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Part 1

After lunch──
Diablo’s group returned to the inn.
Rem muttered.
「……If we are going to 《Starfall Tower》, then we will need to get going about now.」
「It’s because a hindrance interrupted our meal that it took up time after all.」
「Ahaha……Things were a disaster because of that weird person, wasn’t it.」
Diablo nodded, and Shera gave a laughter as if she didn’t have a single worry in the world.
Rem breathed a sigh.
「……A person that is able to call being glared at by a Holy Knight a “hindrance to a meal”, I’m sure there aren’t many of that kind of person.」
「Well, there is no need to worry about that guy. More importantly──」
Diablo shifted his attention to the inn’s door.
Alicia was in the room next to them.
She accompanied them here from 《The Triangle Ears》 but……
Most likely, silently going out was probably impossible. Her perception was sharp, and when leaving the inn, they would have to pass in front of her room.
Rem looked like she was perplexed about something.
「……It might be best to be honest with her.」
「That’s true. Alicia-san is, a good person after all, so she’ll understand.」
Going by Shera’s view, most people were virtuous. Of course, to Diablo, he considered Alicia to be trustworthy. She could probably be said to already be a companion.
However, it was because of that.
Rem was troubled over it.
「……Alicia is a State Knight……No matter what the circumstances may be, she probably can’t just shut her eyes to the Demon King Revival. Rather than inconveniencing her, it might be best to keep quiet about it.」
Maybe because they had a small talk before, it seems that Rem and Alicia had become friendly with each other.
Thinking about their positions, hiding it would be for both of their sakes.
However, he wanted to be honest with her. Because he considered her a companion.
This type of delicate human relations, putting it plainly, was something that he completely did not understand. Just what would be the correct thing to do.
Just what should he say, to that their relationship would not go wrong.
If she were a complete stranger, it would instead be really simple. It was because she was someone they were close to that it was difficult.
Because he thought that it was absolutely impossible for himself, Diablo kept quiet.
Rem asked.
「What, do you think would be the best thing to do?」
──Asking me about personal problems, is like asking a turtle for tips on how to fly, you know?
However, it would be deplorable of him to reply with an ‘I don’t know’.
Diablo tried saying something that “seemed authentic”.
「You are worrying about it. That is the answer.」
After he himself said that, he thought to himself “Haa?”. Even if it was just some random answer, there is a limit to it.
Even so, Rem nodded looking like she comprehended that.
「……I see. Certainly, unless it were a person that I should talk about it with, I probably wouldn’t be worried about it. It is because I thought that she was a companion that I place my trust in that I’m worrying about this. In that case, I should consult with that trustworthy companion that made me worry to this extent……That is what you are saying, right?」
「U, umu.」
Rem made a cheerful face.
「……As expected of you, Diablo. Not only are you strong, to think that you were sensitive to the matters of the heart……From your point of view, I surely must be a small existence for worrying over such a trivial matter.」
He started to feel a bit apologetic.
Just by somehow saying something that sounded wise, the one that came up with the answer was Rem herself.
Even Shera’s eyes were sparkling in admiration.
「Diablo, you really are amazing! That’s exactly right, since Alicia is a companion, she’ll understand if we talk with her!」
「Of, of course.」
「……Yes. Though we might be imposing some trouble on her.」
And so, they called Alicia to their room.

Alicia accepted it surprisingly quickly.
She sympathized with how Rem suffered with keeping it a secret for so long, shed tears, and promised to cooperate with all of her might. Rem started weeping from that kind attitude, and Shera also received that and started crying.
There was no problem. As he thought, it was for the best that they be honest with Alicia.

Or that’s how it should have been but……
Diablo was beside the wall with his arms crossed, gazing at the appearance of the three girls sheding tears and sympathizing with each other.
It was somehow, cheap.
He thought that it resembled that.
As if──it was as if he was looking at his classmates right before they were changing grades.
They’d cry, talk, and vow to have lifelong friendships with each other. But when it became the new school year, he would never see them all in the same place together.
He didn’t understand the meaning of that.
Rem’s troubles were something that risked her life, and even for Shera, if she was intent on being present at the Demon King Revival, it was probably understandable that she was risking her life. It would be nice if she understood that.
And then, Alicia should have had some conflicts in terms of her position. For a woman to take up the position of State Knight, she should have had some uncommon hardships.
The girls’ tears were different from his classmates’ “make-believe farewell”. Even though that is how it should have been, there was some kind of sense of discomfort.
Diablo breathed a sight in his heart.
──Good grief, I wonder if it’s because I have a communication disorder, don’t have any friends, and never joined a LINE group, that I can only see things through such a warped viewpoint?
Part 2

《Starfall Tower》──
The time was probably around 8 o’clock at night.
In this world, small clocks that could be carried were extremely high-class items. A pocket watch was more expensive than gold of the same weight.
Wall-mounted clocks were only in the estates of nobles and the church.
A majority of the citizens lived by the time signal of the church’s bell. From 5 o’clock to 9 o’clock at night, the bell would ring at every hour.
Five times if it was 5 o’clock, six times if it was 6 o’clock……At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, it returned to one time. At first, he thought that it would be inconvenient, but with no train, no bus, and no TV, since there was no commute to work or school or anything to be late to, there was no problem with it.
Things like an accurate clock, transportation facilities, computers, and the Internet, these convenient inventions might be making it harder for people to live.
He casually thought such things.

A full moon shined in the sky.
The old looking, stone-made tower that stretched towards the moon had eight sides, and was slightly thicker at the bottom.
He had seen it when he was summoned, so this was his second time coming here. Looking at it at night, its atmosphere was quite different.
Diablo, Rem, Shera, and Alicia stopped and surveyed the surroundings.
「It should have been just as promised though……?」
「……That Demonic Being, just where is she?」
「Sh, she won’t attack us, right?」
「According to the story that you told me, I think it should be alright but……Let us proceed with caution.」
Alicia extended her hand to the sword on her waist.
From the tower’s entrance, a small figure of a person came out underneath the moonlight.
「Finally~, came?」
It was Edelgart. In her right hand, she held a horseback lance.
Going “Hii!?”, Shera hid herself behind Diablo. If she was that scared, it would have been fine if she waited at the inn but……
Rem also had signs of being nervous.
As expected of a State Knight, Alicia was quite dignified.
The brown-skinned, silver-haired Demonic Being expressionlessly glanced at Diablo’s group.
「Ritual preparations already~, made.」
──Nn? So she’s not going to ask about Alicia?
He was worried that there would be a problem about how he came accompanied by a State Knight, but Edelgart didn’t show any signs of minding it.
Being as strong as she is, did she not care about a single State Knight?
Since there was no need to expressly make it a topic and increase the troublesome things, Diablo kept silent about it.
Right now, he should focus on the ritual.
Diablo crushed the nervousness in his heart, and collectedly nodded.
「Good work. All that is left is for me and Rem to perform the ritual, is that right?」
「Right. Well, then~……Go?」
As always, her way of speaking was way too peculiar that it was hard to tell what she was thinking. To the Demonic Beings, the Demon King’s revival should have been their dearest wish.
At the very least, for the past 30 years since the Demon King was defeated, they should have been seeking a new Demon King. For someone that was on the lookout for something that important, she sure was aloof about it.
Edelgart had her eyes go left and right. Incidentally, she also looked up.
「Best, to hurry up~」
Being urged, Diablo’s group went inside 《Starfall Tower》.
It was dark.
If this were the game, he would have raised the display’s brightness with all his might.
Moonlight shone through from a small window. There was only the full moon, and that was the only place that was bright.
Edelgart was the lead, and following after her was Diablo, Rem, Shera, and then Alicia. While using the stairway to head towards the rooftop, Rem asked a question.
「……You seemed to be vigilant of the surroundings but, is there something going on?」
「Guys of the Baal faction~, don’t like, thing like ritual. Destroying, Demon King-sama’s container~……and immediately reviving is their desire.」
It was only natural that Rem flinched. Because, her story meant that, in short, there were Demonic Beings that were thinking they “want to kill Rem right now”.
Going “Fumu”, Diablo placed his hand on his chin.
He knew the name Baal. He had appeared even in the game. He had an appearance like that of a bear, and was a considerably powerful opponent.
「So there are things like factions among Demonic Beings?」
「Ye, ah. Are. Generally, Baal faction says Races should be killed~……Those guys~, stupid? Eternally weak-headed~. Only think about killing Races.」
「I see……Why don’t they come up to the town? There should be people of the Races doing farm work outside of the barrier though?」
「Because, Baal faction~ move on mood. But in truth, are scared. Without Demon King-sama~, Demonic Beings weak. Because weak, don’t want to fight? But, Races want to kill?」
「In that case, they’re something like Demonic Beasts.」
With how reason won’t communicate well with them, they seem like they will be troublesome when encountered. He felt like he understood why she was vigilant.
「Then~, there is Ourou faction.」
「What kind of guys are they?」
「Ourou live long since previous previous Demon King? Oldest Demonic Being and seems to be strongest~. Not sure. Edelgart never seen him fight. But~……Lethargic? Not usable……Wrong……Said, not lethargic. Moderate faction? That what he said.」
「Hmph, to think that there was a moderate faction among the Demonic Beings.」
He also knew about Ourou.
It should have been a gigantic owl. Wasn’t it a Demonic Beast, was a popular topic but──regardless of outward appearance, ones that were able to operate words seemed to be called Demonic Beings.
In the game, since it was a scenario where one was capturing the Demonic Beings base, there wasn’t much of a conversation, and after one-sidedly being told “You damned hateful Adventurers!”, it rushed into battle.
It didn’t give the impression of being a moderate faction, and it didn’t seem like the strongest.
This was also the first time he heard information about there being factions.
「Because Ourou~ said ”If we wait, someday Demon King-sama will revive once again”~, won’t move? Won’t move!」
Rem was surprised.
「……A moderate faction among the Demonic Beings……I have never heard of such a story. Even with just the current conversation, this would be surprising information for many people of the Races.」
「Though, before you would be trusted, it seems like you would be executed for communicating with Demonic Beings.」
With Alicia’s words, Diablo agreed.
Among the Races, information on the Demonic Beings was much too scarce. It wasn’t written even in the game’s settings. What is the number of Demonic Beings? What is their command system? How do they live and how do they increase?
It was a foolish story. If they really thought about trying to win, they needed to know about the enemy more than the enemy knows themselves.
「Edelgart, which faction do you belong to?」
「Wrong. Edelgart is~, Edelgart!」
「So, in other words, there are three factions.」
「Ye, ah……Have “strayed” but, pretty much three? Three! Edelgart, has~, heard story from Demonic Being priest, and for sake of reviving Demon King-sama, has done various things. What is important is~, that Demon King-sama is properly revived. Properly.」
Baal and Ourou, they were implemented in Cross Reverie. If it were updated, would Edelgart also eventually make her appearance?
Diablo gazed at her.
──This girl, with this outward appearance, some goods would have been sold.
He thought about such things.
They arrived at the rooftop.
Maybe because they had walked the pitch dark stairwell for a while, even the moonlight felt radiant.
It was the place where Diablo was summoned.
It was wide enough that it didn’t feel confined even with five people around, was octogonal, and at the center, there was an altar surrounded with stone pillars.
There was no ceiling, and the night sky could be seen.
The large full moon was suspended in the air.
Part 3

《Starfall Tower》 Rooftop──
Diablo, Rem, Shera, Alicia, and Edelgart, all five of them came in front of the stone altar that was in the center.
Edelgart began to explain.
「For Demon King-sama to revive~, there is only the person of Races that is the seal container has to die, or Demon King-sama’s soul is filled with magical power……Still take hundreds of years~, maybe?」
Rem’s body stiffened.
「……Then, this ritual, it’s meant to fill Krebskrem’s soul with magical power, is that right?」
「That’s, right.」
Edelgart turned towards Diablo’s direction.
「Pour your magical power~, into Demon King-sama’s soul. When done~, able to revive Demon King-sama soon, should. Probably. Priest said so.」
Rem was uneasy. *Kokun*, she gulped.
「……It seems……I have no choice but to believe you.」
Certainly, it was a story that was like catching a cloud.
Information meant to help make a decision, was overwhelmingly insufficient. There was no way to make sure that Edelgart’s words were true.
Rem extended her hand to Diablo.
With both of her small hands, she grasped his right hand which held 《The Staff of Tenma》.
「Wh, what?」
「……Diablo……I, am unable to trust the Demonic Beings.」
「Is that so. In that case, shall we stop?」
「No, let us perform the ritual. Most likely, by storing magical power, Krebskrem will probably revive. At that time, whether I’ll be saved or not, is something I don’t know.」
「Even so, I don’t mind. More than my own life, I want to defeat Krebskrem. If it is you, that is possible……It is definitely possible. That’s why, I, will believe in you, Diablo.」
*Jii*, she gazed at him.
It was a face that showed she was betting her life.
As the egg of the Demon King that would one day revive, she chose not to live a life of quietly hiding, and had a face of someone chose to fight.
Bathed in moonlight, that figure was too beautiful.
Diablo placed her hand on her shoulder.
「I shall equally exterminate all those that oppose me.」
These words were not something he planned to say to relieve her.
It was an act to be Demon King-like, but they were also Diablo’s true feelings. He would defeat Krebskrem.
And then, if something were to happen to Rem’s body, he had no intentions of forgiving Edelgart either.
Edelgart urged them to the altar.
「Well, then~……Lie here!」
It was the place where he opened his eyes when he came to this world.
Rem lied down on the altar.
「……Is this alright?」
「Good. Thenー……Pour magical power.」
She turned her gaze towards him.
That was his duty. Diablo tried to make it so that the nervousness in his heart didn’t appear on the surface.
「Do I, not use some kind of tool? You made preparations for the ritual, right?」
「Underfoot~, magic formation. Amplifies poured magical power? Does.」
「Is that all?」
「Other things, needed?」
Edelgart tilted her head.
Pouring magical power probably meant the act that he learned from Medios the shopkeeper at the slave shop and had tried on Shera.
Although he had just happened to have learned it……
If Diablo didn’t know the way to pour magical power, the ritual would have failed right here.
It probably would have turned into a atmosphere that would make him feel like running away.
In his mind, he went “Thank goodness I learned how to do itー!!” and cried out banzai.
──Still, Edelgart looks like she has a pretty haphazard personality.
In proportion to her strange way of speaking, she surprisingly thought a lot about things. She also had knowledge, and was calm. Governing one of the three factions, just doing that was good.
However, she also had a part of her that left things to momentum.
Or maybe, could it be that she acquired the information that Diablo was able to pour magical power?
And for this reason, she made this proposal?
Shera blushed.
「Umm……by pour magical power……you mean “that”, right?」
Diablo nodded.
「Most likely.」
「That, huh……Rem, will you be alright?」
「……I, I’m prepared. But, this ritual is meant to revive Krebskrem……and then, defeat it. It is something serious.」
Before, Shera had playfully poured magical power into Rem. Probably remembering that, Rem’s face also turned red.
「Y, yeah. Do your best!」
Edelgart stopped Shera who tried to get closer to Rem.
「Magic formation get disarrayed. So~ unrelated things, get away.」
「That so……」
「Just leave it all to me!」
Diablo approached the altar.
*Fuwah* The magic formation that was drawn in the surroundings floated up in a bluish-white color.
Even on the altar that Rem was lying on, there were fine patterns and letters were closely packed and written.
She quivered.
「……Fufu……Since the time, I decided to become an Adventurer, I had resolved myself for almost everything. However, to think that I would have the magical power from a Demon King poured into me, while on top of a magic formation drawn by Demonic Beings, this was outside of my imagination.」
「You should count the number of stars in the sky or something. It will end at once.」
──It will end at once, right?
Pouring magical power requires concentration. He had only just learned it, so he wasn’t able to continuously do it for that long.
He touched Rem’s body. First, he placed his right hand on her stomach. It felt pleasantly cool, and was soft.
She leaked out a small sigh.
「Are you alright?」
「Yes, it was a bit, ticklish is all.」
「If it’s painful, you should tell me immediately.」
The top and bottom of Rem’s clothes were separated. He touched her naked navel with his hand, and read the flow of magical power.
The strong stream created a swirl with her heart at the center.
It was a pattern that differed from the time with Shera.
He decided to try pouring magical power there.
The muscles along Rem’s spine quivered.
From the side, Edelgart interrupted.
「Wro~ng~, that. Wrong. That not Demon King-sama, that Pantherian! Putting magical power there, wrong.」
「Fumu, I see.」
He read the information more prudently.
Within the flow of Rem’s magical power, there was a gooey mass.
In the depths of her navel huh……
No, even further below.
Even if he read the flow of magical power, he couldn’t tell the color. Or that’s how it should have been, but it was black. It was as if there was a bottomless hole open inside of Rem.
It wasn’t like he had read everyone’s magical power, but at the very least, it was different from Shera’s. Most likely it was different from Diablo’s as well.
No wonder Medios made a dubious face.
「So it’s here……」
He poured magical power.
Just like before, Rem’s body quivered.
「Mu……It isn’t reaching.」
Because it was deep within, the magical power wasn’t quite reaching. It felt like at least half was streaming towards Rem.
Edelgart talked sounding displeased.
「Like that~, not enough. Won’t cross over to Demon King-sama? Better if stab finger in.」
「……Wait. Did you say, finger?」
「Right. Like *Dosu*~, with that feeling.」
「Rejected. I won’t allow a single scratch on her skin, well, I won’t go that far, but if I were to do that, it would concern Rem’s life.」
「Mu~, people of Races weak……Just a hole or two……Right. Hole. There was a hole? Is.」
She came to the side of the altar, and pointed.
The Demonic Being had said that no one was to get close, but since the ritual wasn’t proceeding favorably, he decided to not mention such trifles.
More importantly, her proposal was a huge problem.
「……What, was that?」
「If insert finger from here~, even if don’t stab skin, it alright?」
「You, are you ridiculing me!?」
「Edelgart~, hate……jokes.」
Rem let out a small voice.
「……ease do it.」
「Please, do it……Diablo. If that is what is needed.」
「U, gu……No……Uumu」
The watching Shera raised a voice saying 「I don’t, really get it but, go for it!」.
Alicia kept silent and watched intently.
Diablo nodded.
「Yosh! You should tell me if it hurts! I will at least wait!」
His voice felt like it was going to quiver.
Once again, he extended his hand towards her body.
To the closest place that that existence deep inside of her body was.
──This, is an action meant to pour magical power to Demon King Krebskrem’s soul!
Diablo extended his hand to Rem’s abdomen.
「I am going to take it off.」
「Y, yes……」
Putting his hand on her spats, he slipped them down. The area around her hips was exposed to the air.
And then, he extended his hand between both her legs.
So as to not turn his eyes towards there as much as possible, or rather, so as to immediately tell if Rem was in pain, he looked at her face.
Groping about, he searched for the entrance to her innermost area.
*Piku* Rem’s eyelashes quivered.
「O, oi?」
「I’m……I’m alright……You just touched, a place that is a bit, sensitive……Please continue, without minding me. If it seems unreasonable, I’ll be sure to say so after all.」
「Is that so.」
Before, Rem said that she was fourteen years old.
──Is this alright?
No, because she is a Pantherian, it is hard to believe that they would have the same standards as Humans. According to the setting in MMORPG Cross Reverie, Elves live to around 300 years. Also, that the other Demi-humans in general have longevity.
Diablo stopped worrying about such minor details, and focused on the deed.
Shera, who was watching from a small distance away, was blushing.
「Eh? Eh? This is a ritual……right?」
「Of course it is.」
Alicia answered.
When Diablo’s fingertips arrived at Rem’s precious place, her back bent back.
「S, so it’s here.……」
「Nnn, ah! Ahh! It……it’s in……Diablo, is en, ter……ing……me.」
It went in easier than he thought it would.
It was soft, and it was as if it was viscously coiling around him.
With his fingertip having entered just a bit, it was still too far from Krebskrem. There wasn’t a great difference from when he had placed his hand on top of her stomach.
He pushed further in.
Rem’s breathing became stiff.
「Hanghuu! Kufuuuu……Uuuu! Nn, ah! Ha! Ha!」
「Just a bit more.」
Diablo pushed his middle finger inside.
Her body temperature was being transmitted to him clearly. It was tightly pressing on him.
And then, he also felt magical power.
──I’ve come close to you, Krebskrem!
「Here I come! Rem!」
Going as if trying to lift up her waist with only his middle finger, he pushed it in even deeper. He poured magical power in.
Rem raised a high-pitched voice.
The magical power released from Diablo streamed to the jet black cavity that was deep within her.
Edelgart narrowed her eyes.
「R, ight……That~, good……Should be」
「AH! AH! AH! HIAH! NHAaaaa! D, don’t, too stro……No, just like that! Nnhaa……Aguuuuu! Th, the innermost area of my stomach is……hot……It, it feels like I’m burning up……Uuuu!」
「Not yet! More!」
He poured in all of the magical power that he had. He held nothing in reserve.
Now that they had gone this far, he was going to absolutely revive Krebskrem, and beat it down!
The magic formation that was drawn underfoot was releasing enough radiance that it was dazzling.
It was amplifying Diablo’s magical power.
Within Rem, the swelling discharge of magical power was raging. It stirred up her insides, and her body had spasmed on top of the altar many times over.
「HAuuUUUGUAH! AGUH! NN! Ku, tsufuu! AH! G, going in so deep……Naaaah, gouging me out……Tsuhaa……NN! I’m, I’m going cra……zy……HA! AH! NHAAH! AAAAaaaa……AAaah!」
The consumption of magical power was too much, and he was starting to feel dizzy.
A sensation similar to a dull pain reverberated from his spine to the inside of his head.
He started to lose feeling in his fingertips as if they were melting from the heat, as if he had become one with Rem’s body.
Nevertheless, Diablo thrust deep within her.
「HYAUN! Fua! AH! AAHHH! NHAaAH! HOT! IT’S HOT! Diablo……I, I’m……already……HAFU! This is……m, making me feel……like I’ll go crazy……NN!」
「Yeah, you’ve started to overflow.」
The poured in magical power was overflowing from the deep hole that was within Rem.
──So Krebskrem has had its fill!
As if to make the finishing blow, he released the remaining magical power deep into her.
「KUOOOOH! Reach it!」
「Nnnnnu! AH! HHIGUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuu─────────ッ!!」
While scratching her insides, Diablo pulled out his finger.
Fluids fell onto the altar.
──It’s coming!!
Something was coming out from within the deep hole.
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