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Number of Players

There must be at least five players. I know it’s a lot but hey, it’s worth it.


Now, you will all be assuming the identity of a Hamilton character. To determine this, put at least these five names in a hat (or whatever)

King George III

Aaron Burr

Alexander Hamilton

George Washington

Marquis de Lafayette

If you have more players add more characters like Mulligan, Laurens, Angelica, Eliza, etc. If you have too many people, make teams where there are allowed to be two people of one character and they just have to work together. (but I seriously doubt you’ll have this many people in a casual gathering) Draw. (note: You may want to label yourselves so everyone can see on first glance which character you are. Make sure you can change the labels, you will be changing characters in this game)


You must now fill two buckets with water balloons. These buckets are for King and Burr. Place them in the middle of the playing area next to each other. They are the “taggers”.

Everyone else gets one water gun.

Game Play

The game starts when King and Burr are facing each other and count to ten while the others go hide. King and Burr then take one balloon out of their buckets and begin to search.

A player may choose to attack King or Burr by squirting them. The tagger then tries to hit the attacker with their water balloon. If the tagger misses them, the tagger must shout a line from any song in Hamilton (except the line at the end of a song). If the attacker replies the correct next line, the attacker and tagger then switch places. The new tagger will then go and get his own water balloon (note: a tagger may only have one water balloon) No one is allowed to attack a tagger if they have no water balloon

If the tagger hits the attacker with their water balloon, or the attacker fails to reply with the correct line, the tagger will take their water gun from the player and that player will not be allowed to attack a tagger again. The water gun will be placed next to a water balloon bucket.

When a tagger discovers a player, the goal is to successfully hit them with the water balloon. If the tagger misses and the player chooses not to attack, they must go back and retrieve another balloon. (If player does attack, use the same rules as used before) When a tagger hits a player without a water gun (or fails to reply with the correct line), that player is then out.

The game ends when the taggers have emptied their buckets or all the other characters are out. If all the characters are out, the taggers win.

If the buckets are emptied first, you must count how many people changed character with the taggers. If everyone changed with the taggers, the taggers win. If there is still a player who has not changed, the “hiding” players win.

Special Character Perks

Alexander Hamilton – My Shot

If the person playing Alexander Hamilton is hit, he may shout “I’M NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT” and may keep his gun. The person playing him may only do this once. If the tagger becomes Alexander and the former player had already used “his shot”, the new player will regain it. (note: if the tagger becomes a character and the former player did not have a water gun, the new tagger must escort the new character to the “gun pile” so he may retrieve one safely)

George Washington – Right Hand Man

The person who plays George Washington has the ability to command. But they may only command one character at a time. That player must do everything George tells them to do. George may choose to free the character and choose another to take their place at any time.

Marquis de Lafayette – Come Back With More Guns

If Lafayette is able to sneak to the “gun pile”, he may steal them if he isn’t caught. He may then stash the guns somewhere and redistribute them throughout the players. (note: a tagger may not “guard” the gun pile, but they may “keep watch” at a reasonable distance and time)

Aaron Burr – Talk Less

If Burr thinks Alexander is nearby, he may call “Talk less” and Alexander must return with “Smile more”. Burr may only use this call three times. (note: if the players switch, the new Burr will regain the three calls, but he must count to ten before using them on the new Alexander)

King George III – Washington’s Yielding His Power/I Know Him

If King George and President George meet, King George may call “George Washington’s yielding his power and stepping away!” Then the two Georges will switch characters. If President George does not have a gun, the new King George must escort him to retrieve a water gun.

Also, if the character John Adams happens to be playing, King George may shout, “I KNOW HIM!” and John Adams must attack King George.

Hercules Mulligan – I Smuggle It

If there is a player playing Mulligan, they may steal the waters balloons from the buckets if they are not caught. They may only steal one at a time and no one is allowed to use them. Mulligan must hide the water balloons in one spot inside the playing area. He may not move them once a spot is decided. If a tagger finds the stash, they may take back the stolen balloons. (note: no one must attack a tagger if they have more than one balloon)

John Laurens – Give Us a Verse

If there is a player playing Laurens, they may call out to Burr, “Give us a verse! Drop some knowledge!” Burr must then sit down. Laurens must go in front of him and walk ten paces away. If Burr hits him, Laurens must give up his gun, or if he doesn’t have one, he is out. If Burr misses, he must stay sitting and count to ten. During that time, Laurens may run away, or “shoot” him all anyone wants until he is finished counting. (Use for optimal drenching ;) )

Eliza Schuyler/Hamilton – Stay Alive

If there is a player playing Eliza, they may bring someone who is out back into the game. The returning player may not have his gun back (unless it is provided by Lafayette). The player playing Eliza may only use this power once. If they switch with the tagger, the new Eliza will regain this power.

Angelica Schuyler — I’m Not Here For You

If there is a player playing Angelica, they may bring only Eliza back in. This means that if there is a player playing Eliza and they are out or have lost their water gun, the player playing Angelica may bring Eliza back in or get their water gun back. The player playing Angelica may also, if they are hit with a water balloon after they have lost their water gun, evade being out by singing, “I’m not here for you!” They can do both things only once. If they switch with the tagger, the new Angelica will regain both powers.

Philip Hamilton — The Duel Will Commence

If there is a player playing Philip, and that player becomes a tagger, they may keep their gun as a tagger. It can be used for the same function as a water balloon with the same rules, but this player MUST be AT LEAST TEN FEET AWAY for the attacker they have used the water gun on to lose their water gun or be out. The water gun can only be used thrice. The next Philip must take a water gun from the water gun pile, and when, if the player this tagger becomes has a water gun, the tagger becomes another player, they must put their old water gun back in the pile.

Thomas Jefferson — Never Gonna Be President Now

If there is a player playing Thomas Jefferson, and they see that the two Georges are switching characters, they may shout, “Never gonna be president now!” Instead of the two Georges switching, King George III and Jefferson switch characters. As it is only possible for this to be used once, there is no limit to how many times this can be used.

James Madison — Highlights!

If there is a player playing Madison, and they are discovered by one of the taggers, they may call out, “Highlights!” if they know where another attacker has hidden. The tagger may not attack them; instead, the player playing Madison is to show them where the other attacker is hiding. After they have done this, the tagger must let them go free, and Madison may find another hiding space if they wish. Madison may do this only thrice. If they switch with the tagger, the new Madison regains the power.

Maria Reynolds — I Don’t Have the Means to Go On

If there is a player playing Maria, and they get out or lose their water gun, they may force any other attacker to go out instead of them or give them their water gun. The player playing Maria may use this twice: Once for if she loses her water gun, and once for if she gets out. If they switch with the tagger, the new Maria regains both powers.

Samuel Seabury — The King Shows You His Mercy

If there is a character playing Samuel Seabury, and they are found by King George III, neither character may attack the other.

Charles Lee — Retreat

If there is a player playing Charles Lee, they may call out to any tagger or attacker in the midst of a fight or about to fight, “Retreat!” When this player does this, they may take any attacking characters’ weapons: a water gun or a water balloon. They may only take one water balloon at a time. If the player playing Lee doesn’t have a water gun, he keeps the gun. Any extra guns must be given to Lafayette. Lee may use any water balloons they take, but if they get out or collect over three, they must give all water balloons to Mulligan.
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