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Brody jumps and does a totally different thing
Brody's views on racism and stuff annoys me
Aeden is being semi-rude but only because Brody is jumping around
neither of you are listening to the other on what you're talking about and its just coming across as a mess and is making the argument unnecessarily vicious
Aeden using fucking statistics can come to a basis to data that he can compare for all countries so in a way Aeden is right
Brody is also right because Aeden couldn't possibly use the limited data factors to compare countries so radically different
every factor is too much to take into account which is why studies like this are rarely conducted if ever
Aeden admits he was trying to rile Brody up but Brody so focused on a totally different word that wasn't meant to rile him up which honestly was so pointless
both talk about what is causing tension and yet somehow the problem still arises and at this point I don't know why ya'll try
Brody takes everything as a belittlement, while, yes it does sometimes come off that way, however it is not always meant to belittle. That is just how fancy-pants talks when he goes into debate mode
Aeden's tangent thing is hella annoying btw (I do like the vocabulary use of it. I had to goggle because i had no idea it had more than a math use)
you two got so far off topic and i just literally can't with this like why am i reading this at this point because its over and its really just making me mad

Also my view on this is the age should be lowered but my only concern with this is that then since i'm currently yearning to do it and i still have so far to go. I'm afraid the want to drink will develop in kids starting at a younger age than it does now. Maybe they'll just be fine and it won't be as much as a violation since they won't have to wait so long, but still. A minor solution would be to make the laws on underage drinking more harsh than they are now to combat the thought of getting a drink at a young age along with the laws already in association with those or make new ones. Or you could do what some other countries have done and change the legal driving age to something higher and lower the drinking age. this can solve problems temporarily to where young adults can drink now and we don't have to worry about some driving since they don't know how to yet. An obvious downside is that some kids need to drive to support themselves or their families or with extracurricular activities. While another downside is that in the event that a young adult under the influence does try t drive while under influence their already limited driving experience or limited driving knowledge will make it even more deadly to one who does know how to maneuver while not under, or under, the influence. Another would be that by the time they enter the world as an "adult" they won't have much road experience resulting is a possibility of more accidents while sober aswell.

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