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nickname (n) tên hiệu; tên riêng (a name given to someone, especially by their friends or family, that is not their real name and is often connected with what they look like or something they have done)
small talk (n) chuyện phiếm (polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects)
address (n) cach xung ho ( the way to use a particular title or name when speaking or writing to someone)
affiliate (n) a company, an organization, etc. that is connected with or controlled by another larger one (công ty chi nhánh)
etiquette (n) the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group (phép xã giao, nghi lễ, nghi thức)
clarify (v) to make something clearer or easier to understand (làm cho sáng sủa dễ hiểu)
promptly (adv) on time, at the right time without being late (đúng giờ, không chậm trễ)
refrain from doing sth (v) to not do something that you want to do (cố nhịn, cố nín, kiềm chế)
customary (adj) the way they usually do things (thông thường, theo lệ thường, thành thói quen)
casual (adj, n) not formal or not for a formal situation (tự nhiên, không trịnh trọng, bình thường)
dietary (adj) related to the food someone eats ((thuộc) chế độ ăn uống; chế độ ăn kiêng)
requirement (n) something that someone needs or asks for (nhu cầu, sự đòi hỏi, yêu cầu)
front desk (n) the desk where visitors go when they arrive at a hotel or organization (bàn lễ tân)
buffet (n) a meal at a party or other occasion, in which people serve themselves at a table and then move away to eat (tiệc đứng)
coffee break (n) a short time when you stop working to have a cup of coffee (giờ nghỉ để uống cà phê, giờ nghỉ để giải khát)
run smoothly (v) there is no problem (tiến hành một cách êm ả; một cách trôi chảy)
etiquette (n) phép xã giao, nghi lễ, nghi thức (rules of polite behaviours)
cultural literacy (n) kien thuc / hieu biet ve van hoa (knowing about and respecting the culture of others and following their rules of etiquette when interating with them)
table manner (n) rules of polite bahaviour when eating with other people (van hoa an uong / van hoa am thuc)
punctuality (n) the social rules about being on time (tính đúng giờ (không chậm trễ))
impolite (adj) not polite, rude (vô lễ, bất lịch sự, thiếu lễ độ)
offensive (adj) extremely rude or impolite (xúc phạm, làm mất lòng; làm nhục, sỉ nhục)
customary (adj) usual or traditional in a particular culture (thông thường, theo lệ thường, thành thói quen)
taboo (n) a taboo subject, word, activity etc is one that people avoid because it is extremely offensive or embarrassing
(điều cấm kỵ, sự kiêng kỵ)
disrespectful (adj) lack of respect for someone or something (thiếu tôn trọng, bất kính)
modestly (adv) modest clothing covers the body in a way that does not attract sexual interest (kin dao)
amateur (adj) someone who does an activity just for pleasure, not as their job (nghiep du)
forbid (v) to tell someone that they are not allowed to do something, or that something is not allowed (cấm, ngăn cấm)
remove (v) to take off a piece of clothing (hat/shoes) (bỏ ra, tháo ra)
formality (n) careful attention to polite behaviour and language in formal situations (tính cách hình thức)
awareness (n) knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation (sự nhận thức)
schedule (n) a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it (bảng giờ giấc, biểu thời gian)
unbelievably (adv) not easy to believe (một cách khó tin, rất nhiều)
incredibly (adv) in a way that is hard to believe (khó tin nổi, đáng kinh ngạc, đến nỗi không ngờ)
really (adv) very (rất nhiều)
so (adv) used to emphasize how great a feeling or quality is, or how large an amount is (rất)
pretty (adv) fairly or more than a little (khá là)
chameleon (n) con tắc kè hoa
dating (n) (appointment, meeting, engagement) sự hẹn hò, sự hẹn gặp
motto (n) a favorite saying of a sect or political group (khẩu hiệu; phương châm, đề từ)
if it isn't broken, don't fix it if something is working OK, then don't change anything (đừng lợn lành chữa lợn què)
Easy does it used to tell someone to be more careful and slow, especially in moving (hãy cẩn trọng)
adapt (v) thích nghi
out with the old, in with the new có mới nới cũ (someone looks forward to and can make changes easily)
formal (adj) very polite, and is used in official or important situations, or with people you do not know well (theo nghi lễ, theo thể thức, theo nghi thức, theo thủ tục; trang trọng)
discourteous (adj) not polite, and not showing respect for other people (bất lịch sự, thiếu lễ độ; thô lỗ)
notify (v) to formally or officially tell someone about something (thông báo, cho biết)
seating (n) the places where people will sit, according to an arrangement (sự sắp xếp chỗ ngồi; chỗ để ngồi; ghế ngồi)
confusion (n) when you do not understand what is happening or what something means because it is not clear (sự lộn xôn, sự hỗn độn, sự rối loạn)
to lean forward (v) to move or bend your body forward (ngả người về phía trước)
depart (v) to leave (rời khỏi, cáo biệt, ra về)
entire (adj) all of a group, period of time, amount etc (toàn bộ, toàn thể)
to be in a hurry to do sth more quickly than usual (vội vàng, hối hả, gấp rút)
emergency (n) an unexpected and dangerous situation that must be dealt with immediately (y học) trường hợp cấp cứu)
dental (adj) relating to your teeth ((thuộc) răng)
what if (conj) supposing (something should happen) (giả sử rằng...)
overseas (adj, adv) to or in a foreign country that is across the sea (ở nước ngoài)
rinse (v) to clean quickly with water (súc, rửa)
to be in good shape (n) to be in good condition (trong tình trạng tốt)
temporary (adj) intended to be used for only a limited period of time (tạm thời, nhất thời)
filling (n) a small amount of metal that is put into your tooth to cover a hole (sự hàn răng)
gums (n) nướu răng, lợi
to be swollen (adj) a part of your body that is swollen is bigger than usual, especially because you are ill or injured (sưng phồng)
to be loose (adj) not firmly fastened in place (lỏng, không chặt, rời ra, lung lay)
moist (ạdj) slightly wet (ẩm)
compress (n) a small thick piece of material that you put on part of someone's body to stop blood flowing out or to make it less painful
((y học) gạc)
painkiller (n) a medicine which reduces or removes pain (thuốc giảm đau)
washcloth (n) small square cloth used for washing your hands and face
remedy (n) a medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very serious (cách điều trị, phương pháp cứu chữa )
bother (v) to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when they are trying to do something (làm buồn bực, làm phiền, quấy rầy)
to make an appoinment with sb (n) an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for a particular purpose (sự hẹn gặp)
symptom (n) something wrong with your body or mind which shows that you have a particular illness (triệu chứng)
dizzy (adj) feeling unable to stand steadily, for example because you are looking down from a high place or because you are ill (hoa mắt, choáng váng, chóng mặt)
nauseous (adj) feeling that you are going to vomit (buồn nôn)
nausea (n) the feeling that you have when you think you are going to vomit (=bring food up from your stomach through your mouth) (sự buồn nôn; sự lộn mửa)
weak (adj) not physically strong (yếu, yếu ớt)
short of breath (adj) hụt hơi, khó thở
vomit (v) to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your mouth, because you are ill (nôn, mửa)
cough (v) ho
sneeze (v) hắt xì hơi
wheeze (v) thở khò khè
to have pain in... (v) the feeling you have when part of your body hurts (bị đau ở...)
chest (n) ngực
hip (n) hông
ribs (n) mạng sườn
stomach (n) dạy dày
bother (v) to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when they are trying to do something (làm buồn bực, làm phiền, quấy rầy)
checkup (n) a general medical examination that a doctor or dentist gives you to make sure you are healthy (cuộc kiểm tra sức khỏe)
X-ray (n) chụp X quang
EKG (n) điện tim đồ
shot (n) mũi tiêm
injection (n) mũi tiêm, phát tiêm
blood test (n) sự thử máu
phone/ring/call in sick (v) phone to say you are not coming to work because you are ill
awful (adj) very bad, terrible (dễ sợ, khủng khiếp)
procedure (n) a way of doing something (thủ tục)
conventional (n) western medicine (thuốc Tây y)
homeopathy (n) a system of medicine in which a disease is treated by giving extremely small amounts of a substance that causes the disease ((y học) phép chữa vi lượng đồng cân)
remedy (n) a medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very serious (thuốc, phương thuốc; cách điều trị)
source (n) a thing, place, activity etc that you get something from (nguồn, nguồn gốc)
herbal therapy (n) treatment using plants (liệu pháp chữa trị bằng thảo dược)
ailment (n) an illness that is not very serious (sự ốm đau bệnh tật)
acupuncture (n) a treatment for pain and disease that involves pushing special needles into parts of the body (thuật châm cứu)
needle (n) kim châm
insert (v) to put something inside or into something else (lồng vào, gài vào)
relieve (v) to reduce someone's pain or unpleasant feelings
(làm nhẹ bớt, giảm bớt )
restore health (v) to bring back a positive feeling that a person or a group of people felt before (phục hồi sức khỏe)
therapy (n) the treatment of an illness or injury over a fairly long period of time (phép chữa bệnh)
spiritual (n) relating to your spirit rather than to your body or mind ((thuộc) tinh thần, (thuộc) linh hồn, (thuộc) tâm hồn)
healing (n) the treatment of illness using natural powers or prayer rather than medicine (liệu pháp tinh thần)
meditation (n) the practice of emptying your mind of thoughts and feelings, in order to relax completely or for religious reasons (sự ngồi thiền, sự ngẫm nghĩ, sự trầm ngâm, sự trầm tư mặc tưởng)
practitioner (n) someone who works as a doctor (thầy thuốc đang hành nghề)
acupuncturist (n) chuyên gia về khoa châm cứu
spiritual healer (n) bác sĩ theo liệu pháp tinh thần
painkiller (n) a medicine which reduces or removes pain (thuốc giảm đau)
cold tablets (n) (thuốc cảm)
nasal spray (n) (thuốc xịt mũi)
decongestant (n) medicine that you can take if you have a cold, to help you breathe more easily (thuốc làm thông mũi)
eye drops (n) special liquid which you put into your eyes because they are sore or dry, or as a medical treatment (thuốc nhỏ mắt)
antihistamine (n) a drug that is used to treat an allergy (=an unpleasant reaction to particular foods, substances etc) (thuốc kháng histamin, thuốc chữa dị ứng)
cough medicine (n) thuốc ho
antibiotic (n) a drug that is used to kill bacteria and cure infections (thuốc kháng sinh)
antacid (n) a substance that gets rid of the burning feeling in your stomach when you have eaten too much, drunk too much alcohol etc ((y học) làm giảm độ axit, chống axit, thuốc chống đầy bụng)
ointment (n) a soft cream that you rub into your skin, especially as a medical treatment (thuốc mỡ)
vitamins (n) any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism (vitamin)
dosage (n) the amount of a medicine or drug that you should take at one time, especially regularly (liều lượng)
warning (n) a message informing of danger (lời cảnh báo)
side effect (n) an effect that a drug has on your body in addition to curing pain or illness (tác dụng phụ)
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