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She scrambled to her feet as the door slammed behind her. The room stunk of rot and musk, of old socks and cum-rags, it stunk so much her head throbbed. How could it have come to this? Just a few hours before she was leading the race to become President of the free world and now, bloodied, battered and bruised she stood in the darkness, alone. Or so she thought.
"Who's there?"
"Where are you? Help me. I need help. I'm hurt." She groaned, blood spilling from her mouth like a serpents tongue.
"D...D......Donald? Is th... that you?"
An orange face emerged from the darkness like an African sunrise, his mouth twisted into a smile and eyes wide with excitement. He walked toward the now trembling Hillary and slowly grabbed her head, licking the blood from the creases in her neck first, and then her sagging face.
"Puuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..." He whispered softly and he removed his tongue from her ear. Donald took a step back, lifted his hand and swung it downwards in a pendulum motion; his open fist hurtling towards her cunt at frightening speed before grasping it tightly. One finger slipped inside as the others closed around the lips and clitoris, yanking down sharply. The pain was incredible but Hillary, still in shock, was frozen on the spot. He kept yanking, pulling, using the finger inside for more purchase until eventually it began to rip from the seams. First came the right vaginal lip; it tore off like a cheese string, blood sprayed to the floor as the urethral opening came free from its position along with it the clitorus; ripped out like an oyster as Hillary crumpled to the floor.
"D..Donald... How could you.. Do this? I d... don't understand." She asked, gasping for her final breaths.
Donald looked down at her, hands crimson red and still holding pieces of busted flesh.
"It's Mr.President." He said, as he turned and walked out the door.
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