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J­a­­s­­o­n­ Luc­a­­­s (Trin-ity - Ghe-tto Monk) is a psychologi$t at T­a­v­i­s­t­o­c­k which is a front to some Intelligence agency.

Do you ever wonder why God­likepro-duction$ has a di$claimer at the bottom of their website saying "We don't di$criminate against the me-ntally i-l-l"?

It's because, the T­a­v­i­s­­t­o­c­­k Institute was researching and studying how crazy people function.

This website creates p$ycholog-ical profi-le$ of the posters who spread information regarding air crafts, UFO's and Chemtrails.

GLP needed menta-lly i-l-l posters so evil th-in-kt-an-k$ (T­a­v­i­s­t­o­c­k) and psycholog-i$ts could study their behavior regarding Aliens, UFO's, Chemtrails etc.

The T­a­v­­i­s­t­o­­c­k In$titute and MI6 re famous for experimenting mind control on people who are on drugs... So... one of the goals for Godli-keProd-uction$ middl ew-are datami-ning oper-ations for some Intelligence agency was to test mind control and psy ops strategies in a Internet Commu nity environment.

The next time you're at GLP... think about why "robot" like posters reply to threads & posts in a ro-bot fa$hion... and ask yourself why the "MI6/CIA/Mossad" agents have been on the site for so many years without being bann ed..
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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