11/aifearon
Soldier Z - Elitehunter623
Flying Fox - Future Okazaki
Side Characters - xDR8 FusS1oNzZ
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