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Aşağıda örnek olarak 32 dilbilgisi sorusu verildi. Yanıtlar sorulardan sonra gelmektedir.
1. The very idea of establishing a literary "canon" has become ..... controversial that the people running the Library of America have wisely avoided using the term.
A) too
B) as
C) such
D) so
E) more
1. The very idea of establishing a literary "canon" has become so controversial that the people running the Library of America have wisely avoided using the term.
so + adjective + that. Yanıt D.
2. Had they apologized for deliberately overcharging me, I ..... a complaint with the Consumers' Rights Office.
A) will not have filed
B) may not have filed
C) would not have filed
D) was not filing
E) may not file
2. Had they apologized for deliberately overcharging me, I would not have filed a complaint with the Consumers' Rights Office.
Third condition, devrik yapı. Yanıt C.
3. He is diplomatically qualified ..... to negotiate for a mutual reduction of the armed forces in the region.
A) enough
B) though
C) as well as
D) not only
E) also
3. He is diplomatically qualified enough to negotiate for a mutual reduction of the armed forces in the region.
adjective + enough to + V. Yanıt A.
4. As he was not satisfied with the contents of the document, he declined to sign it, and none of the members attempted to persuade him to, ..... .
A) also
B) too
C) as well
D) either
E) yet

4. As he was not satisfied with the contents of the document, he declined to sign it, and none of the members attempted to persuade him to, either.
Olumsuz özne (None of the members). Yanıt D.
5. They haven't met for twelve years or more, but I understand they still write to ..... at regular intervals.
A) the other
B) each other
C) themselves
D) the others
E) one other
5. They haven't met for twelve years or more, but I understand they still write to each other at regular intervals.
Tümcenin öznesi çoğul. A seçeneği tekile değiniyor; C seçeneği kendilerine, D seçeneği de başka kişilere yazdıklarını anlatıyor; E seçeneğinin one other + noun olması gerekir. Yanıt B.
6. Economic recession and rising unemployment, coupled ..... continued increases ..... retail food prices, have curtailed consumption.
A) with / in
B) through / through
C) by / for
D) at / about
E) within / over
6. Economic recession and rising unemployment, coupled with continued increases in retail food prices, have curtailed consumption.
couple + with; increase + in + nesne. Yanıt A. increase + in yapısı 26. soruda da geçmekte.
7. In Ethiopia, primitive farming practices and uncontrolled clearing of natural vegetation have transformed much of the country's highlands ..... bare landscapes, all but destroyed ..... erosion.
A) above / of
B) for / with
C) into / by
D) in / under
E) to / at
7. In Ethiopia, primitive farming practices and uncontrolled clearing of natural vegetation have transformed much of the country's highlands into bare landscapes, all but destroyed by erosion.
transform + into. Yanıt C.
8. When the relief workers reached the scene of the disaster, they immediately began to help ..... who could do nothing for ..... .
A) that / himself
B) them / their
C) those / themselves
D) these / themselves
E) us / yourself
8. When the relief workers reached the scene of the disaster, they immediately began to help those who could do nothing for themselves.
Boşluk sonrasındaki who sözcüğünden ötürü boşluğa insan(lar)a yönelik bir sözcük gelmeli. A seçeneğinde that + man/woman/.. olmalıydı; B seçeneğinde their yanlış çünkü iyelik taşıyor; D en yakın çeldirici, ancak these sözcüğü şu an yakınlarda olanları ("bunlar") gösterir, oysa olay çoktan bitmiş; E seçeneğinde us ve themself uyumsuz. Yanıt C
9. Under these circumstances he should never have been allowed to take charge of the operation ..... he was the most senior of the officers available.
A) whyever
B) whether
C) even though
D) whenever
E) so that
9. Under these circumstances he should never have been allowed to take charge of the operation even though he was the most senior of the officers available.
"He should never have been allowed ... he was the the most senior officer". Çelişkili durum anlatılmakta. Yanıt C.
10. Why can't you admit that, ..... hard he works, he will never manage to achieve what his elder brother has achieved?
A) unless
B) whatsoever
C) though
D) whenever
E) however
10. Why can't you admit that, however hard he works, he will never manage to achieve what his elder brother has achieved?
however + adjective/adverb + tümce. Yanıt E.
11. Clifford Goertz, probably ..... famous anthropologist in the world today, has revolutionized the way anthropology is taught on campuses.
A) more
B) most
C) the most
D) the more
E) a
11. Clifford Goertz, probably the most famous anthropologist in the world today, has revolutionized the way anthropology is taught on campuses.
Bir başka kişi ile kıyaslama yok. Yanıt C.
12. Many more people would doubtless have attended the debate ..... they had known in advance who the principal speakers were.
A) if only
B) while
C) since
D) after
E) until
12. Many more people would doubtless have attended the debate if only they had known in advance who the principal speakers were.
Third condition. Yanıt A.
13. In recent decades the efficiency of the United Nations ..... by a growing number of countries.
A) will have been questioned
B) was questioned
C) had been questioned
D) would be questioned
E) has been questioned
13. In recent decades the efficiency of the United Nations has been questioned by a growing number of countries.
Tümcedeki recent sözcüğünden ötürü present perfect. Yanıt E.
14. It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge ..... by the Ministry.
A) would have been announced
B) would be announced
C) are being announced
D) will have been announced
E) have been announced
14. It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge will have been announced by the Ministry.
Tümcedeki by zaman gösteren sözcüğünden ötürü ana tümcede past perfect veya future perfect olmalı. Yanıt D.
15. They set up a liaison office in East Africa for marketing their goods but now they wish they ..... so.
A) had not done
B) have not done
C) would not do
D) would not have done
E) never do
15. They set up a liaison office in East Africa for marketing their goods but now they wish they had not done so.
Pişmanlık. Third condition gibi olmalı. Yanıt A.
16. I was forced to admit that there was a drop in sales towards the end of the year ..... he had predicted.
A) such as
B) even so
C) in case
D) just as
E) so far as
16. I was forced to admit that there was a drop in sales towards the end of the year just as he had predicted.
En yakın çeldirici E. Yanıt D (Similarity Clause)
17. We ..... no problems whatsoever with the dam since it ..... forty years ago.
A) had / has been constructed
B) have had / was constructed
C) had had / had been constructed
D) are having / is constructed
E) were having / was being constructed
17. We have had no problems whatsoever with the dam since it was constructed forty years ago.
since + simple past; tümce present perfect. Yanıt B.
18. It was foolish of me to turn down such an offer; in fact ..... I think about it ..... I regret it.
A) as much / so much more
B) the more / as much
C) much / as much
D) the most / so much
E) the more / the more
18. It was foolish of me to turn down such an offer; in fact the more I think about it the more I regret it.
Üzerinde düşünme arttıkça pişmanlık artmakta. Birbirine bağımlı kıyas. Yanıt E.
19. The scheme has been ..... consideration for a long time now, but I doubt whether it will ever be put ..... effect.
A) under / into
B) within / through
C) for / to
D) in / off
E) over / over
19. The scheme has been under consideration for a long time now, but I doubt whether it will ever be put into effect.
put + into + effect. Yanıt A.
20. It was ..... his efforts that the two sides finally agreed to hold talks ..... the principle of economic cooperation.
A) by / through
B) over / for
C) through/ on
D) with / at
E) without / from
20. It was through his efforts that the two sides finally agreed to hold talks on the principle of economic cooperation.
İlk boşluk açısından en yakın çeldirici A, yanıt ise C.
21. There ..... many efforts to eradicate racism, but very little success ..... .
A) were / had been achieved
B) had been / has been achieved
C) have been / has been achieved
D) are / was achieved
E) may be / will have been achieved
21. There has been many efforts to eradicate racism, but very little success has been achieved.
Tartışmalı bir soru. Zaman gösteren hiç bir yapı olmadığı için A seçeneğinin ve C seçeneğinin doğru olduklarını söyleyebilirsiniz. Dilbilgisel açıdan bu doğru olsa bile anlamsal olarak C doğru yanıt. A seçeneğinde ikinci bölümün past perfect olması hatalı. Burada was achieved gerekirdi, çünkü önce çaba sarfedildi, sonra başarısızlık geldi.
22. Evaporation ..... the process by which a solid or liquid ..... into vapour by heat.
A) had been / resolved
B) was / had resolved
C) has been / was resolved
D) may be / has resolved
E) is / is resolved
22. Evaporation is the process by which a solid or liquid is resolved into vapour by heat.
Herşeyden önce, by heat yapısından ötürü edilgen yapı gerekir. Seçenekler içinde bir tek C ve E seçeneklerinde edilgen var. Tümce doğal, her zaman gerçekleşebilecek bir durumu anlattığı için yanıt E.
23. The Etruscans, who ..... a great part of Italy about 900 B.C., ..... from Asia Minor.
A) had colonized / originally came
B) colonized / had originally come
C) were colonized / have originally come
D) have colonized / originally come
E) were colonizing / might originally come
23. The Etruscans, who colonized a great part of Italy about 900 B.C., had originally come from Asia Minor.
Etrüskler önce Asia Minor'dan (=Anadolu) geldiler, sonra Italya'nın büyük bir bölümünü kolonileştirdiler. Yanıt B.
24. The orders were that we ..... the area within hours to prevent further loss of life.
A) had evacuated
B) have to evacuate
C) will have evacuated
D) had to evacuate
E) shall have to evacuate
24. The orders were that we had to evacuate the area within hours to prevent further loss of life.
Bir noun clause tümce. Ana yüklem simple past olduğu için boşluğa gelecek eylemin de past olması gerekir. B, C ve E seçenekleri elenir. Tümcenin öznesi emir ve bir zorunluluk durumu da D seçeneğinde var.
25. He ..... his paper by saying that the entire history of the human race ..... by transfers of cultural and technological advance from one civilization to another.
A) concluded / had been marked
B) concludes / would have been marked
C) has concluded / was marked
D) had concluded / is marked
E) will conclude / was being marked
25. He concluded his paper by saying that the entire history of the human race had been marked by transfers of cultural and technological advance from one civilization to another.
Tümce bir noun clause. İlk boşluğa past tense bir eylem gelirse, ikinci boşluk da past olmalı. "Entire history of human race" henüz sona ermediğine göre, bu kişi şu an konuşuyor olsa "Entire history of human race has been marked by ..." derdi. A seçeneği, bu tümcenin aktarım (= reported) hali.
26. The advance in the steel industry has been marked ..... a progressive increase ..... size, complexity and capital outlay.
A) at / of
B) with / to
C) over / from
D) by / in
E) under / through
26. The advance in the steel industry has been marked by a progressive increase in size, complexity and capital outlay.
Tümcenin yüklemi edilgen. Bu durumda ilk aranacak sözcük by olmalı. Yanıt D. increase + in yapısı 6. soruda da geçmekte.
27. The answer to the question ..... great art can exist independently of religion will, ..... depends on society's moral and aesthetic values.
A) what / in the same way
B) even if / in due course
C) whether / to a large extent
D) so that / in short
E) since / now and again
27. The answer to the question whether great art can exist independently of religion will, to a large extent depends on society's moral and aesthetic values.
Tümcenin ana yüklemi depends on. "The answer to the question" bölümünden sonra gelen bölümün, bu sorunun ne olduğunu açıklaması gerekir. Bu durumda da ilk boşluğa gelecek sözcük bir soru sözcüğü olmalı. Bir tek A (what) ve C (whether) soru sözcükleri taşımakta. Bunun ardından anlam açısından bir niceleme yapılması gerekir. Yanıt C.
28. Thailand has lost half of its forests ..... its population has ..... doubled in recent decades.
A) as / more than
B) just as / mostly
C) so as / soon
D) in case / quite
E) because of / much
28. Thailand has lost half of its forests as its population has more than doubled in recent decades.
İlk boşluktan sonra bir tümce gelmekte. Bu durumda C ve E elenir (so as + to, because of + noun/-ing). D seçeneği anlamsal olarak yanlış, bir koşul durumu yok. En yakın çeldirici olan B seçeneği tümceye yerleştirilirse ikinci boşluğa gelen mostly sözcüğü ile doubled sözcüğü uyuşmamakta, çünkü mostly = often. Yanıt A. (as = because / when)
29. Holding a yellow umbrella in his hand he said he didn't know ..... it was, and added that it was not ......
A) which / him
B) whose / his
C) who / her
D) whom / us
E) that / theirs
29. Holding a yellow umbrella in his hand he said he didn't know whose it was, and added that it was not his .
Şemsiyenin sahibi soruşturuluyor. Yanıt B.
30. The Deputy Prime Minister announced today that it was ..... early to propose amendments in the legislation concerning industrial relations.
A) as well as
B) just so
C) just as
D) as soon as
E) as yet too
30. The Deputy Prime Minister announced today that it was as yet too early to propose amendments in the legislation concerning industrial relations.
too + adj./adv. + to + V. Yanıt E.
31. Activists are these in a political movement who insist on taking active steps towards their objectives, ..... merely putting forward an action programme.
A) in order to
B) rather than
C) as far as
D) in that
E) so long as
31. Activists are these in a political movement who insist on taking active steps towards their objectives, rather than merely putting forward an action programme.
Seçenekleri eleyerek gitmek en iyisi. Boşluktan sonra Ving gelmekte; burada insist on taking .... (insist on) putting yapısı mevcut. A seçeneğinde to + V gerekir. C seçeneğinde as far as + tümce. D seçeneğinde in that + tümce. E seçeneğinde so long as + tümce. Yanıt B.
32. If our delegates hadn't shown themselves willing to come to terms, those from other countries ..... .
A) would be, too
B) wouldn't have, either
C) had not, either
D) have had, too
E) would have, too
32. If our delegates hadn't shown themselves willing to come to terms, those from other countries wouldn't have, either.
Third condition. Yan tümcenin yüklemi olumsuz olduğu için en yakın çeldirici olan E seçeneğindeki too yanlış. Yanıt B.
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